Venue: Council Chamber, Blackdown House, Honiton
Contact: Wendy Harris, Democratic Services Officer 01395 517542; email
Link: Planning Committee 20 December 2022 plans and photographs
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 170 KB Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 29 November 2022.
Minutes: The minutes of the Planning Committee held on 29 November 2022 were confirmed as a true record. |
Declarations of interest Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest
Minutes: Minute 78. 22/0990/MFUL (Major) WHIMPLE & ROCKBEARE In accordance with the code of good practice for Councillor and Officers dealing with planning matters as set out in the constitution it was advised all Committee Members had been lobbied in respect of this planning application.
Minute 79. 22/0873/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH WITHYCOMBE RALEIGH. Councillor Steve Gazzard, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Exmouth Town Councillor and as a Ward Member had commented on the application but advised he had come to the meeting with an open mind.
Minute 81. 21/1546/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH LITTLEHAM In accordance with the code of good practice for Councillor and Officers dealing with planning matters as set out in the constitution Councillor Bruce De Saram advised lobbying in respect of this application.
Minute 82. 22/1197/FUL (Minor) FENITON In accordance with the code of good practice for Councillor and Officers dealing with planning matters as set out in the constitution Councillor Bruce De Saram advised lobbying in respect of this application. |
Planning appeal statistics PDF 85 KB Update from the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management.
Minutes: In the absence of the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management there was no planning appeal statistics update. |
22/0990/MFUL (Major) WHIMPLE & ROCKBEARE PDF 856 KB Land at Marsh Green Farm, Marsh Green, EX5 2EU. Minutes: Applicant: Mr Phil Cookson (Low Carbon Alliance)
Location: Land at Marsh Green Farm, Marsh Green, EX5 2EU.
Proposal: Construction and operation of a ground mounted solar farm and associated landscaping and ecological habitat, with permission being required for 40 years, comprising solar arrays, equipment housing, sub-station, fencing, ancillary equipment and associated development; temporary change of use of land for construction compound (off-site).
RESOLVED: Refused contrary to officer recommendation for two reasons.
Members considered that the proposal was contrary to: 1. Strategy 39 as the proposal was likely to lead to increased flooding in the area, it would have a harmful impact on heritage assets that was not outweighed by public benefits and would have a landscape and visual impact such that the location of development was not correct; 2. Insufficient information had been submitted to indicate whether the proposal would lead to a substantial loss of best and most versatile (BMV) agricultural land contrary to Policy EN13 of the EDDC Local Plan. |
22/0873/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH WITHYCOMBE RALEIGH PDF 457 KB Olleston, St John Road, Exmouth, EX8 5EG. Minutes: Applicant: Mr Eric Biddulph.
Location: Olleston, St Johns Road, Exmouth, EX8 5EG.
Proposal: Erection of a detached dwelling with associated parking and amenity space, vehicular access and landscaping.
RESOLVED: Approved contrary to officer recommendation.
Members considered that the proposed development satisfied Policies D1 and D3 of the EDDC Local Plan and that the trees surrounding the site would work in harmony with the development rather than the development causing harm to them. Conditions were delegated to officers to draft in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Ward Members. |
21/1990/FUL (Minor) BUDLEIGH & RALEIGH PDF 362 KB Higher Hawkerland Farm, Sidmouth Road, Aylesbeare, EX5 2JW. Minutes: Applicant: C J Wyatt & Son Richard Wyatt.
Location: Higher Hawkerland Farm, Sidmouth Road, Aylesbeare, EX5 2JW.
Proposal: Retention of one bedroom mobile home dwelling for farm worker (retrospective).
RESOLVED: Approved temporary permission for three years contrary to officer recommendation.
Members considered that the agricultural activities associated with the breeding ewes and other agricultural activities that take place on the holding are sufficient to justify the provision of a mobile home for an initial three years to provide the applicants with an opportunity to demonstrate that it is needed on a permanent basis to facilitate the functional requirements of a full time agricultural business on the land. Conditions were delegated to officers to draft in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Ward Members.
The Committee were advised that information had been provided by the applicants that indicated that one of the partners in the business had become incapacitated very recently and that this was key to their request for the mobile home to be sited on the land for an initial three year period. |
21/1546/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH LITTLEHAM PDF 347 KB British Red Cross Society, South Street, Exmouth, EX8 2SA. Minutes: Applicant: Mr Loveridge.
Location: British Red Cross Society, South Street, Exmouth, EX8 2SA.
Proposal: Erection of a three storey building to include four two bed flats, office suite and two front dormers with associated parking and amenity space including demolition of existing hall.
RESOLVED: Deferred for a site inspection so that Members could consider the relationship between the proposed building and neighbouring properties. |
22/1197/FUL (Minor) FENITON PDF 357 KB Curlditch House, Gittisham, Honiton, EX14 3AE. Minutes: Applicant: Mr Robin Hutson.
Location: Curlditch House, Gittisham, EX14 3AE.
Proposal: Proposed siting of five shepherds huts in the field southeast of Curlditch House.
RESOLVED: Approved as per officer recommendation. |
22/1547/FUL (Minor) DUNKESWELL & OTTERHEAD PDF 350 KB Turbury Farm, Stamps Coaches, Dunkeswell, EX14 4QN. Minutes: Applicant: Mr Kevin Crudge.
Location: Turbury Farm, Stamps Coaches, Dunkeswell, EX14 4QN.
Proposal: Static home to provide managers accommodation.
RESOLVED: Approved contrary to officer recommendation.
Members considered that as there was a fall-back position of siting the annexe (in the form of a mobile home) in the garden of the existing dwelling without requiring planning permission, the proposed location would better serve the business and have no greater impact on its surroundings providing it was conditioned to be used ancillary to the use of the main dwelling on site representing a departure from Policy H4. Conditions were delegated to officers in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Ward Members. |