Agenda item

Asset Management Strategy


The Housing Review Board considered the report of the Interim Compliance and Planned Works Manager which recommended the development of an asset management strategy (AMS) for EDDC’s housing stock.  The report covered how the AMS would ensure the service met legislation, regulation and be able to forecast budgetary requirements in maintaining Council homes.  The AMS would assist in guiding future strategic property decisions to ensure EDDC managed the housing portfolio efficiently.  The AMS would include fully costed five, ten, fifteen and thirty year plan of works based on the outcome of the stock condition survey programme.  The report also recommended that a project board be formed to deliver the AMS.


At present EDDC did not have sufficient detailed information to enable it to accurately forecast and budget for the financial implications of managing its repair and maintenance obligations.  It was important to take a knowledge-based approach.  The outcome from the AMS would include detailed information on each property in the housing portfolio, including components, age, condition, life expectancy, energy efficiency, together with fully costed plans of works.


The purpose of an AMS was to set out and demonstrate:

·        An understanding of the property assets owned and managed by EDDC, including their attributes and characteristics.

·        An understanding of EDDC’s liabilities, in particular the investment needs of the stock in the short- medium and longer term as identified through stock condition surveys and EDDC’s database.

·        Adopt an approach to the strategic management and maintenance of the assets to maintain them in good and tenantable repair.

·        An understanding of when disposal, purchase, and development would be recommended.


The Housing Review Board noted the profile of its housing portfolio.  It was a mixed portfolio spanning several different property types.  They were held on a mixture of tenures; general needs tenancy, freehold, licence and leasehold.  The portfolio also included 15 community centres, which were part of the AMS.


It was noted that as part of the stock condition programme there were still about 100 properties remaining to be surveyed.  About 80% of the portfolio had been inspected, with this reaching 90% by the end of January when the project would be completed.  The surveyors, Currie and Brown, would provide a detailed report once the programme was completed.  The report would set out the key findings of the programme and include comprehensive five, ten, fifteen and thirty year works programmes, which would form an element of any future AMS.


The Interim Compliance and Planned Works Manager described:

·        the development of the specification/scope and approach to the AMS,

·        how it linked to other EDDC strategies and plans,

·        climate change and EDDC’s commitment to be a Carbon Neutral Council by 2030,

·        consultation/resident engagement, and

·        mobilisation/timescales.


Those present agreed the need for the housing service to be ambitious and well informed by data and policy.



1.     that Cabinet approve the appointment of a consultant, if required, to develop the Asset Management Strategy.

2.     that Cabinet recommends to Council the approval of an additional budget in the sum of £50,000 to fund this appointment.

3.     that delegated authority be given to the Assistant Director of Housing (Housing Tenancy Services) to agree a fee with this consultant, not exceeding £50,000.


Supporting documents: