
Council - Wednesday, 16th October, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Blackdown House, Honiton

Contact: Andrew Melhuish, Corporate Lead Democratic Services and Scrutiny 


No. Item




Declarations of interest

Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest



Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 464 KB


Public speaking

Information on public speaking is available online



Matters of urgency

Information on matters of urgency is available online



Announcements from the Chairman and Leader


Confidential/exempt item(s)

To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including the Press) have been excluded. Thereare no itemswhich officersrecommendshould be dealtwithin thisway, but if confidential minutes from Cabinet and/or the Council’s Committees are being discussed, Officers may recommend consideration in the private part of the meeting.



To answer questions asked by Members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rules No. 9.2 and 9.5 pdf icon PDF 383 KB


Reports from the Cabinet and the Council's Committees and questions on those reports pdf icon PDF 169 KB

Additional documents:


Recommendation from Housing Review Board - 1 August 2024 Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 262 KB


Recommendation from Cabinet - 4 September 2024: Placemaking in Exmouth Town and Seafront Group pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


Recommendation from Cabinet - 4 September 2024: Annual Treasury Management Review pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


Recommendation from Audit & Governance Committee - 19 September 2024: Audit letter on the application of the local authority backstop pdf icon PDF 316 KB

Additional documents:


Appointment of new Director of Housing and Health and a new Director of Place pdf icon PDF 217 KB


Motion on Notice - Motion 1: Winter Fuel Allowance pdf icon PDF 205 KB

Motion 1:  Winter Fuel Allowance

Motion Proposed:  Cllr Mike Goodman

Motion Seconded:  Cllr Colin Brown

Motion signed:  Cllrs Aurora Bailey, Brian Bailey, Jenny Brown, Alasdair Bruce, Maddy Chapman, Peter Faithfull, Stuart Hughes, Ben Ingham, Helen Parr, Sophie Richards and Henry Riddell

Motion received: 10 September 2024

The full text of the motion is set out below.


The Council notes. 


The Labour government is withdrawing the winter fuel allowance for all Pensioners' unless they are on pension credit. 


There will be a 10% increase in the energy cap. 


These two measures will affect and cause hardship to many pensioners in East Devon. 

This will plunge many East Devon pensioners into deep anxiety, a serious risk of ill health and a threat to life. 


The 2021 census showed East Devon had over 45,000 people of pensionable age. Although this might have changed since the pensionable age being changed to 66 years. It still represents around 30% of the population. 

East Devon is a leader in tackling poverty and helping residents, this was acknowledged during the 2024 peer review process. 


Many residents have contacted members with their concerns about these Labour measures which have been well published locally and nationally. 

It is important that East Devon council and its members do all they can to support our pensioners. 


The Council therefore resolves that they:-

Ask that the Chief Executive jointly with the Leader of the Council write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer calling for the policy on linking Winter Fuel Payments to Pension Credit receipts be paused and introduce a new threshold to determine eligibility for Winter Fuel Payments. That they also find a solution to protect vulnerable pensioners who will be subject to energy increases. 


That the Council urgently commences a significant awareness campaign in East Devon to maximise the uptake of pension credits, this would include the use of Council notice boards, social media, promotion in local press, targeted letters to those who may be eligible. 


Resolve that the Leader and Chief Executive report back to Council. 



Motion on Notice - Motion 2: Housing Concerns

Motion 2


Housing Motion

Motion Proposed:  Cllr Henry Riddell

Motion Seconded:  Cllr Mike Goodman

Motion Signed:   Cllrs Aurora Bailey, Brian Bailey, Stuart Hughes and Ben Ingham

Motion received:  1 October 2024


The Council notes

Damp and mould has serious impacts on residents' lives and can cause negative health implications which can be life changing.

Under Awaab’s law the council has to investigate each complaint about damp and mould in social housing and this will be extended to the private rented sector next year. If they do not, residents will be able to hold their landlords to account by taking legal action through the courts for a breach of contract. 

That a stock condition survey of all properties commissioned in 2021 has still not been completed. 

Once the stock condition survey is completed, a costed programme of housing improvements will be required and will need to be built into the Housing Revenue Account once the information is available. Along with a fund for tenants legal action. The council will also have to significantly invest in environmental health while there is a national shortage. 

The Grant Thornton report in December 2023 stated that East Devon has one of the worst maladministration rates in the country at 89%. The report also said that there was evidence that this had continued in 2023.


The Council resolves to

  1. An urgent report within the next three months is required to establish what the cost is to bring housing stock under the council stewardship to decent home standard, along with potential liabilities including legal action by tenants on failure to do this.
  2. Investigate why the stock condition survey has not been completed, and report back to the full council. 
  3. A review of the procurement process and why it has not been delivered.  
  4. A hotline is established before winter for all residents, owner occupier, social and private rented areas to report damp and mould. 
  5. A plan is implemented to protect all residents (including owner occupied) from mould with guidance on how to remove, reduce and avoid damp and mould.



Motion on Notice - Motion 3: Ecological Crisis

Motion 3:  Ecological Crisis

Motion Proposed:  Cllr Jess Bailey

Motion Seconded:  Cllr Melanie Martin

Motion Signed:   Cllrs Ian Barlow, Chris Burhop, Alasdair Bruce, Olly Davey, Paula Fernley, Mike Howe, Vicky Johns and Yehudi Levine

Motion received:  2 October 2024


The shocking depletion of nature in our country has resulted in an ecological crisis. The UK is within the bottom 10% of countries globally for biodiversity and is the worst G7 nation for biodiversity loss.


EDDC must take action to help stem the decline of nature on its own doorstep.


As a matter of urgency this Council will 


1. Install bat boxes and bird boxes as required in its 2016 planning permission when Blackdown House was built


2. Install boxes specifically for swifts at Blackdown House, noting the excellent work elsewhere in Honiton to support swifts


3. Identify and implement further nature supporting initiatives for the Blackdown House site.





Appointment of Member Champion - Member Champion for Arts & Culture

To nominate Cllr Olly Davey to the role of Member Champion for Arts & Culture following the resignation from Cllr Joe Whibley.


Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 - Exclusion of Press and Public

Exclusion of the Press and Public


To consider passing a resolution having been duly proposed and seconded under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the press and public from the meeting, on the basis that if they were present during the business to be transacted there would be a likelihood of disclosure of exempt information, within the meaning of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Reason: Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).



Record of Urgent Decision Outside the budget or policy framework - Acquisition of Land at Seaton Marshes (known as Salt & Church Plots)


Recommendation from Cabinet - 4 September 2024: Recycling & Waste Future Services Model


Recommendation from Cabinet - 4 September 2024: Home Safeguarding Digital Platform Procurement


Review of Leisure Provision - Funding and Management Agreement with LED Community Leisure