Agenda item

Minutes of Budget Setting and Capital Allocations Panel held on 7 December 2023


Members agreed to note the Minutes and recommendations of the Budget Setting and Capital Allocations Panel held on 7 December 2023.


1. that the following bids be included in the Capital Programme:


a)    Car Park relining across the District for £20,000 in 2024/25

b)    Land of Canaan Car Park resurfacing for £60,000 in 2024/25

c)     Beer Cliff Top Car Park drainage works for £40,000 in 2024/25

d)    Phear Park anti-traveller measures for £30,000 in 2024/25

e)    Wall repairs across the District for £50,000 in 2024/25

f)      Public Open Space maintenance across the District for £150,000 in 2024/25

g)    Footpath Resurfacing works at Gunfield, Manor, Phear and Brixington for £170,000 in 2024/25

h)    Phear Park Parking extension for £70,000 for 2024/25

i)      Cemeteries maintenance across the District for £150,000 in 2024/25

j)      Carter Avenue Play Area for £150,000 in 2024/25

k)     Byron Way Play Area for £130,000 in 2024/25

l)      Allhallows Play Area for £150,000 in 2024/25

m)   Slewton Crescent Play Area for £100,000 in 2024/25

n)    Cheriswood Avenue Play Area for £75,000 in 2024/25

o)    Vandalism Play Equipment for £50,000 in 2024/25

p)    Feniton FAS Risk Budget for £250,000 in 2024/25

q)    Budleigh Salterton Beach Management Plan for £20,000 in 2024/25

r)      Recycling and Waste Vehicle Refurbishment Programme for £705,000 in 2024/25

s)     Recycling and Waste Drive Train Failure contingency fund for £50,000 in 2024/25

t)      Recycling and Waste MRF and Baler refurbishment site compliance for £145,000 in 2024/25

u)    Manor Pavilion Internal decorations and refurbishment for £5,000 in 2024/25 and £261,000 in 2025/26

v)     Thelma Hulbert internal decoration and refurbishment for £2,600 in 2024/25 and £65,400 in 2025/26

w)    Exmouth LC – Cold Water Storage Tank works for £36,500

x)     Various EDDC Swim Pools water quality monitoring for £26,000 in 2024/25

y)     Withycombe changing rooms decarbonisation works for £10,000 in 2024/25 and £99,200 in 2025/26 and £4,300 in 2026/27

z)     Seaton Seafields and Festical Garden depot site improvements for £56,500 for 2024/25.


2. That the following bids be supported in principle, and be referred to the LED Monitoring Forum for further consideration before recommending for inclusion in the Capital Programme:

a)    Exmouth Pavilion Flytower and Auditorium works for £335,100 in 2024/25 and

£444,900 in 2025/26

b)    Exmouth Pavilion Roof Works for £5,000 in 2024/25 and £504,000 in 2025/26

c)     East Devon Tennis Centre Roof works for £791,095 in 2024/25 and £21,405 in 2025/26


3. That the following bids put forward for inclusion are not supported at this time:

a)    Cheriswood Avenue Play Area for £75,000 in 2024/25 for reason of a play area at Brixington Park being close by;

b)    Norman Lockyer Observatory repairs and conservation works for £147,400 in

2024/25 and £5,500 in 2025/26 for reason of further exploration as set out in

recommendation 4.


4. That the bid for Norman Lockyer Observatory repairs and conservation work be referred to the Asset Management Plan working group tasked with work on the new Asset Management Plan; and delegated authority be given to the Assistant Director for Place, Assets & Commercialisation to enter into discussion with the tenants, working with the Finance Director (CFO/s151) & Interim Chief Executive and the Portfolio Holder for Finance.

Supporting documents: