Agenda item

Designated Neighbourhood Areas Housing Requirement (DNAHR)

This report follows on from an introductory report on the same topic considered at Strategic Planning Committee in March 2023.


The report before Committee updated Members on the findings from an engagement webinar with town and parish councils and neighbourhood plans groups on their responsibilities for land allocations with regard to the Designated Neighbourhood Area Housing Requirement.   Members noted that an online survey had also taken place with 43 parish councils responding summarised at paragraph 5.14.  There was a mixed response seeing only 9 parish councils indicated they were likely to make housing allocations.


The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management outlined the two preferred options to help keep the method options simple and straightforward which were set out in paragraphs 7.12 to 7.20.


Option 1 – All housing supply forecast for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2040 excluding an allowance for future windfalls (recommended as the preferred option).


Option 2 – All housing supply forecast for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2040 including an allowance for future windfalls (recommended as the rejected option).


The preferred option would replicate the current approach which would give flexibility to communities on whether they want to see growth.


It is proposed that the consultation would include a straightforward summary document detailing the proposed two main options which would include a summary table giving figures for each area and a technical report which would include all options identified and how the district windfall allowance could be apportioned to Designated Neighbourhood Areas.


Questions raised by Members included:

·       Clarification was sought on housing allocation numbers if a town or parish council put forward suggested ideas about additional housing and whether this would be added to their housing allocation numbers.  In response the Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised additional housing allocation suggestions would be classed as extra.  It was explained that it was difficult to account for them any other way as some communities did not want to see growth and some did and yet the Local Plan needs to take a consistent approach notwithstanding this.

·       Clarification sought on whether the Regulation 18 consultation would include both the including and excluding windfall sites options.  In response the Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management confirmed these were the two preferred options but the other options would be detailed in the evidence that it is behind the consultation and could also be commented on.



1.          That the updated information available from the early engagement with parish councils and neighbourhood plan groups to inform consultation on Designated Neighbourhood Area Housing Requirements further to the report on this matter presented to Members in March 2023 be noted.

2.          Members agreed that the preferred approach for calculating Designated Neighbourhood Area Housing Requirements for consultation purposes should be based on the housing supply forecast for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2040 excluding an allowance for windfalls.

3.          That the proposed approach to Regulation 18 stage consultation on the method selection for calculating Designated Neighbourhood Area Housing Requirements set out in the report be agreed in principle, subject to a technical paper for the consultation including the housing requirement figures for each designated neighbourhood area being agreed by Members prior to the consultation launch.


Councillors Blakey and Jess Bailey left the meeting.

Supporting documents: