Agenda item

Working draft of the proposed East Devon Local Plan 2020 to 2040


Chapter 5 – Future growth and development on the development on the western side of East Devon


10. Strategic Policy – Exeter Science Park

·         Do not support option B as would like to see the Science Park expanded

·         Well sought after area;

·         Support for option A

·         There is a need to read option C carefully and have it on the back burner;

·         The Science Park not only delivers jobs but it delivers a very high tech of jobs and skills we do not see in the normal walk of life with connections between Exeter City Council and Exeter University.

·         In response to discussions the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised the Science Park wanted to have land to expand into and were in discussions about what land is available.  Preference would be to have land as near to the existing Science Park to benefit from infrastructure and existing facilities but if this was not possible an expansion on land to the south of the A30 would be an option;

·         Caution raised for option C as this would be part of the Clyst Valley Regional Park and the need to consider wildlife;

·         Would like expansion to take place north of the A30 that abuts the Science Park


Members advised that they support officers preferred option that:

The proposal is for land to be allocated for Science Park expansion.  Policy will explain and expand on:

·         The types of uses that will be allowed;

·         Any relevant phasing policies;

·         Particular design standards and approaches that might be applicable.


11. Strategic Policy – High quality employment north of Sowton Village

·         Support for option B as this is a very sensitive area and right against the A30 and M5 with limited land for development without encroaching onto Sowton Village Conservation Area where there are a multitude of listed buildings.  In response the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised that evidence was being gathered and referred to an updated economic development needs assessment for site assessment work for this particular area.  Preserving the historic village of Sowton can be achieved provided there was adequate landscape separation

·         Support for option A as it is adjacent to the M5 and A30 and in close proximity to the Science Park with an opportunity for housing growth;

·         Concerns raised that this would be more Greenfield development.  Not supportive of this because we need a hierarchy to develop on what has already been built on.  In response the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management agreed that brownfield land should be used first but there is none.

·         Need to consider the flooding implications of the Culm Valley


Members advised that they support officers preferred option:

The proposal is for land to be allocated for a high quality business park to the north of Sowton village.  Policy will explain and expand on matters to include:

·         The types of uses that will be allowed;

·         Any relevant phasing policies;

·         Particular design standards and approaches that might be applicable;

·         Links to the Clyst Valley Regional Park including provision of a green bridge over the A30.


12. Strategic Policy – Aviation and aeronautical activity employment provision east of Exeter Airport terminal

·         Exeter Airport is vital to the district and support;

·         Need the airport to remain sustainable

·         Dunkeswell Airfield needs to be included in the new Local Plan.


Members advised that they support officers preferred option:

The proposal is for land to be allocated for aviation and aeronautical activity employment provision.  Policy will explain and expand on matters to include:

·         The types of uses that will be allowed;

·         Any relevant phasing policies;

·         Particular design standards and approaches that might be applicable;

·         Links and justification in respect of the operation of the airport and greening its activities and flying.


13. Strategic Policy – Exeter Airport and its future operation and development

Members advised that they support officers preferred option:

Proposed policy will address the role of Exeter Airport as a key transport gateway and it will safeguard the airport and its land for aviation uses.  Noise sensitive development within the 57db noise contour around the airport will be restricted (in order to ensure future airport operations are not adversely impacted) alongside ensuring that any development proposals do not have a material impact on navigational aids. 

The transition to zero carbon operations at the airport will be supported through enhanced public transport surface access and the installation of renewable energy generating capacity.

The role of the Airport as a test bed for new technologies will be supported

through the development of a sustainable aviation cluster.  Land to the north of

the runway is proposed to be allocated to support research and development

activity alongside maintenance/ repair/overhaul and new freight/cargo

operations.  Land to the south is proposed to be allocated for further aviation

related, employment and training/education uses.   


The ongoing development and potential for expansion of Cranbrook.

·         Perturbed about the thought that we might be giving the go-ahead to annexing parts of other communities.  There is a need to consider neighbourhood plans.  In response the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised the Council’s preferred approach would be to deliver just the growth envisaged in the Cranbrook DPD which was hoped to be adopted later this year.  He drew Members attention to the plan at Annexe 3B that showed land currently put forward beyond the Cranbrook Plan area.

·         Not happy with this policy as one of the previous Local Plan items was to avoid the coalescence of settlements;

·         Support paragraph 5.28 (option A) as it has been the view of Cranbrook Town Council;

·         Clarification sought on the future delivery vehicles.  The Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised that the Council was very close to offering the contract to consultants with lots of experience in this area of work to determine the best delivery vehicle based on the Council’s vision;

·         At some point sensible discussions are needed about neighbourhood plans as the Local Plan comes first and there are neighbourhood plans that have been recently made and now there is talk about throwing these away because of the Local Plan;

·         Suggestion to revise neighbourhood plans instead of ignoring them;


Members advised that they support officers preferred option:

It is not proposed that the new Local Plan will supersede the Cranbrook Plan.  The policies of the Cranbrook Plan will remain applicable and will be formally saved.  The Cranbrook Plan does, however, only run to 2031 and this means that the new Local plan will need to be revised and replaced before this date or ensure policy coverage for and at Cranbrook in future years.  There are also some existing local plan policies that are applicable at Cranbrook and a view will need to be taken, in due course, on whether these are also saved or whether we supersede them with new local plan coverage that may for selected policies ‘sweep-over’ and include land in the Cranbrook Plan areas.


14. Strategic Policy – Green infrastructure and the Clyst Valley Regional Park


Members advised that they support officers preferred option:

Proposed policy will address green infrastructure in the western parts of East Devon in general and specifically the future of the Clyst Valley Regional Park.  Cross reference will be made to the consultancy work on landscape appraisal to inform possible park boundary amendments/extension.

Policy reference will be made to how development schemes should contribute to and complement green infrastructure initiatives more generally and how the park will form a setting and context for future developments.  Policy to also note that the park offers scope to accommodate Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANGS) as a means to provide mitigation in respect of adverse impacts on protected habitats and also potentially other green initiatives such as biodiversity off-setting.

With proposed additional development coming forward on the western side of

East Devon there is a clear argument for the expansion of the park as a means to provide supporting and additional Green Infrastructure.


15. Strategic Policy – Development next to the M5 and north of Topsham

·         Concerns raised as it is quite a distance from Topsham town and the access is poor so very cautiously support it and there is a need to bear in mind the facilities around and the need to sort out cycle trails.  In response the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management that a number of sites had been put forward and this area was also looked at through GESP in terms of a joint development that would extend south into Exeter that was already being built and together could potentially provide up to 1,500 homes which could deliver a level of services to support that community.

·         Reservations made about Clge_20 and Clge_24;

·         Concerns raised as Blue Ball Pumping Station was at capacity and could not take any further development;

·         There is a need to look into mitigation measures to consider the health and wellbeing of people living close to traffic noise


Members advised that they support officers preferred option:

Proposed policy will provide for the comprehensive development of land

allocated (indicative boundary shown at this stage) for mixed use development

with an estimated capacity of around 580 new homes next to the M5 and north of Topsham.  Policy will:

·         Require a comprehensive masterplan for the whole site to be produced

            and agreed before specific parcels of land come forward;

·         Joint working across the City boundary to align development in East Devon with that in the City;

·         A range of facilities to meet and address East Devon and cross boundary needs - needs to be determined in the context of East Devon and Exeter collective needs and provision and capacity in Exeter city (existing and planned) services and facilities.

·         Links to the Clyst Valley Regional Park;

·         Transport and especially pedestrian and cycle links including potential for a new rail crossing; and

·         Require that any development respects the landscape quality of the lower Clyst and provides links with the Clyst Valley Regional Park.

Provision of land, amount to be quantified, for employment uses, any infrastructure needs or other provisions.


The Chair thanked Members for their feedback on the policies and invited Members to provide feedback on any policies that they felt had been missed out of the Local Plan or whether they wanted further discussions on certain polices so that Officers could bring back at a later meeting.


Committee Members raised the following points:

·         There is a need to discuss neighbourhood plans to give Officers a steer how we should work with them as many town and parish councils have only just completed their neighbourhood plans.  In response the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management reiterated that legislation states that the Local Plan takes precedent over neighbourhood plans because of the allocation of growth on a strategic level to meet housing needs.  He advised it will not mean they will be ignored and will be taken into regard but equally housing needs need to be met in the district.

·         Would like to consider delivery of sport and sports delivery on a regional scale;  The Service Lead – Planning Strategy & Development Management advised this could be explored if Members were wanting to pursue the new community which presents an opportunity for a regional sports hub;

·         There is a need to consider agricultural working, farming and rural businesses including Bicton College;  In response to Bicton College the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management agreed there may be a need for policy provision to support its continued use for further educational purposes;

·         The need for clear Housing Policies on disability and vulnerable elderly people with disabilities, in particular housing for everyday living.  The Service Lead – Planning Strategy advised this had been addressed through Policy 39 as well as polices about nationally described space standards;

·         Reference was made to giving planning permission to an outstanding house and the need to restrict this by not including green wedges to prevent coalescence;

·         Aspirations for a centre of excellence;

·         There is a need to consider land owned by EDDC for housing development.  In response the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management referred to the Housing Taskforce which had been set up to look at EDDC land and advised this would be looked into to understand what assets the Council controls and what land might be suitable

·         To not lose focus on sustainability we need specific sites to come forward on the further call for sites in accordance with the hierarchy of settlements.  We cannot have sprawling sites all over the countryside;

·         Would like to see a report about a more proactive approach to redeveloping brownfield sites.  In response the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised there was a need to look at the urban capacity study again to see what opportunities there could be.

·         Would like all the Local Plan documents available to view in one place and easy to find on the Council’s website;

·         Still have concerns that there are sites in the Local Plan that have been turned down on appeal;

·         Reference was made to the new community and a need to consider the deliverability of major infrastructure if CIL cannot cover all the costs.  The Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised that a lot of evidence work was still being gathered to understand what infrastructure would be needed to ensure sustainable developments

·         More discussion is required about the Devon County Show and the need to protect the ground and parking related to it.  The Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management confirmed he was happy to look at the showground but parking would be difficult as some of the parking was off site.


The Planning Barrister reminded Members about the three recommendations appended to the report and drew Members attention to a small typo mistake to Recommendation 3 which should read paragraph 8.1 to the report and not 6.9 as stated.


The Chair moved the recommendations and reiterated to Members that the sites would be brought back to Committee at a later date after Officers have done the further work on site allocations.


To remind Members of Recommendation 3 the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management referred to the minutes of the previous meeting where Members took a straw poll and were in support of options C, G and I within the table in paragraph 8.1 and advised Members they would need to vote on the recommendation based on the following:


C – Look to villages below tier 4 for growth.

G – Search for extra sites.

I – Be less restrictive to development in the AONBs.


Clarification was sought about why further votes on recommendations were required when straw polls had already taken place.  The Chair clarified the recommendations were to agree the straw polls as one holistic vote.  The Planning Barrister further clarified that the straw polls had been informal votes and the recommendations set out in the report on page 196 needed to be voted on.



1.    Of endorsement, in principle, of the proposed working draft Local Plan;

2.    Of agreement to delegate authority to the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management to progress with refinement and final formulation of draft policies, including through engagement with internal staff and key public sector outside partner bodies and service providers.

3.    The Strategic Planning Committee considered paragraph 8.1 of the report to give a clear steer on a favoured approach to ensure allocation of sufficient and appropriate sites to meet housing and other development need and noted that as currently drafted there is a significant element of the housing need for which suitable sites have not been identified.



The recommendations were approved by a Senior Officer.  The Senior Officer Decision Notice is listed above under Additional Documents.

Supporting documents: