Agenda item

Devon Housing Commission Report

This report draws Members attention to the recently published report of the Devon Housing Commission which seeks to investigate the housing crisis in Devon and the acute need for more affordable housing.


The report presented to committee drew Members attention to the recently published report of the Devon Housing Commission which addressed the housing crisis in Devon. Members were asked to consider the findings and recommendations on the planning matters contained in the report which would be discussed in detail at a future Cabinet meeting.


The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management provided a brief summary of the main findings.  These included:


Ø  Recommendation for local authorities be given greater discretion to call in any significant development using permitted rights.

Ø  Recommendation that central government should permit the imposition of a stricter timetable for action where planning consent is granted but development has stalled.

Ø  Recommendation that central government should permit local planning authorities to recover the full cost of processing planning applications from developers.

Ø  Recommendation to explore the opportunities for a county-wide system of appointing and promoting planning staff to assist in the recruitment and retention of planning staff.


Prior to debate Members sought clarification on the following questions:

·       In response to a question about whether parish councils would need to complete a Housing Needs Survey it was advised that if parish councils were wanting to achieve rural exception sites then the survey would be required under current policy.

·       Clarification was sought on one of the other planning recommendations relating to the viability of land.  The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised that as local authorities do not have control on the price of land they could only make developers aware of the council’s requirements from the offset to ensure that the provision of affordable housing is non-negotiable.

·       Support was expressed for Recommendation 8.1 and clarification was sought on the staffing position of the Planning Department.  The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management confirmed the team was currently well resourced which included one apprentice and a planning graduate starting in September via the pathways to planning programme.

·       Clarification was sought on the ratio figure for affordable housing and whether this was across the district. The council’s planning obligations were intended to be a 70% - 30% split in favour of social rented properties but this has been skewed in recent years by first homes requirements by government.  Members were advised that this would be looked at again for the new Local Plan in October.

·       Clarification was sought on the difference between the housing list figures and the planning need figures.  The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management was not able to provide a full answer to this question but said that he understood that the housing list was simply a record of those currently claiming to be in housing need whereas the planning figures are future projections of overall need.

·       With regard to the proposed changes to the NPPF will there be an opportunity to revisit the hierarchy of settlements?  It was advised that as this had already been looked at twice and had now been agreed it would not be revisited unless there were marked changes.  This was currently being looked into and if required a report would be brought back to Members in October.

·       Why is the Devon Wide Development Corporation not featured in this report.  The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management acknowledged that although this was featured in the Devon Housing Commission Report it was better suited for a wider discussion at Cabinet because it was more about the delivery.


Discussions covered:

·       A concern was raised about the recommendation for a county-wide planning system as the good work achieved by East Devon’s Planning Department would be lost.

·       A concern was raised to the response to Recommendation 8.4.  It was suggested that developers should start to pay council tax/business rates after 3 or 5 years if the development has been stalled.  Developers should not be allowed to squirrell away planning permissions.

·       Support for strategic planning for the whole county to achieve better infrastructure.

·       This makes depressing reading for families in private rented accommodation – changes are needed in East Devon and there is a need to consider building upwards.

·       More social housing is needed as there are a lot of families in temporary accommodation.

·       It was suggested to write to the government and copying in the Devon Housing Commission to address the concerns raised by Members.

·       It was suggested for the Devon Housing Commission Report to be published on the council’s website to highlight to the public what the challenges are that the council faced.


Councillor Dan Ledger proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Mike Howe with a request to include the following recommendation in relation to Recommendation 8.4.


‘Government should look to make changes to the legislation of council tax/business rates on sites that have made a start and not completed after 3 or 5 years or to allow the developer/landowner to rescind their planning application to avoid these charges and stopping the fallback position.’


In response the Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management acknowledged the concerns raised but advised it was not a planning matter but a change to the Business Rates Regulations but said he was happy for a letter to be sent to government if this is what members wished.  It was highlighted that a report would be going to Cabinet on the wider Commission Report which may include further recommendations to write to government so the Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management suggested that the Leader should write to government in relation to Recommendation 8.4.



That the findings and recommendations of the Devon Housing Commission and officer’s comments on them be noted and utilised as evidence for the production of the new Local Plan.



That Strategic Planning Committee recommend to Cabinet that they ask the Government to consider making legislative changes to incentivise developers to bring forward sites with planning permission.

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