Agenda item



The Assistant Director – Streetscene presented the service plan objectives and projects for 2024-2025 for the Streetscene service, and invited questions.


The Portfolio Holder Coast, Country and Environment thanked the Streetscene and Suez teams for their work and exemplary service.


Thanks were expressed to the Assistant Director, the Portfolio Holder Coast, Country and Environment and the Engineering Projects Manager for their work in securing funding for the Sidmouth Beach Management Plan.


Questions, clarification and responses included the following points:

·        In-house resources are very squeezed but the team work within their means to deliver projects.  Project management costs are being built into the capital programme to allow for project management, and consideration will need to be given to how project management resource is added to various projects, whether through a contractor, another council or recruiting directly into the team..

·        Streetscene operate more in towns than in rural locations as EDDC has more responsibility and land ownings in town areas.  Where necessary, a React team can be sent to do a clean up in villages..

·        A lot of work is going into decarbonising the Suez fleet but there are limitations to what can be done at the present time, for a number of reasons.  Decarbonised fleet is likely to be part of the post-2026 contract renewal and a strategy will need to be created for how this is done, which will include looking at available funding streams.

·        There is a service plan objective to assess the Green Flag or Parks Award potential for Beer Jubilee, and a list will be produced of the necessary works to get this area to the required standards.  In the meantime, improvements are being carried out within the means available and as set out in a management plan. 

·        There have been complaints about grass maintenance in children’s play areas, and parks officers can discuss with towns and parishes the council’s approach to managing these sites.  

·        The Environment Agency manages flood grant funding on behalf of Defra; the criteria for funding is complex and due to the increase in construction costs, the funding from government is often insufficient to cover costs.

·        The council has a corporate virtual funding team to looking at available grant funding for projects, but there is no specific officer within the Streetscene service to carry out this work. 

·        240m of the sea wall at Exmouth has been identified as likely not having a foundation, and the current repair to the sea wall will address a wider section than is currently cracked with a view to future-proofing the structure.  Consideration will be given to wider implications for the whole frontage, under the Exmouth Beach Management Plan project.

·        Several Members highlighted the benefits of beach matting for disabled people to be able to enjoy the beach with their families, and expressed a desire for the beach matting item to be included in the budget.


The Chair thanked the Assistant Director for the service plan and the quality of the work carried out by the Streetscene team.



The inclusion in 2024 – 25 of a budget for beach matting at Beer, Budleigh and Sidmouth.


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