Agenda and draft minutes

To consider applications deferred from the meeting on 21 May 2024, Planning Committee - Friday, 24th May, 2024 1.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Blackdown House, Honiton

Contact: Wendy Harris, Democratic Services Officer  01395 517542; email

Link: Planning Committee 24 May 2024 plans and photographs


No. Item


Declarations of interest

Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest



Minute 165. 23/2506/MFUL (Major) CLYST VALLEY.

Councillor Mike Howe, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Bishops Clyst Parish Councillor.


Minute 166. 23/2537/FUL (Minor) SIDMOUTH TOWN.

Councillor Ian Barlow, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Sidmouth Town Councillor and advised of predetermination and would not take part in discussions or vote for this application.


Minute 167. 24/0313/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH TOWN.

Councillors Olly Davey and Brian Bailey, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Exmouth Town Councillor.


Non Committee Member

Minute 167. 24/0313/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH TOWN.

Councillor Aurora Bailey, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Exmouth Town Councillor.



Matters of urgency

Information on matters of urgency is available online



There were none.


Confidential/exempt item(s)

To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including press) have been excluded. There are no items that officers recommend should be dealt with in this way.



There were none.


23/2506/MFUL (Major) CLYST VALLEY pdf icon PDF 274 KB

Winslade Park, Clyst St Mary.



Mr Peter Quincey.



Winslade Park, Clyst St Mary.



Installation of solar array with associated infrastructure, access and landscaping.



Refused contrary to officer recommendation for the following reasons:


1.          Having regard to its siting, scale and design the proposed solar farm would harm the distinctive landscape, amenity and environmental qualities within which it would be located and as such is contrary to Strategy 7 (Development in the Countryside), Strategy 39 (Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Projects), Strategy 46 (Landscape Conservation and Enhancements and AONBs), Policy D1 (Design and Local Distinctiveness) of the East Devon Local Plan 2013 to 2031 and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework, 2023.


2.          The proposed development will prevent the delivery of public open space required as part of extant planning permission 20/1001/MOUT, adversely affecting the amenity of future occupiers of that development and the wider community, contrary to Policy D1 (Design and Local Distinctiveness) of the East Devon Local Plan, 2013 to 2031 and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework, 2023.


3.               The proposed development will result in less than substantial harm to nearby heritage assets which is not outweighed by the public benefits of the proposed development.  As such the development is contrary to Strategy 39 (Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Projects), Strategy 49 (The Historic Environment) and Policy EN9 (Development Affecting a Designated Heritage Asset) of the East Devon Local Plan, 2013 to 2031 and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework, 2023.



23/2537/FUL (Minor) SIDMOUTH TOWN pdf icon PDF 165 KB

Sidmouth Swimming Pool, Ham Lane, Sidmouth, EX10 8XR



Mr Jorge Pineda-Langford (EDDC).



Sidmouth Swimming Pool, Ham Lane, Sidmouth.



Erection of a new public toilet building.



Refused contrary to officer recommendation.


Having regard to its siting, scale and design the proposed building would appear as an incongruous feature in the street scene, out of character with the area, failing to conserve or enhance the setting of nearby heritage assets and adversely impacting on the visibility of and access to and around adjacent public buildings.  As such the proposed development is contrary to Strategy 6 (Development within Built-Up Area Boundaries), Strategy 26 (Development at Sidmouth), Policy D1 (Design and Local Distinctiveness), Strategy 49 (The Historic Environment) and Policy EN9 (Development Affecting a Designated Heritage Asset) of the East Devon Local Plan, 2013 to 2031 and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework, 2023.


Councillor Ian Barlow did not take part in discussions and did not take part in the vote.


24/0313/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH TOWN pdf icon PDF 246 KB

The Octagon, Esplanade, Exmouth, EX8 2AZ.



Mr David Freer.



The Octagon, Esplanade, Exmouth, EX8 2AZ.



Proposed change of use from shop (Class E(a)) to café (Class E(b)) two side extensions and internal alterations.



Approved with conditions as per officer recommendation.


23/2455/FUL (Minor) DUNKESWELL & OTTERHEAD pdf icon PDF 422 KB

Kains Park Farm, Kains Park Storage, Awliscombe, EX14 3NN.



Mr & Mrs M & J Summers.



Kains Park Farm, Kains Park Storage, Awliscombe, EX14 3NN.



Change of use of land for the storage of caravans, motorhomes and boats (Use Class B8) and associated works.



Refused as per officer recommendation.


22/2719/FUL (Minor) WOODBURY & LYMPSTONE pdf icon PDF 309 KB

Stables and Premises, Bond Lane Farm, Bond Lane, Woodbury Salterton.



Misters M & C Tanton.



Stables & premises, Bond Lane Farm, Bonds Lane, Woodbury Salterton.



Change of use from poultry farm to industrial (Use Class E(g) and storage (B8).



Approved with conditions as per officer recommendation.