Agenda item

East Devon Playing Pitch Strategy

This report provides details of work to date on production of the Playing Pitch Strategy for East Devon.


The Committee considered the Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management’s report that updated Members on the production of the Playing Pitches Strategy and its likely outcomes with sports pitch provisions in towns.


The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised that a more detailed report would be going to Cabinet on 27 March for Members to agree what role the Council should play in the delivery of the Strategy and to understand the resourcing issues before being able to move forward and finalise the Strategy.


Comments made by Members included:

·       There is a clear need to progress this Strategy as the last Strategy was finalised in 2015 and since then there has been a growth in housing numbers.

·       There is a lack of suitable sites and existing pitches are over played.

·       There is a need for more training pitches.

·       The report does not refer to the LED Monitoring Forum that had commissioned Strategic Leisure and clarification was sought about whether this had been a been considered.  The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management confirmed that close work had been done with the Assistant Director – Countryside and Leisure and his team to join up all the different services.

·       Other facilities such as parking and changing rooms needs improvement and updating.

·       A lot of pitches are not mentioned in the report which makes this a misleading document.

·       Indoor sports pitches were not covered in the report.

·       There is an opportunity for a shared service for many different clubs so that clubs can stay in the same community.

·       How is the Strategy going to make a difference to villages?  West Hill residents cannot share access with the school.  The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised that villages had not been forgotten and would be included in the final document.

·       Cranbrook needs to be included in the list to help understand what will be delivered.  In response it was advised Cranbrook would be included in the list.

·       The list detailed in paragraph 1.5 is not exhaustive and there is a need to provide pitches for sports that are not that well known.


Councillor Dan Ledger proposed Recommendation 1 and 3 and proposed the following resolution for Recommendation 2.

‘Request that Cabinet at their meeting on 27 March 2024 bring forward costings for dedicated officer resource to fully work up the project to see the delivery of both Strategies.’


Councillor Ledger advised it was a key amenity which the council needs to start delivering for all East Devon residents.


The recommendations were seconded by Councillor Mike Howe.


In response the Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised that as the report to Cabinet on 27 March would not have those specific details.  Members could make a recommendation to Cabinet along the lines that they wish to see a resource put into this area of work to help support the delivery and enhance the additional sports pitch provision in the district.


Councillor Ledger said he was happy with the Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management’s suggestion but emphasised the need for a timeframe to be included.



1.          That the ongoing work on production of the Playing Pitch Strategy be noted and that in principle support be provided for the work to date and direction of travel.

2.          To note that following resolution of the Council’s role in delivering the new Playing Pitch Strategy and the resourcing of this work, a strategy to address the issues highlighted by the work will be developed with the sports governing bodies and clubs to be brought back to Committee as a final draft of the Strategy in the summer.



That Strategic Planning Committee recommend to Cabinet that                                                     the Council should play a role in the delivery and enhancement of the playing pitch provision within the district and that resources should be put in place to enable this work.

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