Agenda item

Governance Arrangements and appointments for the Civic Year 2024/2025


The Council received a report setting out the proposed allocation and appointment of members for seats on the Council’s committees, the appointment of Chairs, Vice Chairs, members appointments to panels, forums and joint bodies, the appointment of members to outside bodies, the appointment of member champions, approving the Council’s Constitution for 2024/2025 and to seek confirmation of the Conservative Group as the formal opposition.


Recommendation 1:  Political balance and the proposed allocation of committee places.


Cllr Peter Faithfull proposed that the political balance and proposed allocation of committee places was rejected and having been seconded by Cllr Roy Collins the motion was put to the vote and lost.


The Chair of Council moved the recommendation which was put to the vote and carried by a majority show of hands.


RESOLVED:  That the political balance of the Council was noted and that the proposed allocation of committee places was agreed.


Recommendation 2:  Terms of Reference, size and quorum arrangements for all committees.


The Chair of Council moved the recommendation which was put to the vote and carried by a majority show of hands.


RESOLVED:  That the Terms of Reference, size and quorum for all committees as set out in the Council’s Constitution is agreed.


Recommendation 3:  Appointment of Chairs, Vice Charis, members and co-opted members to the Council’s committee and panels, forums and joint bodies.


In respect of the panels, forums and joint bodies members requested that further work is undertaken and in order to allow the panels, forums and joint bodies to continue to carry on meeting that this comes back to Full Council on 17 July 2024. 


The Chair of Council proposed that the appointment of members to panels, forums and joint bodies is deferred to the Full Council meeting on 17 July 2024 and having been seconded by Cllr Alasdair Bruce was carried by a majority show of hands.


The Chair of Council moved that the appointment of Chairs, Vice Chairs, members and co-opted members to the Council’s committee is approved and having been put to the vote was carried by a majority show of hands.



1.     That the appointment of Chairs, Vice Chairs, members and co-opted members to the Council’s committees is approved.

2.     That the appointment of members to panels, forums and joint bodies is deferred to the Full Council meeting on 17 July 2024.


Recommendation 4:  Delegated authority to the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the appropriate Group Leader to make in year changes to committee and panels, forums and joint bodies.


The Chair of Council moved the recommendation and having been put to the vote was carried by a majority show of hands.


RESOLVED:  That delegated authority is granted to the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the appropriate group leader to make in year changes to committee and panels, forums and joint bodies (excluding the appointment of Chairs and Vice Chairs) in accordance with the allocation of places to political groups by the Council and the wishes of the relevant political group leader.


Recommendation 5:  Appointment of members to Outside Bodies.


The Chair of Council moved the recommendation and having been put to the vote was carried by a majority show of hands.


RESOLVED:  That the appointment of members to outside bodies is agreed.


Recommendation 6:  Appointment of member champions.


The Chair of Council moved the recommendations and having been put to the vote was carried by a majority show of hands.


RESOLVED:  That Council agrees to appoint the member champions for Mental Health (Cllr Sue Westerman), Sports & Leisure (Cllr Simon Smith), Armed Forces Covenant (Cllr Vicky Johns), Arts & Culture (Cllr Joe Whibley) and Safeguarding (Cllr John Heath).


Recommendation 6b:  Delegated authority to the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the appropriate group leader to make in year changes to outside bodies.


The Chair of Council moved the recommendation which was put to the vote and carried by a majority show of hands.


RESOLVED:  That delegated authority is granted to the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the appropriate group leader to make in year changes to outside bodies in accordance with the wishes of the relevant political group leader.


Recommendation 7:  Council Constitution 2024/2025.


Members noted that there were three changes to the Constitution relating to the Audit and Governance Committee terms of reference, threshold for key decisions and DBS checks for members and Safeguarding Protocol.


The Chair of Council moved the recommendation which was put to the vote and carried by a majority show of hands.


RESOLVED:  That the Council’s Constitution for 2024/2025 is approved.


Recommendation 8:  Formal Opposition


The Chair of Council moved the recommendation which was put to the vote and carried by a majority show of hands.


RESOLVED:  That the Conservative Group is confirmed as the formal opposition.

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