Agenda item

Draft Updated Council Plan 2021 - 2023


The Chair outlined that the report in the agendaprovided an updated draft of the new Council Plan for 2021-2023.  It also contained the recommendation as follows;


That the Overview and Scrutiny committees consider this draft of the new council Plan 2021-2023 and provide feedback on it including that of the priorities and actions before it proceeds to Cabinet and Council in October’.

She went on to remind members that they have all had an opportunity to be involved in the development of the new Plan which is intended to go to Cabinet on 6th October and Council on 20th October, before being published later in October.

    Before inviting members to comment on the Plan, she asked the Chief Executive, Mark Williams, to provide a brief introduction.

Mark Williams referred members to page two of the Plan, which explained how the Council Plan fitted into the work of the Council overall, as an employer and service provider. This was also a slide used when he gave his welcome talk to new employees, to indicate the links between an individual’s annual objectives and Service Plans, the Council Plan and the Local Development Plan, the ‘Golden Thread’.

He then referred to page nine of the agenda papers which explained the political process for adoption of the new Plan, and page one of the Plan, which provided a more forceful articulation of future intentions through three key priorities;

·   Better Homes and Communities for all

·   A Greener East Devon

·   A Resilient Economy

Page three of the Plan started to indicate the detailed actions which would be required to deliver the priorities. He concluded by indicating how much the Council achieved each year but that it was necessary to be aware of the financial envelope available over the next two to three years.

The Chair invited Cllr Loudoun to speak as Portfolio Holder for Council & Corporate Coordination.

Cllr Loudoun thanked Mark Williams for his introduction and wise counsel, and all those members who had contributed to the development of the Plan. He thanked the Senior Management Team for their assistance in the drafting process and Jo Avery for her hard work and patience in putting the Plan together.

He wanted to point out an omission in the form of an additional, fifth point to be added on page four of the Plan under the sub-heading, ‘Promoting culture and community’, which should read as follows;

‘Support communities through the transfer of appropriate community assets to towns and villages, enabling local communities to own, manage and develop assets in support of community aspirations and benefits’.


The Chair invited comments from members.


Cllr Pook clarified the intention of the fifth point from the perspective of the benefit of transfers to a local community.

Cllr Davey re-iterated this point in relation to how EDDC may be able to encourage Town and Parish Councils in initiatives and improve relationships generally between them.

Cllr Hawkins referred to Cranbrook as being one of the largest towns in the District.

Cllr Rylance stated that she was very happy with the Plan and would send across her comments in relation to minor corrections required.


The Chair invited members of the Overview Committee, to vote in favour, against or to abstain from recommending approval of the recommendation, with the inclusion of the additional point under the heading ‘Promoting culture and community’ and any minor corrections to be advised and made outside the meeting.


Following a vote of those present, the Chair confirmed that the recommendation was passed for approval by members of the Overview Committee.



That the Overview and Scrutiny committees have considered this draft of the new council Plan 2021-2023 and provided feedback on it including that of the priorities and actions before it proceeds to Cabinet and Council in October.


The Chair then invited members of the Scrutiny Committee, to vote in favour, against or to abstain from recommending approval of the recommendation, with the inclusion of the additional point under the heading ‘Promoting culture and community’ and any minor corrections to be advised and made outside the meeting.


Following a vote of those present, the Chair confirmed that the recommendation was passed for approval by members of the Scrutiny Committee.



That the Overview and Scrutiny committees have considered this draft of the new council Plan 2021-2023 and provided feedback on it including that of the priorities and actions before it proceeds to Cabinet and Council in October.


The Chair thanked everyone who had participated in or been watching the meeting online, and closed the meeting at 6.45pm.



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