Agenda item

Town Centre Masterplan


Before the start of the meeting Councillor Todd Olive was elected Chair for the Group and in the absence of the Chair panel members agreed that an EDDC Cranbrook Ward Member would chair the meeting.


Councillor Todd Olive, Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table. 


Thea Billeter, the Cranbrook New Community Manager provided an update on the progress on the town centre masterplan following the initial consultation undertaken in 2023.  The following fundamental changes to the service requirements were noted which had been made through the stakeholder’s meetings:

Ø  Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue – will not know if a fire station is required until a risk analysis has been completed.  It was noted that Section 106 monies would be payable in relation to this building.

Ø  Devon and Cornwall Police – would require an area of approximately 150 – 250 sq.m. but this needs to be formally confirmed by the Police Authority.

Ø  Devon County Council – may no longer wish to pursue a stand-alone building.


It was advised there was a delay in the current timeline for the production of the masterplan.  This was due to the review on the service requirements taking much longer than expected and the work needed to develop the Cranbox proposals.  It was now anticipated that the masterplan document would go to the Strategic Planning Committee on 3 October 2024.


During discussions the following questions were asked:

·       In response to a question raised by Councillor Kim Bloxham about whether the Police Authority had been provided with a timescale for a formal response about its requirement for a police station, it was noted that although it was important to keep the pressure on Devon and Cornwall Police for a formal response, the Force does not want an individual building but is happy to co-locate with someone else.  Councillor Kevin Blakey agreed with maintaining the pressure and reported that the last information received from the Police Authority was the request for six desk spaces, six permanent car park spaces and the use of showers which he advised could also be shared with the Fire and Rescue Service.

·       Clarification was sought from Councillor Henry Gent about whether Devon County Council and Cranbrook Town Council were planning to share a building.  It was noted that discussions were taking place about this, but it was early days.

·       In response to a concern raised about the officer resourcing issue to allow the continuation of both the masterplan and Cranbox it was advised that although additional officer support could be explored the main driver for the delay in the timeline was the time taken to get clarity from other organisations about their service requirements.

·       Clarification was sought by Janine Gardner, Clerk to Cranbrook Town Council about whether there was outline planning consent for the town centre.  It was noted that all the outline planning applications had lapsed.


The Chair acknowledged Members concerns about the delay from the Police Authority and the Fire and Rescue Service and asked Councillor Henry Gent about whether Devon County Council could put pressure on these authorities to help speed up the formal responses.  Councillor Gent was happy to assist and asked for some suitable wording.  Andy Wood, Director of Place (interim) advised he was happy to provide the wording.



That the new timetable for the production of the town centre plan be endorsed that will result in a final document being presented to Strategic Planning Committee on 1 October 2024.

Supporting documents: