Committee details


Purpose of committee

Ordinary meetings of the council take place in accordance with a programme decided at the council’s annual meeting. Ordinary meetings will:

            1.   elect a person to preside if the chairman and vice-chairman are not present

            2.   deal with any business required by statute to be done before any other business

            3.   approve the minutes of the last meeting

            4.   deal with business expressly required by statute to be done

            5.   receive any communications or announcements from the chairman, the leader or a portfolio holder

            6.   the leader or a portfolio holder shall answer any questions asked by councillors of the council by virtue of procedure rule number nine

            7.   deal with any business from the last council meeting

            8.   receive reports from the cabinet and the council’s committees and receive questions and answers on any of those reports

            9.   receive reports about and questions and answers on the business of joint arrangements and external organisations

          10.   consider motions

          11.   consider any other business specified in the summons to the meeting, including consideration of proposals from the cabinet in relation to the council’s budget and policy framework and reports of the overview and scrutiny committees for debate




Contact information

Support officer: Andrew Melhuish, Democratic Services Manager.
