Agenda item

Implications of the proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework on the Local Plan Work Programme


The report presented to the committee provided a number of key changes in the government’s consultation to the new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which would have a direct impact on the production of East Devon’s Local Plan.


These changes would include:

Ø  the change to the calculation of the housing requirement figures which would increase the housing requirement figure for East Devon from 893 homes per annum to 1,146 homes per annum.

Ø  reintroducing a 5% buffer for the purposes of demonstrating a 5-year housing land supply.

Ø  The withdrawal of a 4-year land supply requirement.


The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised in light of these changes Members had two options to consider with regard to progressing the Local Plan.


1.     Seek to publish a publication version of the plan within 1 month of publication of the revised NPPF and ensure that the plan provides for at least 946 homes per annum plus headroom.  In these circumstances the plan would be examined against the December 2023 version of the NPPF and not the new version.

2.     Pursue a new Local Plan in accordance with the new NPPF and in so doing comply with the new standard method requirement of at least 1,146 homes per annum plus the required 5% buffer and any headroom.  Under the consultation the plan would need to be submitted for examination no more than 18 months after the publication of the revised NPPF.


Members noted that officer’s preference was for option 1 and to progress with the Local Plan as soon as possible.


Questions and discussion included:

·         The Chair sought clarification from the Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management about whether options 1 and 2 were viable option.  In response it was confirmed that option 1 was still an option but that it was very unlikely that option 2 could be achieved.  The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised that officers were very concerned about the increase in housing numbers and that there would be significant challenges ahead to meet these numbers.

·         Clarification was sought on Green Wedges and whether these will be affected with the new NPPF.  Members will need to consider allocating numbers in the less sensitive areas which will be a challenge to prevent settlement coalescence.

·         Support was expressed for option 1 and to get the Local Plan finished as quickly as possible.

·         Clarification was sought on which NPPF the council should follow.  It was advised that work should continue in line with the December publication of the NPPF unless and until any proposed reforms had been incorporated into the NPPF.  Although, members should be mindful of the proposed reforms.



That Strategic Planning Committee agreed to progress plan production under the previously agreed timetable with the intention of publishing a Regulation 19 within 1 month of publication of the new NPPF.  The plan to be based on a housing requirement of at least 946 homes per year in order to benefit from the transitional arrangements proposed within the ‘Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system’ consultation document.



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