Agenda item

West Hill site selection report


West_04 Land adjoining Wind Mill Lane

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 36

Officer recommendation: Allocate


Philip Shaw spoke on the previously failed planning applications, and the unsuitable access and high density.  The approaching narrow road with a blind bend was also unsafe.


Catherine Knee of Collier Planning spoke on behalf of the developer outlining the suitability of the site and Devon County Council had confirmed that there was capacity for development in the local primary school advising that financial contributions would be made towards secondary provision.


Cllr Pullman, representing West Hill Parish Council, advised that the site was outside the Built Up Area Boundary (BUAB) and did not have supporting infrastructure, limited facilities nearby, and being unsustainable.


Ward Member Cllr J Bailey felt the allocation was inconsistent with the spatial strategy and the tier 4 settlement. She was opposed to allocating the site.


Cllr Blakey proposed the allocation of the site, seconded by Cllr Howe.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include West_04 in the site allocation


West_18 Land north and east of Eastfield

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 30

Officer recommendation: Allocate


Simon Tofts, of Blue Cedar Homes, spoke about the current planning application that had no technical objections from Highways or South West Water. He advised that the site was deliverable.


Cllr Pullman, representing West Hill Parish Council, advised the site was outside the BUAB, with safety risks for those walking to school and the excessive distance to a bus stop.


Ward Member Cllr J Bailey felt the site was not sustainable, had a detrimental impact and did not comply with the spatial strategy.


Cllr Howe proposed allocation of the site, making reference to site West_04 links with the footpath on this site.  Cllr Jung seconded the proposal.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include West_18 in the site allocation


West_01 Land at Westhayes/Hayes End, Eastfield

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 4

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Cllr Pullman, representing West Hill Parish Council, agreed with the officer recommendation not to allocate.


Cllr J Bailey, picking up comments on sites sifted out of the proposals, asked for such sites to be referenced in the plan to make clear to the public that those sites had been discounted.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


West_20 Land adjoining Summerhill Broad Oak

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 36

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Cllr Pullman, representing West Hill Parish Council, advised the committee of the steep unlit road with no pavement to the site, as well as mature trees with preservation orders on the site.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


West_02 Adjacent junction of B3180 and Bendarroch Road

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings:20

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


West_03 Rear of Hasta-La-Vista, Windmill Lane

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 5

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


West_07 Land at Lower Broad Oak Road

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 13

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


West_08 Land adjacent to Badgers Bend, Lower Broad Oak Road

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 30

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


West_09 Land adjoining The Gap, Lower Broad Oak Road

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 10

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


West_14 Pikes Farm

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 46

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


West_15 Flower Cottage, Elsdon Lane

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 12

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


West_16 Elsdon House, Elsdon Lane

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 8

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


West_19 Field at Lower Broad Oak Road behind The Pygthle

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 9

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Supporting documents: