Agenda and minutes

Consideration of site allocations for the draft Local Plan, Strategic Planning Committee - Monday, 23rd September, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Blackdown House, Honiton

Contact: Wendy Harris  01395 517542; email


No. Item


Declarations of interest

Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest


Minute 176 Site Otry_09

Cllr J Bailey declared an Other Registerable Interest as a Devon County Councillor, and the site is owned by Devon County Council.


Minute 189 Site Brcl_26

Cllr P Fernley declared an affects and prejudicial NRI as her home address is close to the site.


Minute 176 Site Otry_18
Cllr M Howe declared an Affects NRI as his sister lives in the area but won’t be affected to a greater extent than anyone else in the area.


Public speaking

Information on public speaking is available online



A statement was read out on behalf of Mr Bob Nelson, the Chairman of Broadhembury Parish Council.  This set out the Parish Council’s support of Brhe_04; but did not support Brhe_05 and Brhe_07 on the grounds of heritage and landscape impacts that cannot be overcome.  The Parish Council did not support Brhe_09 and had provided an extensive letter covering the reasons. The BUAB follows no natural topographical feature and departs from the National Landscape boundary.


The statement included comments from the Blackdown Hills Parish Network, stating that they felt that “service villages” should be allowed to serve the hinterland of the hamlets they support.


Comments from the Blackdown Hills National Landscape urged the committee to urge the Council as planning authority to work with the two Protected Landscapes to determine how the Act may work in practice and asked that development in Protected Landscapes complies with the law.


Cllr Pullman provided general comments on concern of eroding the green wedge between settlements of Ottery St Mary and West Hill.  The impact of proposed allocation would mean an additional 800 plus cars and heavy plant vehicles using unsuitable roads.


A statement was read out on behalf of Chris Booker, Co-Chair of the Oil Mill Lane Residents Association. They were not in support of the related sites and welcomed the working group’s agreement that the allocations should not be supported.  A number of reasons for the sites being unsustainable or viable were outlined to the committee, including loss of food production land.



Matters of urgency

Information on matters of urgency is available online





Confidential/exempt item(s)

To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including the Press) have been excluded. Thereare no itemswhich officersrecommendshould be dealtwithin thisway.





Proposed Housing and Employment Allocations - Ottery St Mary and surrounds pdf icon PDF 3 MB


The committee considered the site allocations for Ottery St Mary and surrounding areas, as set out in the minutes below.


Ottery St Mary site selection report pdf icon PDF 7 MB


Otry_01 Barrack Farm

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 469

Officer recommendation: Allocate Otry_01b 70 dwellings and 1.25ha employment land


Cllr Grainger from Ottery St Mary Town Council spoke on the potential of the site, but balanced that with the impacts of development on the area. If the site went forward, he commented that this would be sufficient for the town requirement.


Ward Member Cllr Johns objected to the site, stating reasons of the lack of secondary school places, impact on the green wedge, and the scales of housing was too large for the town to accommodate after already rapid growth.


Ward Member Cllr Faithfull reminded the committee of the green wedge designation in the town’s neighbourhood plan. If developed, this would lead to isolated residents with limited public transport access, as well as an adverse impact visually in the area.


Committee debated the balance of housing need across the sites proposed for the town, including the scale of Otry_01a being too large and too rapid growth for the current and planned infrastructure.


A proposal to move on for Otry_01a, and include for allocation Otry_01b was made by Cllr B Collins, seconded by Cllr Ingham


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation in consideration of Otry_01a.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Otry_01b in the site allocation.


Otry_09 Land at Thorn Farm, Exeter Road

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 90

Officer recommendation: Allocate


Cllr Grainger from Ottery St Mary Town Council advised of the urgent need for school places, and concerns of the site’s proximity to Cadhay.  The site should not be allocated for housing, but for a school.


Ward Member Cllr Johns objected to the site on grounds of the lack of school places, asking that the site in full be allocated only for educational use.


Ward Member Cllr Faithfull felt the site was too close to woodland and bog land that would be adversely impacted, and that the impact on the open countryside was unacceptable.


Officers clarified that a large proportion of the site had already been identified for education, and work was ongoing with Devon County Council (DCC) as to what form this would take.  A housing allocation on this site, owned by DCC, could help deliver the funding to deliver a school.  Less than half of the site could accommodate 90 dwellings, needing a landscape buffer between housing and education designation.


Cllr J Bailey raised concern on the risk of allocation of any of the site for housing, in case that adversely impacted on the delivery of educational facilities.

Committee discussed the educational need, requesting further clarity from DCC on their plans for the site.  The Chair proposed that the policy wording should be revisited following input from DCC, to express the intention for the development of educational facilities as a priority, with a housing element as a secondary requirement.


Committee recommended to include Otry_09 in the site allocation with the intention of the development of educational facilities as a priority,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 176.


Tipton St John site selection report pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Otry_04 Land south of Otter Close

Proposed use: Housing or school/5 self build

Number of dwellings: 45 or 5

Officer recommendation: Allocate noting possible relocation of school site


Ward Member Cllr Johns supported the allocation as a school site with five self-build plots.


Ward Member Cllr Faithfull outlined the impact of the B3176 and lack of pavements, alongside school commute impact. He felt the proposal of 45 dwellings was excessive for the size of the existing community.


The Chair proposed that the allocation be put forward for education, with five self-build plots.


Committee recommended to include Otry_04 in the site allocation as a site for education with 5 self-build plots.


Otry_06 Land next to 6 Coombe Vale

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 12

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Ward Member Cllr Johns agreed with the officer recommendation not to allocate.


Ward Member Cllr Faithfull supported the site allocation.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Otry_22 Coombe Bank

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 29

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Ward Member Cllr Faithfull offered some resolution by reducing roof height.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.



West Hill site selection report pdf icon PDF 9 MB


West_04 Land adjoining Wind Mill Lane

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 36

Officer recommendation: Allocate


Philip Shaw spoke on the previously failed planning applications, and the unsuitable access and high density.  The approaching narrow road with a blind bend was also unsafe.


Catherine Knee of Collier Planning spoke on behalf of the developer outlining the suitability of the site and Devon County Council had confirmed that there was capacity for development in the local primary school advising that financial contributions would be made towards secondary provision.


Cllr Pullman, representing West Hill Parish Council, advised that the site was outside the Built Up Area Boundary (BUAB) and did not have supporting infrastructure, limited facilities nearby, and being unsustainable.


Ward Member Cllr J Bailey felt the allocation was inconsistent with the spatial strategy and the tier 4 settlement. She was opposed to allocating the site.


Cllr Blakey proposed the allocation of the site, seconded by Cllr Howe.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include West_04 in the site allocation


West_18 Land north and east of Eastfield

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 30

Officer recommendation: Allocate


Simon Tofts, of Blue Cedar Homes, spoke about the current planning application that had no technical objections from Highways or South West Water. He advised that the site was deliverable.


Cllr Pullman, representing West Hill Parish Council, advised the site was outside the BUAB, with safety risks for those walking to school and the excessive distance to a bus stop.


Ward Member Cllr J Bailey felt the site was not sustainable, had a detrimental impact and did not comply with the spatial strategy.


Cllr Howe proposed allocation of the site, making reference to site West_04 links with the footpath on this site.  Cllr Jung seconded the proposal.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include West_18 in the site allocation


West_01 Land at Westhayes/Hayes End, Eastfield

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 4

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Cllr Pullman, representing West Hill Parish Council, agreed with the officer recommendation not to allocate.


Cllr J Bailey, picking up comments on sites sifted out of the proposals, asked for such sites to be referenced in the plan to make clear to the public that those sites had been discounted.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


West_20 Land adjoining Summerhill Broad Oak

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 36

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Cllr Pullman, representing West Hill Parish Council, advised the committee of the steep unlit road with no pavement to the site, as well as mature trees with preservation orders on the site.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


West_02 Adjacent junction of B3180 and Bendarroch Road

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings:20

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


West_03 Rear of Hasta-La-Vista, Windmill Lane

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 5

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


West_07 Land  ...  view the full minutes text for item 178.


Payhembury site selection report pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Payh_01 Slade Barton

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 15

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation


Payh_02 Behind playing fields EX14 3HR

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 14

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation


Payh_03 Markers Park

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 50

Officer recommendation: in part Allocate Payh_03a with 15 dwellings


Viv Game advised the committee that the constraints on the site determined by the Council in 2002 had not changed; local sewage was still overwhelmed, and the site was outside the neighbourhood plan area. The site was diverse in wildlife, with a number of recorded species recorded on the site.


Cllr Tim Cox, representing Payhembury Parish Council, advised that to include the site would increase the village size by 12%.  Existing sewage could not  cope with that and the local school was both full and with a waiting list.


Ward Member Cllr Richard Jefferies highlighted the demands for class Q barn conversions and the continuing sewage issues.


The committee were shown a view of the site from the approach road. The 2022 assessment had related to a larger site, but for this consideration the site had been split, with one area being suitable for approximately 15 dwellings.


The committee discussed aspects, with a proposal to move on failing.


Cllr B Collins proposed, seconded by Cllr C Brown, to allocate the site Payh_03a.

The Chair proposed to move on from site Payh_03b.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Payh_03a for 15 dwellings in the site allocation.


In considering Payh_03b, Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.



Plymtree site selection report pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Plym_01 Fordmore Farm

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 50

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Dan Roger of Bell Cornwall representing the landowner, stated that the southern side of the site could be allocated as that aspect was suitable and there were close local facilities.


Cllr Vellacott, representing Plymtree Parish Council, did not support the site on grounds of the scale and the adverse impact.


A proposal to move on was made by Cllr J Bailey, seconded by Cllr Davey


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation


Plym_03 Land north of school

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 30

Officer recommendation: Allocate


Stephen Hobday spoke against allocation, outlining local road safety issues in detail; he also spoke on flooding risk and that the area could not support growth with the current infrastructure.


James Persey spoke in support as the Landowner and advised that the local school was not at capacity. He felt the access was sufficient.


Cllr Vellacott, representing Plymtree Parish Council, did not support the site due to the lack of supporting infrastructure, and the scale was too large.


Ward Member Cllr Jefferies made reference to single track lanes which made the site unsuitable, and he agreed with the Parish Council view that the scale was too large in proportion to the size of the village. He suggested that a smaller number of dwellings should be considered.


The committee discussed the merits of an allocation with a smaller dwelling number of approximately 15, but that this may need further assessment before being put forward for allocation.


The Chair proposed that the site Plym_03 be allocated for approximately 15 homes and that officers propose an appropriate reduced boundary.


Committee agreed to allocate site Plym_03 for approximately 15 homes and officers to revisit the site boundary and bring the site back.


Plym_04 Land north of recreation ground

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 70

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Cllr Vellacott, representing Plymtree Parish Council, did not support the site due to the scale and impact on open countryside. The site acted as a divide between two communities and should be maintained.


A proposal to move on was made by Cllr Jung, seconded by Cllr Fernley


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Plym_05 Land west of Village Hall

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 43

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Cllr Vellacott, Plymtree Parish Council, did not support the site due to the proximity to the Manor House and the environmental impact on a green field site.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation



Broadhembury site selection report pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Brhe_04 Causeway End

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 8

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


The committee discussed the relationship between this site and Brhe_09 and the strong argument needed for putting forward any site under National Landscape status.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation


Brhe_05 The Old Orchard

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 10

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation


Brhe_07 Land south of the Vicarage

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 10

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation


Brhe_09 Land opposite Broadhembury Village Hall

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 10

Officer recommendation: Allocate


Ward Member Cllr Jefferies highlighted to the committee the heritage assets and the close proximity to a conservation area. The site was the gateway to the village, with land rising away denoting the start of the National Landscape. The scale of the proposal was also too large for the village.


Members were shown the view from the road to help understand the site.


Cllr Jung proposed to include the site, seconded by Cllr Blakey.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Brhe_09 in the site allocation



Feniton site selection report pdf icon PDF 5 MB


Otry_20 Land to south east of Bridge Cottages, Feniton

Proposed use: Employment land 4.64ha

Officer recommendation: Needs further consideration


Ward Member Cllr Johns sought clarity for the use of the site, as she was concerned that the whole site would end up being allocated for housing. She supported the employment element of the site.


Ward Member Cllr Faithfull had no objection to employment on the existing footprint of buildings on site, and did not support removal of the existing orchard.


The orchard on site was clarified as a fruit production orchard and would be removed if the site was developed.


Cllr Blakey proposed allocation of the site as mixed use; seconded by Cllr Howe.


Committee recommended to include Otry_20 as a mixed use site in the site allocation.


Feni_05 Land and buildings at Burland Mead

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 42

Officer recommendation: Allocate


Ross Bowen, on behalf of the landowner, outlined the range of dwellings for the site, including an element of affordable housing. The site had not been used for horticultural purposes for two decades, and was subject to a current planning application.


Miles Butler, representing Feniton Parish Council, explained that the Parish was in support in principle, but not of the current application being considered due to the density of housing.


Cllr Howe proposed inclusion of the site, seconded by Cllr Levine.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Feni_05 in the site allocation


GH/ED/38 Sherwood Cross (including Feni_09 and Feni_11)

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 225

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Miles Butler, representing Feniton Parish Council, outlined the previous finding of a planning enquiry that the site was not sustainable, and this had not changed since that finding in 2014.  Local infrastructure and pressure on school capacity would not support the scale of the proposal.  The site had previously been subject to an objection petition with over 500 signatures.


The Chair read out a statement by Wimpy Taylor in support of the site and the reasons why.


Cllr Jung informed the committee of the final part of the flood alleviation scheme in Feniton.  He felt that this proposal would be unfair on the residents and was disproportionate in scale.


A proposal to move on was made by Cllr Jung, seconded by Cllr Hayward.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation


Feni_14 Land off Ottery Road

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 75

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Miles Butler, representing Feniton Parish Council, made reference to the outcome of an earlier planning enquiry and supported the recommendation not to allocate.


A proposal to move on was made by Cllr Howe, seconded by Cllr Hayward.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Feni_01 Land at Sherwood Farm

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 46

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Feni_06 FPFA Club, Station Road

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 30

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 182.


Local Plan Member Working Group - Note of Discussions Ottery St Mary and surrounds pdf icon PDF 183 KB


The committee noted this report for information.


Feedback on potential development sites at Ottery St Mary and surrounding area pdf icon PDF 362 KB


The committee noted this report for information.



Proposed Housing and Employment Allocations - West End and surrounds pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Additional documents:


The committee considered the site allocations for the West End and surrounding areas, as set out in the minutes below.



Broadclyst site selection report pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Brcl_29 Broadclyst

Proposed use: Mixed

Number of dwellings: 24 and 0.1ha employment land

Officer recommendation: Allocate


Duncan Cherrett advised the committee of the growth of the village that had adversely impacted on the volume of water run-off and increases in flooding events.  The road access was already busy at peak times, and to include this site would increase that pressure.


Dr Lorna Mason spoke on behalf of 50 residents.  Accessibility to the site was not safe; the village could not support the growth proposed due to pressure on the GP surgery, the bottleneck of the road structure, and frequently waterlogged roads during the winter months, with flooding common adjacent to this site.  She also objected to sites Brcl_12 on the same grounds.


Angie Hurran, Clerk of Broaclyst Parish Council, asked the committee not to turn the village into a dormitory village. The proposal did not do enough to provide employment opportunity and was not sustainable; local infrastructure improvement was needed now before any further growth could be considered.


Ward Member Cllr Rylance outlined the infrastructure improvements needed to help residents now, and asked for conditions on sites upstream to better protect the existing residents.  The village had tripled in size in ten years and did not have the infrastructure to support that growth.


Ward Member Paula Fernley also made reference to the single track road access that was inadequate.


The committee discussed the known flooding issues in the area with sympathy, but concluded that planning conditions at application stage was the place to address those issues.


The Chair proposed to include the site for allocation in light of other Tier 4 sites that had also taken allocations.


A proposal to allocate was made by Cllr Jung, seconded by Cllr Davey


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Brcl_29 in the site allocation


Brcl_12 Land west of Whimple Road

Proposed use: Mixed

Number of dwellings: 70 dwellings and 0.54ha employment land

Officer recommendation: Allocate Brcl_12a; Not to allocate Brcl_12b


Dr Mason had made earlier points of objection during the previous site discussion.


Angie Hurran, Clerk of Broaclyst Parish Council outlined alternatives for access through Brcl_29 rather than from Town End for this site.  Again the Parish felt that the site was not sustainable in light of the need for infrastructure improvement needed now for the existing residents.


Ward Member Cllr Rylance raised the issue of the narrow road access and the need for mixed housing development to enable generational residency in the village.


The Chair proposed that the access be reviewed in order to utilise Brcl_12a to link up with Brcl_29 to come back to the committee to consider.


Committee agreed to move on from both Brcl_12a and 12b to the next site allocation.


Brcl_09 Land at Heathfield (south-east of Woodbury View)

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 15

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate (as site has now been allocated through Policy H3 of the Broadclyst NP)


Angie Hurran, Clerk of Broaclyst Parish Council reminded the committee of the relationship of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 184.


Westclyst site selection report pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Brcl_04 Land adjacent Poltimore Park, Poltimore

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 8

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Angie Hurran, Clerk to Broadclyst Parish Council, spoke in objection to the allocation of the site on the grounds of impact on Politimore House and surrounding parkland’s heritage value.  The site was also a green wedge and required extensive mitigation for the ecological aspects of the site.


A proposal to move on was made by Cllr Bethany Collins, seconded by Cllr Fernley.

Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Polt_07 Land at West Clyst Poltimore

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 200

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


A proposal to move on was made by Cllr Bethany Collins, seconded by Cllr Olive.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.



East of Exeter - Brcl_31 site selection report pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Brcl_31a and Brcl_31b Land at Mosshayne Lane, Pinhoe
Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 1000

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Nicola Sully of Pearce Planning, representing the developer promoting the site, outlined the benefits of allocating the site. This included opening up access to the Clyst Valley Park, providing affordable housing and additional facilities.  Discussions were underway with Devon County Council on reaching agreement on a suitable access.


Angie Hurren, Clerk to Broadclyst Parish Council, told the committee that the site was not sustainable and did not provide new facilities.  Any access to the site at the western corner was not desirable, and the impact on existing infrastruture was too adverse to support.


The Chair commented that there was no evidence at that time to support securement of an acceptable access to the site.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation



Employment site, Lodge Trading Estate, Station Road, Broadclyst site selection report pdf icon PDF 959 KB


Brcl_27 Lodge Trading Estate, Station Road, Broadclyst

Proposed use: Employment land 8.42 ha

Officer recommendation: Allocate 1.89 ha for employment land


Angie Hurran, Clerk for Broadclyst Parish Council, gave broad support for the allocation but did raise an issue of traffic impact in the area, particularly during school run times.


The committee discussed the site, including impact of lorries on Station Road and how the road layouts link to Cranbrook.


Cllr Fernley proposed to include the allocation of Brcl_27a, seconded by Cllr Blakey.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Brcl_27a in the site allocation.


In relation to Brcl_27b, committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.



Land North of Science Park site selection report pdf icon PDF 623 KB


Brcl_23 Land north of Science Park, Tithebarn Way

Proposed use: Mixed use; of which 2.37ha for employment land

Number of dwellings: 90

Officer recommendation: Allocate


The committee commented on the benefit to the local area of the employment land element as a sustainable mixed use site.


Cllr Fernley proposed inclusion of the site for allocation, seconded by the Chair.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Brcl_23 in the site allocation.



Gypsy and Traveller Site, Langaton Lane site selection report pdf icon PDF 823 KB


Brcl_26 Land at Ash Piggery, Langaton Lane

Proposed use: Gypsy and Traveller accommodation, 1.38 ha

Officer recommendation: Allocate


Phil Wakely, from the 1st Pinhoe Scouts Group, outlined the extent of the local Scouts Group in this area and links with other related organisations, including frequency of meetings.  He informed the committee of the popularity of the area for local people to visit, and the high level of pedestrians using the access road.  The road was not suitable for the level of traffic. He advised that the site was unsuitable and asked the committee to reject the allocation.


Angie Hurran, Clerk to Broadclyst Parish Council, outlined the recognition of the need for an allocated site, but asked the Committee to consider the close proximity to the M5 and railway line, and how noise from those would be difficult to protect against for those vehicles or motor homes that would be on site. It was easier for housing to have a level of glazing installed to keep out the noise. The lane needs significant improvement and still needs good access for locals to visit the facilities.  She concluded that it was unfair to expose this protected group to that level of noise pollution.


Ward Member Cllr Fernley advised the committee of the recreational use of Green Lane by walkers, as well as on a practical level to reach the station, surgery and other facilities.  She did not support the allocation as she felt it would adversely impact the amenity value of the land, which would be put to better use as an extension of the country park.  She then left the meeting for the debate and vote following her declaration of interest.


The committee discussed applying the same standards to a protected community as any other, in relation to potential noise pollution at the site. Equally the committee agreed that an allocation was required somewhere in the district and this proposal was the better option at that time.  The site was also designed for a maximum of 15 pitches but these were not expected to be operating at a high turnover.


The committee asked if more detail from Environmental Health could be sought on the issue of potential noise pollution, but overall felt it appropriate to allocate the site.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Brcl_26 in the site allocation





The Chair adjourned the meeting due to the length of the meeting at that point, to be reconvened on Tuesday 1 October 2024 at 10am to consider the remaining items.