Agenda item

Hackney Carriage fare tariff review


The Licensing Officer presented the report which asked the Committee to consider a request from the East Devon Taxi Association for an increase to the East Devon hackney carriage fare tariff.  If approved, the Committee were asked to indicate their preferred option from the revised fare tariff tables set out in Appendix G of the report, and to authorise the publication of a public notice setting out the proposed fare tariff in a local newspaper and at the Council offices in line with the powers conferred by Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.


The report contained a suggested new fare tariff table based on the current method of calculating hackney carriage fare tariff increases.  As previously agreed, a separate report would be brought to a future meeting with a view to implementing a fare setting formula in 2025 based on the Guildford Borough Council methodology.


The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Department of Transport’s Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing Best Practice Guidance for Licensing Authorities in England.


In presenting the report, the Licensing Officer also highlighted the costs of running a hackney carriage vehicle in East Devon [section 8] and the draft revised fare tables based on an increase of 5%, 10% or 15% [Appendix G].


Should the Committee agree to revise the fare tables, a public consultation, with a minimum period of 14 days, would be undertaken.  If no objections are received, the revised fare tables would come into immediate effect.  If objections are received, the matter would be brought back to the Committee for further consideration.


Questions and comments from the Committee included the following points:

·        The very poor condition of the roads is seriously impacting taxi operators, and this should be taken up with Devon County Council.

·        Taxi Association meetings are held in Exmouth which has the largest amount of trade although there are other operators in the rest of the district.

·        Implementing the Guildford methodology would ensure that any future fare tariff increases take account of the frequency and magnitude of repairs, including cost of tyres.

·        The fare tariff tables show the maximum costs which can be charged by taxi operators and not the costs which have to be charged to the public.

·        There was discussion on the league table of fares as published in the Private Hire & Taxi Monthly magazine and how various factors such as the rural nature of the district and the resulting dead mileage can impact on the authority’s position in the league table.

·        The view was expressed that it is not the right time for a fare increase due to the on-going cost of living crisis and the impact on the travelling public.

·        Regarding the cost of fuel, the current exceptional fuel prices surcharge, adopted in 2022, had been retained in the figures shown in the report.  This enables an extra charge of 10p to be added to the fare when the price of fuel oil exceeds £1.75 per litre based on the latest available AA Fuel Price Report.

·        A fare increase was needed due to year on year cost increases.



1.     The East Devon hackney carriage fare tariff be increased by 10% as shown in Appendix G on page 49 of the report.

2.     The Council’s powers under Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 be exercised to move to public consultation on the proposed amendments to the East Devon hackney carriage fare tariff.

3.     The requisite public notice of 14 days be given of the proposed amendments as required by Section 65 (2) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.

4.     If no written objection or representation is received relating to the notice given under Section 65 (2) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 with the period specified in the notice, that the amended fare tariff be implemented with immediate effect.

5.     If valid objection is received relating to the notice given under Section 65 (2) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, the matter be returned to the Licensing and Enforcement Committee for further consideration.



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