Venue: Council Chamber, Blackdown House, Honiton
Contact: Andrew Melhuish, Democratic Services Manager
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies Minutes: Apologies received from Cllrs Paula Fernley, Marcus Hartnell, Mike Howe, Vicky Johns, Simon Smith, Henry Riddell and Joe Whibley. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 187 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Council meeting held on 17 April 2024 and the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 8 May 2024 were confirmed as a correct record |
Declarations of interest Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest
Public speaking Information on public speaking is available online
Minutes: No members of the public had registered to speak. |
Matters of urgency Information on matters of urgency is available online
Minutes: None. |
Announcements from the Chair and Leader Minutes: The Chair of Council reminded members to bring their documentation with them to enable a DBS check to be carried out and advised that the councillor profile page would be updated to reflect that a DBS check had been completed. |
Confidential/exempt item(s) To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including the Press) have been excluded. Thereare no itemswhich officersrecommendshould be dealtwithin thisway, but if confidential minutes from Cabinet and/or the Council’s Committees are being discussed, Officers may recommend consideration in the private part of the meeting.
Minutes: There was one item of confidential business referred to under Agenda Item 18. |
To answer questions asked by Members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rules No. 9.2 and 9.5 Minutes: There were no questions. |
Reports from the Cabinet and the Council's Committees and questions on those reports PDF 170 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes from meetings of the Cabinet and the Council’s conmittees for the period 4 April 2024 to 1 July 2024 were presented.
RESOLVED: To note the minutes from the following meetings: Scrutiny Committee – 4 April 2024 Leisure Strategy Delivery Forum – 9 April Standards Committee – 10 April Personnel Committee – 16 April Scrutiny Committee – 18 April Planning Committee – 23 April South & East Devon Habitat Regulations Executive Committee – 24 April Strategic Planning Committee – 30 April Cabinet – 1 May Licensing & Enforcement Committee – 8 May Licensing & Enforcement Sub Committee – 8 May Planning Committee – 21 & 24 May Overview Committee – 30 May Strategic Planning Committee – 4 June Cabinet – 5 June Arts & Culture Forum – 12 June Personnel Committee – 13 June Scrutiny Committee – 13 June Asset Management Forum – 17 June Planning Committee – 18 June Poverty Working Panel – 24 June Leisure Strategy Delivery Forum – 25 June Licensing & Enforcement Sub Committee – 26 June Cranbrook Placemaking Group – 1 July
Recommendation - Cabinet 10 July 2024 - Peer Challenge Action Plan PDF 65 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council received a report setting out recommendations from the Cabinet on 10 July 2024 which set out an overview of the Peer Challenge recommendations and the delivery plan to implement the recommendations, including a request for a supplementary estimate of £245,000 to support the purchase and implementation of a new performance, risk and complaints monitoring software system.
Members welcomed the action plan and noted that an update on the delivery plan would be submitted in the autumn.
Cllr John Loudoun proposed the recommendations which were duly seconded by Cllr Paul Hayward and having been put to the vote was unanimously carried.
RESOLVED: 1. That Council receive the Peer Challenge recommendations and endorse the delivery plan and the actions set out in it. 2. That a supplementary estimate of up to £245,000 to purchase and implement a new performance, risk and complaints monitoring software system(s). |
Recommendation - Cabinet 10 July 2024 - Scrutiny Improvement Plan Actions PDF 65 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council received a report from the Cabinet on 10 July 2024 setting out its recommendation to Council arising from their consideration of a report on the Scrutiny Review recommendations and delivery plan.
Members noted that following the feedback report from the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny review a series of suggestions and recommendations had been made to the Council, including. · Review Terms of Reference of the three Scrutiny Committees. · Consideration of short-term investment to the Scrutiny Committee. · Assign a senior officer to provide expertise and advice at the Committee meetings. · Provide learning and development opportunities to Committee members. · An in-depth look at the Scrutiny Protocol and terms of reference for the committees. · That the approach to work programming for scrutiny is redesigned so anchored by long term strategic issues. · Improved work-programming. · Cross-party pre-meetings in advance of scrutiny sessions. · Scrutiny support and training for officers. · A process to track recommendations made and impacts arising. The recommendations have been collated into a delivery plan along with a series of actions and information on how those recommendations can be delivered and the resources required to support them.
Cllr John Loudoun proposed the recommendations which were duly seconded by Cllr Mike Goodman, and having been put to the vote were carried by a majority show of hands. Council RESOLVED that Council receive the Scrutiny Review recommendations and endorse the delivery plan and the actions set out in it.
Recommendation Cabinet 27 March 2024 Leisure & Sports Pitches PDF 252 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received a recommendation from Cabinet seeking approval of funding to support a series of actions contained within the Leisure Strategy Action Plan.
Cllr Nick Hookway proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Richard Jefferies and having been put to the vote was carried by a majority show of hands.
RESOLVED that Council; 1. approve funding from the Council’s General Fund Revenue budget of £85,000 to help support the Estates team with the priority 1 actions identified within the Leisure Strategy action plan on stock condition surveys and renegotiating existing dual use facility agreements. 2. approve the provision of a budget of up to £76,974 for the 2024/25 financial year to fund the Community Connector, Community Builder and Project Manager posts, subject to there being a review of future provision and funding. That delegated authority be given to the S151 officer in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Portfolio Holder for Culture, Leisure, Sports and Tourism and Cllr Kim Bloxham, to agree the arrangements for hosting and the performance management regime. 3. approve the provision of a budget of £57,756 inclusive of 30% on costs to fund the Strategic Leisure Enabler Lead role. |
Recommendation from Cabinet 1 May 2024 - New Communities in East Devon PDF 65 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received a recommendation from Cabinet on 1 May 2024 seeking a budget of up to £80,000 to be made available from the general fund to ensure that capacity was in place to undertake the Community Governance Review for Cranbrook and a wider strategic review of asset and service delivery in major new developments.
Cllr Todd Olive proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Kim Bloxham and having been put to the vote was unanimously carried.
RESOLVED: That Council approves a budget of up to £80,000 is made available from the general fund to ensure that capacity is in place to undertake both the Community Governance Review for Cranbrook and wider strategic review of asset and service delivery in major new developments |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council received a recommendation from Cabinet on 5 June 2024 seeking adoption of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy.
Members noted that during July 2023 to September 2024 a series of focus groups had taken place and the feedback from those sessions had been used to inform a draft strategy that was subject to public consultation. The update strategy identified three key priorities, including: maximising prevention activity and supporting people to sustain existing tenancies; increasing the range of accommodation solutions available and ending rough sleeping.
Members welcomed the strategy and the recommendation was proposed by Cllr Dan Ledger and seconded by Cllr Paul Hayward and having been put to the vote was unanimously carried.
RESOLVED: That the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024 – 2028 is adopted. |
Recommendation - Cabinet 10 July 2024: Revenue & Capital Outturn 2023 - 2024 PDF 245 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received recommendations from the Cabinet on 10 July 2024 relating to the Revenue and Capital Outturn Report 2023 – 2024.
Members noted that the report set out the revenue budget ad capital outturn positions at the end of he financial year and the outturn position of the General Fund was a positive one with a surplus balance for reallocation of £0.648m.
Members recognised the Council had faced a challenging year with significant service demand and inflationary pressures in the supply of goods and services. It was noted that higher interest rates had seen a positive impact on the Councils investment returns which had enabled the Council to mitigate against service pressures during 2023/2024 although that would remain challenging for future years given the cost of living crise and the impact this has had on levels of demand and cost.
Cllr Steve Gazzard proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Chris Burhop and having been put to the vote was unanimously carried.
RESOLVED: 1. That Council approves the outturn position for 2023/2024 including the implications and proposals relating to the Balances and Reserves held by the Council. 2. That Council approve the proposed reserve transfers contained within the report and that delegated authority is granted to the Director of Finance in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance for any amendments to the transfers as additional year end data became available.
Recommendation - Cabinet 10 July 2024 Housing Revenue Account Revised Budget PDF 68 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received recommendations from the Cabinet on 10 July 2024 relating to the Housing Revenue Account, including a financial review, revised budget and sustainability plan.
Members noted that the report was seeking to present a balanced budget and provide the necessary investment for regulatory compliance and the provision of good quality safe, affordable and warm homes for the Council’s tenants.
Members made the following comments: · importance of understanding the results of the stock condition survey to ensure properties were upgraded. · voids management information to be made available to councillors on a ward by ward basis · requirement to enable effective scrutiny of the housing revenue account through the Housing Review Board, including a review of the Boards terms of reference.
Councillor Dan Ledger proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Bethany Collins and having been put to the vote were carried by a majority show of hands.
RESOLVED that Council: 1. Approve £2.5m of additional borrowing to balance the HRA budget for the 2023/24 financial year. 2. Approve a revised HRA Budget for 2024/25 as set out in Appendix 3, and a revised Capital Programme Budget as set out in Appendix 4. The approval to include:
a) That up to £1.75m be allocated from the HRA Balance Reserve to fund the 2024/25 forecast revenue budget shortfall. b) That a target annual revenue saving of £250k per annum be sought over 3 years to replenish the HRA Balance Reserve. c) That £4.4m of Voluntary Revenue Provision be used to reduce the level of additional borrowing required within the HRA. d) That £7.3m of new borrowing be agreed to fund the 2024/25 Capital Programme.
3. Note that £2.415m of savings and/or new additional revenue is required in 2025/26. This is needed to achieve a balanced budget, meet the increased cost arising from new borrowing in 2024/25, contribute toward the replenishment of the HRA Balance Reserve and fund additional new borrowing for Capital Programme investment in 2025/26.
4. Note the work currently underway to investigate options and establish a longer-term strategic plan to ensure the sustainable and effective management and maintenance of the Councils Housing stock.
5. Approve a £35k budget within the HRA to increase provision to a Full-Time HRA accountant to support the service.
Political Proportionality and Allocation of Committee Places PDF 188 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council received a report setting out details of changes to the allocation and appointments of members for seats on the Council’s committee for the remainder of the 2024/2025 municipal year following the notification in changes to group membership and the formation of a new grouping Cranbrook Voice since the Annual Council meeting in May 2024. The report also set out appointments to Panels, Forums and Joint Bodies for 2024/2025.
There were a number of panels, forums and Joint Bodies where nominations for places exceeded the places available. These were put to the vote and the following was supported: Arts and Culture Forum Cllrs Paul Arnott, Olly Davey & Vicky Johns; Placemaking in Exmouth Town and Seafront Group Cllr Anne Hall; Recycling & Waste Partnership Board Cllr Mike Goodman; East Devon Gypsy & Traveller Forum Cllr Kim Bloxham.
Councillor Dan Ledger proposed the recommendations which was seconded by Cllr John Loudoun and having been put to the vote was carried by a majority show of hands.
RESOLVED: 1. That Council notes the revised political balance of the Council and agree the allocation of committee places:
Audit and Governance Committee (10 seats) (Democratic Alliance Group 5, Conservative 2, Independent Group 1, Cranbrook Voice 1 and Independent Councillor Group 1)
Quorum 3 Co-opted non-voting Independent Member who shall be suitably qualified to support elected representatives in scrutinising local authority finances.
Housing Review Board (5 seats) (Democratic Alliance Group 3, Conservative 1, Independent Group 1) Quorum 4 5 tenant and leaseholder representatives; and 2 independent community representatives. The non-councillor members will be co-opted members and shall have the right to vote. Council shall appoint the Chair. The Board will elect its own vice Chair.
Licensing and Enforcement Committee (15 seats) (Democratic Alliance Group 8, Conservative 4, Independent Group 2 and Cranbrook Voice 1) Quorum 4 Serving members of Cabinet are not eligible for appointment to this committee.
Overview Committee (13 seats) (Democratic Alliance Group 7, Conservative 3, Independent Group 2 and Cranbrook Voice 1) Quorum 5 The Chair of the Committee shall be a Councillor from the majority party.
Personnel Committee (15 seats) (Democratic Alliance Group 8, Conservative 4, Independent Group 2 and Cranbrook Voice 1) Quorum 4 The Leader, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder with Human Resources responsibilities shall be members. There shall be substitute members for each political group of the Council entitled to a seat to ensure flexibility in case of any conflict of interest and to ensure political balance and that the Sub Committees can be constituted.
Interviewing (Chief Officers) Sub Committee Membership: 7 Councillors drawn from the membership of the Personnel Committee which shall include at least one member of the Cabinet (subject to the rules relating to political balance / proportionality). Substitute members can be used when necessary. Quorum: 7 Investigating and Disciplinary Sub Committee. Membership: 5 Councillors drawn from the membership of the Personnel Committee (subject to the rules relating to political balance / proportionality) none of whom shall have sat on any Grievance Sub Committee relating to the same matter and which shall include at least one member of the Cabinet (which may not be the Leader). Substitute members can be used when necessary. Quorum: 5 Employment Appeals Sub Committee. Membership: 5 Councillors drawn from the membership of the Personnel Committee (subject to the rules relating to political balance / proportionality) none of whom shall have sat on any Investigating and Disciplinary Committee relating to the same matter and which shall include at least one member of the Cabinet (which may not be the Leader). Substitute members can be used when necessary. Quorum: 5 Grievance Sub Committee. Membership: 5 Councillors drawn from the membership of the Personnel Committee (subject to the rules relating to political balance / proportionality). Quorum: 3
Planning Committee (16 seats)) (Democratic Alliance Group 8, Conservative 4, Independent Group 2, Cranbrook Voice 1 and Independent Councillor Group 1) Quorum 4 The Chair and Vice Chair shall not be from the same Ward and serving members of Cabinet are not eligible for appointment to this committee.
Scrutiny Committee (15 seats) (Democratic Alliance Group 8, Conservative 4, Independent Group 2 and Cranbrook Voice 1) Quorum 5 The Chair shall be a Councillor from the opposition party / group agreed at Annual Council but in the event that no Councillor is proposed by the opposition then the Leader shall retain the right to nominate the Chair.
Standards Committee (7 seats) (Democratic Alliance Group 4, Conservative 2 and Independent Group 1) Quorum 4 Chair of Council will be the Chair. 3 non-voting Parish Councillor representatives and 3 non-voting independent members. There shall be substitute members for each political group of the Council entitled to a seat to ensure flexibility in case of any conflict of interest and to ensure political balance.
Strategic Planning Committee (15 seats) (Democratic Alliance Group 8, Conservative 4 and Independent Group 2 and Cranbrook Voice 1) Quorum 5 No more than 4 may be from the Cabinet
2. That the Council agree the allocation of places to Panels, Forums and Joint Bodies for 2024/2025 as follows:
1. Asset Management Forum
Cabinet members (PFH Finance & Assets, PFH Economy, PFH Strategic Planning) 3, Assistant Portfolio Holders (APFH Coast, Country & Environment, APFH Economy & Assets) 2 and one ex officio councillor (Leader of Council).
Chair – Portfolio Holder Economy & Assets Refer back to Asset Management Forum to review Terms of Reference.
2. Budget Setting and Capital Allocations Panel
The Cabinet, Assistant Portfolio Holders, councillors 5
Chair – Portfolio Holder Finance
3. Community Grant Panel
Cabinet member (PFH Finance & Assets) 1 and councillors 6
Chair – Portfolio Holder Finance
4. Community Infrastructure Levy Working Group
Cabinet members 3 (PFH Strategic Planning, Sustainable Homes & Communities an PFH Economy), Vice Chair of Strategic Planning Committee, Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee, Councillors 4
Chair – Portfolio Holder Strategic Planning
5. Constitution Working Group
Cabinet member 1 (PFH Communications & Democracy), Democratic Alliance Group 3, Conservative 2, Independent Group 1, Cranbrook Voice 1 and Independent Councillor Group 1)
Chair – PFH Communications & Democracy
6. Leisure Strategy Delivery Forum (formerly LED Monitoring Group)
Cabinet members 5 (Leader of Council, PFH Finance, PFH Council & Corporate Coordination, PFH Economy & Assets, PFH Culture Leisure, Sport & Tourism), Councillors 5
7. Member Development Working Party
Cabinet members 3 (PFH Communications & Democracy, PFH Council & Corporate Coordination, Leader of Council), Member Champion for Mental Health, councillors 5
Chair – Portfolio Holder Communications and Democracy
8. Placemaking and Prosperity Investment Board (sub-committee of Cabinet)
Leader of Council, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder Finance (voting members), Chair of Overview Committee (non voting) and ward councillors as required.
9. Poverty Working Panel
Cabinet member 1 (PFH Sustainable Homes & Communities), councillors 9
Chair – Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Homes and Communities
Joint Bodies
Cabinet member 1 (PFH Tourism, Sport & Leisure), Assistant Portfolio Holder 1 (Coast, Country & Environment), councillors 4 (1 is Member Champion Arts & Culutre) and town representatives 7 (A district or town councillor representing each of the towns of Axminster, Budleigh Salterton, Cranbrook, Exmouth, Honiton, Ottery St Mary, Seaton and Sidmouth)
Chair – Member Champion (Arts & Culture)
2. East Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee
Councillors 3
County Committees
3. Cranbrook Placemaking Group
Cabinet member 1 (PFH Strategic Planning) and ward members 3
4. East Devon Gypsy & Traveller Forum
Cabinet member 1 (PFH Sustainable Homes & Communities), ward councillor 1 and councillor 1
5. East and Mid Devon Community Safety Partnership
Councillor 1
6. Exeter and East Devon Enterprise Zone Board
Cabinet member 1 (Leader of Council)
7. Exmouth Beach Management Plan Steering Group
Cabinet members 3 (PFH Coast, Country & Environment, PFH Climate Action & Emergency Response, PFH Tourism, Sport, Leisure & Culture), Assistant Portfolio Holder (APFH Coast, Country & Environment), Exmouth Ward members 7
Chair – Portfolio Holder Coast, Country and Environment
8. Placemaking in Exmouth Town and Seafront Group
Cabinet members 3 (PFH Economy & Assets, PFH Strategic Planning & Leader of Council) and Exmouth Ward members 7
9. Lower Exe Mooring Authority Management Committee
Councillors 2 plus substitute
10. Recycling and Waste Partnership Board
Cabinet members 2 (PFH Coast, Country & Environment, PFH Climate Action & Emergency Response), Assistant Portfolio Holders 2 (APFH Coast, Country & Environment) and councillors 2
Chair – Portfolio Holder Coast, Country and Environment
11. Seaton Beach Management Steering Group
Cabinet members 2 (PFH Coast, Country & Environment, PFH Climate Action & Emergency Response), Assistant Portfolio Holder 2 (APFH Coast, Country & Environment) and Seaton ward members 3. Also includes representatives from Bournemouth, Christchurch Poole Council (Project management), Contractor, Seaton Town Council, Seaton Town Improvement Team, Chamber of Commerce,, Axmouth Parish Council, Axe Yacht Club, Sea Anglers, West Seaton Residents Association, East Devon Fishermans Association, Seaton Beach Hut owners, Parkrun, Jurassic Coast, AONB and National Trust.
Chair – Portfolio Holder Coast, Country and Environment
12. Sidmouth Beach Management Plan Steering Group
Cabinet members 2 (PFH Coast, Country & Environment, PFH Climate Action & Emergency Response), Assistant Portfolio Holders 2 (APFH Coast, Country & Environment) and Sidmouth ward members 4
Chair – Portfolio Holder Coast, Country and Environment
13. South East Devon Habitat Regulations Executive Committee
Cabinet member 1 (PFH Coast, Country & Environment) and substitute member – Vice Chair of Strategic Planning Committee
14. STRATA Joint Executive Committee (EDDC, Exeter City Council and Teignbridge District Council)
Leader of Council and Chief Executive (substitute member Portfolio Holder Council and Corporate Co ordination)
15. STRATA Joint Scrutiny Committee (EDDC, Exeter City Council and Teignbridge District Council)
Councillors 3 (substitute councillors 3)
16. Woodbury, Exmouth and Budleigh (WEB) Community Health and Wellbeing Board
Cabinet member 1 (PFH Sustainable Homes & Communities) and substitute member Ward member from Budleigh and Raleigh, Exmouth or Woodbury and Lympstone
17. UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) Programme Management Panel
Cabinet member 3 (Leader of Council, PFH Economy & Assets, PFH Climate Action & Emergency Response) and councillors 4
Recommendation from Cabinet -1 May 2024 Station Road Countryside Park Minutes: RESOLVED: That the press and public are excluded from the meeting as exempt information, of the description set out on the agenda, is likely to be disclosed and on balance the public interest is in discussing this item in private session.
The Council received a recommendation from Cabinet on 1 May 2024 seeking approval of a budget of up to £200,000 to be made available for 2024/2025 financial year to support delivery of the Station Road Countryside Park project to be recouped from the future sale of BNG units.
Councillor Dan Ledger proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr G Jung and having been put to the vote was carried by a majority show of hands.
RESOLVED: That Council approves a budget of up to £200,000 to be made available for 2024/2025 financial year to support delivery of the project to be recouped from the future sale of BNG units. |