Agenda and minutes

Leisure Strategy Delivery Forum (formerly LED Monitoring Forum) - Tuesday, 16th January, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Online via the Zoom app

Contact: Sarah James  01395 519978 Email:


No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 September 2023 pdf icon PDF 188 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 September 2023 were noted as a true and accurate record.


Declarations of interest

Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest



There were none.


Public Speaking


One member of the public had registered to speak at the meeting.


Mr Stephen Beer spoke on behalf of Exmouth Stroke Survivors Club.  He highlighted that funding for the Club was limited, and spoke of a need for more equipment to support a growing membership and increasing referrals.  He thanked LED for their continued support.


Matters of urgency


There were no matters of urgency.


Confidential/exempt item(s)

To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including the Press) have been excluded. Thereare two items which officersrecommendshould be dealtwithin thisway.



There were two items to be considered in private session (minutes 38 and 39 refer).


LED Facilities and Activities report January 2024 pdf icon PDF 602 KB


The LED Facilities and Activities report for January 2024 was received and noted.


Exmouth Pavilion report January 2024 pdf icon PDF 110 KB


The LED CEO introduced this report which provided an update on operational delivery and buildings maintenance at the Exmouth Pavilion.


The Forum noted the report.  


LED KPI Dashboard Annual 2023 pdf icon PDF 193 KB


The Forum received and noted key details of the performance of LED Community Leisure for 2023.


LED Monitoring Forum Terms of Reference update pdf icon PDF 294 KB


The Assistant Director – Countryside and Leisure introduced this item which set out proposed changes to the name and terms of reference for the Forum, to reflect the wider Leisure Strategy focus whilst incorporating LED.


Discussion included the following points:

·        It is appropriate to keep the same number of Cabinet members on the Forum’s membership in order to maintain a sense that this is a Forum of the Council rather than of the Cabinet. 

·        The Forum’s name needs to reflect its role in having an overarching view of the elements which sit within the Leisure Strategy and portfolio.

·        There are currently no members from the Conservative group on the membership of the Forum, and the Forum’s membership is agreed at Annual Council.  Through the Constitutional Working Party, it would be appropriate to consider proportionality on the Forum’s membership.



The following changes to the Terms of Reference for the Forum:

1.     The removal of the Portfolio Holder for Coast, Country and Environment and the inclusion of the Portfolio Holder for Culture, Leisure, Sport and Tourism as one of the identified Portfolio Holders within the membership of the Forum.

2.     To change the name of the Forum to the Leisure Strategy Delivery Forum.

3.     To update the Terms of Reference to reflect the changes in Officers job titles.

4.     To formally note within the revised Terms of Reference that the Chair will be appointed at Annual Council.

5.     To formally note within the revised Terms of Reference the quorum for the Forum of 4 Members.

6.     To formally note within the revised Terms of Reference that the Forum will meet on a quarterly basis, with extra meetings where reasonably required to deal with urgent matters.

7.     To note within the revised Terms of Reference that the Forum will have oversight of the Council’s wider leisure strategy work as well as providing guidance and scrutiny of the Council’s relationship and contract with LED.


The meeting then went into private session.


LED service management fee and SLA 2024

Additional documents:


The Assistant Director – Countryside and Leisure introduced this report which included the latest draft for a rolling two-year Service Level Agreement (SLA) with LED, and also a request being made by LED for its management service fee settlement for 2024/25.


Following discussion at length, the Forum:

1.     Noted the request from LED to provide a budget allocation of £1,819,554 for its 2024/25 Service fee acknowledging that £1,463,924 is currently included in the Draft Revenue and Capital Budget 2024/25.

2.     Considered the draft SLA framework document and management service fee settlement request as presented, with final versions to be brought to an extraordinary Forum meeting at the next opportunity for recommendation to Cabinet.


This ensured that the Forum was able to consider in detail the management fee proposal by LED for the 2024/25 financial year with a view to ensuring that LED can remain a viable leisure provider for this council.



1.     That the Council’s draft budget remains unaltered at £1,463,924 until a detailed breakdown of the LED service fee payment request is received by the Forum, accompanied by officers recommendations having undertaken appropriate due diligence.  This may require an additional budget being agreed at a later stage in the year.



BSCAP 7th Dec 2023 referrals to LED Monitoring Forum - supported in principle but referred to the LED Monitoring Forum for further consideration before recommending for inclusion in the Capital Programme:

a.     Exmouth Pavilion Flytower and Auditorium works for £335,100 in 2024/25 and £444,900 in 2025/26

b.     Exmouth Pavilion Roof works for £5,000 in 2024/25 and £504,000 in 2025/26

c.      East Devon Tennis Centre Roof works for £791,095 in 2024/25 and £21,405 in 2025/26


Initial Project Proposal Documents as presented to BSCAP are attached for each, implications of which will be presented verbally by Officers.



Additional documents:


The Assistant Director – Place, Assets and Commercialisation introduced this item, inviting Members to consider referrals from the Budget Setting and Capital Allocations Panel (BSCAP), before recommendation or not for inclusion in the Capital Programme.


BSCAP had referred these proposals to the Forum so that they could be considered in relation to the Leisure Strategy and the wider position with LED.


Members had received the Initial Project Proposal Documents as presented to BSCAP for the following proposals:

1.     Exmouth Pavilion Flytower and Auditorium works for £335,100 in 2024/25 and £444,900 in 2025/26

2.     Exmouth Pavilion Roof works for £5,000 in 2024/25 and £504,000 in 2025/26

3.     East Devon Tennis Centre Roof works for £791,095 in 2024/25 and £21,405 in 2025/26.


The Assistant Director and the Principal Building Surveyor presented the business cases, outlining why the works were necessary and the implications for the sites in the eventuality that the works are not progressed.


Questions, clarification and discussion included the following points:

·        The works to the Exmouth Pavilion Flytower and Auditorium are mainly related to health and safety.

·        The Exmouth Pavilion Roof works are to reroof the whole of the Pavilion building.

·        The Tennis Centre roof is 25 years old and in need of replacement.

·        These are community facilities that are very well used with a large catchment area, and the Leisure Strategy identifies the Tennis Centre as the only indoor tennis facility in East Devon.

·        The facilities are part of the Leisure Strategy and the Exmouth Pavilion is part of the Cultural Strategy.  Both facilities tie into the Tourism Strategy and bring people into the town, supporting the local economy.

·        Whilst the facilities are popular, more needs to be done by LED to maximise patronage in order to get best value from the assets and ensure they are used at all times, and this was identified during the Cultural Strategy consultation work.

·        The focus is on the capital cost for material significant works, to keep the facilities going and protect the longevity of the sites. 

·        There will be a revenue implication for the council due to the cost of borrowing from the Public Works Loans Board, and this cost has been allowed for.

·        Whilst the sites are in exposed locations, flat roofs and metal roofs should last for 25 years, with pitch and slate roofs expected to last considerably longer.  Loans for the repairs will be repaid over a 40 year term.  The Finance Director indicated that total borrowings across the authority are worked out as an average.

·        Whilst these assets are on the council’s portfolio and until a decision is taken to dispose any of them, the council needs to ensure that they are well maintained and fit for pupose.  Maintaining them in good condition in some instances will also mean that they will fetch a better price should the council ever need to dispose of them.

·        An Asset Management Plan will enable the council to forward plan, with assets scored according to financial and non-financial performance.  This  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39.