Agenda item

Community Buildings Grant


The Panel considered the Community Engagement and Funding Officer’s report about broadening out the fund to allow previously excluded groups to apply to the Community Buildings Fund.  Members noted that any budgetary changes must be provided by mid-August to fit in with the budget setting process for 2022/23.


The Community Engagement and Funding Officer outlined the minutes and recommendations from the last meeting and asked Members to consider whether there was a need to extend the community buildings list to allow community buildings currently not eligible to apply to the Community Buildings Fund.


The Community Engagement and Funding Officer drew Members attention to Devon County Council’s results of a trawl of the Charities Commission database in Point 3 of page 11 of the agenda which listed 68 community buildings in East Devon currently eligible to apply to the Community Buildings Fund.  She also drew Members attention to Point 4 that gave examples of community buildings not currently eligible and asked whether Members wanted to consider these community buildings in addition to non-profit community pubs which also were not eligible to apply. 


Members were reminded that due to Coronavirus many community buildings would have been using their reserves to keep them going and if they were minded to include previously excluded community buildings whether to consider increasing the £22,250 spending pot to cover this.


Members discussed the current rules of the community building fund and comments included:

·         Clarification sought on where the extra funding would come from.  The Community Engagement and Funding Officer advised that it would come from the council budget.

·         Concerns raised about the council’s current financial status and a suggestion to continue with the community buildings that were currently eligible.

·         Clarification sought on why Farway village hall was not included in the eligible list.  The Community Engagement and Funding Officer confirmed the hall was eligible and that it had been missed from the list and she highlighted that there may well be other halls missing.

·         Issue about whether to included community buildings within the district or just the town part in a town or parish.

·         Concern raised that although precepts may be higher for town councils there was still not enough money to help local areas and local community projects.

·         Suggestion to undergo a review, open to all Members, to understand how they feel about widening the criteria to town and parishes and community pubs.

·         £22,250 was a small amount for the number of community halls within East Devon.

·         Community pubs need to be included in the criteria as they are a necessary community resource that play an essential role in a village.

·         Suggestion to address the £22,250 available as the amount had not been increased in the last 10 years.



1.    That Members defer subject to further discussion which will include data that needs to be obtained, including a timetable to then ensure that any details are considered into any budgetary considerations for 2022.23.

2.    That Members defer the question about whether to include community pubs in the current rules of the fund subject to further discussion and research.

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