Agenda item

Broadclyst site selection report


Brcl_29 Broadclyst

Proposed use: Mixed

Number of dwellings: 24 and 0.1ha employment land

Officer recommendation: Allocate


Duncan Cherrett advised the committee of the growth of the village that had adversely impacted on the volume of water run-off and increases in flooding events.  The road access was already busy at peak times, and to include this site would increase that pressure.


Dr Lorna Mason spoke on behalf of 50 residents.  Accessibility to the site was not safe; the village could not support the growth proposed due to pressure on the GP surgery, the bottleneck of the road structure, and frequently waterlogged roads during the winter months, with flooding common adjacent to this site.  She also objected to sites Brcl_12 on the same grounds.


Angie Hurran, Clerk of Broaclyst Parish Council, asked the committee not to turn the village into a dormitory village. The proposal did not do enough to provide employment opportunity and was not sustainable; local infrastructure improvement was needed now before any further growth could be considered.


Ward Member Cllr Rylance outlined the infrastructure improvements needed to help residents now, and asked for conditions on sites upstream to better protect the existing residents.  The village had tripled in size in ten years and did not have the infrastructure to support that growth.


Ward Member Paula Fernley also made reference to the single track road access that was inadequate.


The committee discussed the known flooding issues in the area with sympathy, but concluded that planning conditions at application stage was the place to address those issues.


The Chair proposed to include the site for allocation in light of other Tier 4 sites that had also taken allocations.


A proposal to allocate was made by Cllr Jung, seconded by Cllr Davey


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Brcl_29 in the site allocation


Brcl_12 Land west of Whimple Road

Proposed use: Mixed

Number of dwellings: 70 dwellings and 0.54ha employment land

Officer recommendation: Allocate Brcl_12a; Not to allocate Brcl_12b


Dr Mason had made earlier points of objection during the previous site discussion.


Angie Hurran, Clerk of Broaclyst Parish Council outlined alternatives for access through Brcl_29 rather than from Town End for this site.  Again the Parish felt that the site was not sustainable in light of the need for infrastructure improvement needed now for the existing residents.


Ward Member Cllr Rylance raised the issue of the narrow road access and the need for mixed housing development to enable generational residency in the village.


The Chair proposed that the access be reviewed in order to utilise Brcl_12a to link up with Brcl_29 to come back to the committee to consider.


Committee agreed to move on from both Brcl_12a and 12b to the next site allocation.


Brcl_09 Land at Heathfield (south-east of Woodbury View)

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 15

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate (as site has now been allocated through Policy H3 of the Broadclyst NP)


Angie Hurran, Clerk of Broaclyst Parish Council reminded the committee of the relationship of the site with their Neighbourhood Plan.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.

Brcl_22 Land at Jarvis hayes Farm Junction of B3181 and Sunnyfield

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 20

Officer recommendation: Not to allocate


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


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