Venue: Council Chamber, Blackdown House, Honiton
Contact: Wendy Harris, Democratic Services Officer 01395 517542; email
Link: Planning Committee 29 November 2022 plans and photographs
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 178 KB Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 25 October 2022 and 15 November 2022
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Planning Committee held on 25 October and 15 November 2022 were confirmed as a true record. |
Declarations of interest Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest
Minutes: Minute 67. 22/0990/MFUL (Major) WHIMPLE & ROCKBEARE. Councillor Richard Lawrence, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Ward Member and had attended presentations held by the applicant and Rockbeare Parish Council. Advised he came to the meeting with an open mind.
Minute 67. 22/0990/MFUL (Major) WHIMPLE & ROCKBEARE. In accordance with the code of good practice for Councillors and Officers dealing with planning matters as set out in the Constitution Councillors Eileen Wragg, Sarah Chamberlain, Kim Bloxham, Colin Brown, Olly Davey, Bruce De Saram, Mike Howe, David Key, Richard Lawrence, Geoff Pratt, Philip Skinner advised lobbying in respect of this application.
Minute 68. 21/3243/MFUL (Major) CLYST VALLEY. Councillor Mike Howe, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Ward Member and owns a shop in the village.
Minute 70. 22/0864/FUL (Minor) BUDLEIGH & RALEIGH. Councillor Richard Lawrence, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Spouse attends a health spa run by the applicant.
Minute 70. 22/0864/FUL (Minor) BUDLEIGH & RALEIGH. In accordance with the code of good practice for Councillors and Officers dealing with planning matters as set out in the Constitution Councillors Sarah Chamberlain, Kim Bloxham, Mike Howe, Philip Skinner and Bruce De Saram advised lobbying in respect of this application.
Minute 71. 22/0873/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH WITHYCOMBE RALEIGH. Councillor Eileen Wragg, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Known to the agent for this application as a neighbour.
Minute 71. 22/0873/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH WITHYCOMBE RALEIGH. In accordance with the code of good practice for Councillors and Officers dealing with planning matters as set out in the Constitution Councillors Sarah Chamberlain, Kim Bloxham, Colin Brown, Olly Davey, Bruce De Saram, Mike Howe and Geoff Pratt advised lobbying in respect of this application. |
Planning appeal statistics PDF 228 KB Update from the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management.
Minutes: The Committee noted the Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management’s report setting out 10 appeal decisions notified which reported that 7 decisions had been dismissed, 2 allowed and 1 withdrawn.
Members’ attention was drawn to the dismissed appeal relating to Hornshaynes Farm, Stockland, against an enforcement notice served for the unauthorised use of a caravan. The Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised that the Inspector had dismissed the appeal due to it being a new dwelling within the catchment area of the River Axe which would have an impact on the phosphate levels in the river. |
22/0990/MFUL (Major) WHIMPLE & ROCKBEARE PDF 856 KB Land at Marsh Green Farm, Marsh Green, EX5 2EU. Minutes: Applicant: Mr Phil Cookson (Low Carbon Alliance)
Location: Land at Marsh Green Farm, Marsh Green, EX5 2EU.
Proposal: Construction and operation of a ground mounted solar farm and associated landscaping and ecological habitat with permission being required for 40 years, comprising solar arrays, equipment housing, sub-station, fencing, ancillary equipment and associated development; temporary change of use of land for construction compound (off-site).
RESOLVED: Deferred for a site inspection to consider the landscape impact of the proposed solar farm including the cumulative impact with others granted consent and already constructed in the area. |
21/3243/MFUL (Major) CLYST VALLEY PDF 451 KB Cat and Fiddle Inn, Sidmouth Road, Clyst St Mary, EX5 1DP. Minutes: Applicant: St Austell Brewery Limited
Location: Cat and Fiddle Inn, Sidmouth Road, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DP.
Proposal: Re-submission of application 17/2336/MFUL full planning permission for the reconfiguration of the existing public house and construction of a two storey, 33 bed hotel with associated infrastructure in line with the subsequent variation of conditions approval (reference 18/0223/VAR).
RESOLVED: 1. Approved as per officer recommendation with delegated authority to the Service Lead in consultation with the Chair and Ward Member to require the provision of electric vehicle charging points and cycle parking facilities within the site. 2. The appropriate assessment under the Habitats Regulations be adopted. |
22/1547/FUL (Minor) DUNKESWELL & OTTERHEAD PDF 270 KB Turbury Farm, Stamps Coaches, Dunkeswell, EX14 4QN. Minutes: Applicant: Mr Kevin Crudge.
Location: Turbury Farm Stamps Coaches, Dunkeswell, EX14 4QN.
Proposal: Static home to provide managers accommodation.
RESOLVED: Deferred to allow further discussion between the applicants and officers regarding alternative ways of meeting their housing needs on the site. |
22/0864/FUL (Minor) BUDLEIGH & RALEIGH PDF 363 KB 34 The Creamery, Fore Street, Budleigh Salterton, EX9 6NH. Minutes: Applicant: Dr. Ros Debenham.
Location: 34 The Creamery, Fore Street, Budleigh Salterton, EX9 6NH.
Proposal: Conversion of Fore Street (No.34 and No.34A) to a single 5 bed dwelling house with a single storey rear extension and reduction of stone wall, installation of passenger lift and alterations to fenestration.
RESOLVED: Approved contrary to officer recommendation.
Members considered that the proposal would conserve the character and appearance of the conservation area and would not harm the setting of the adjacent listed building and therefore would comply with the requirements of policies EN7 and EN10 of the adopted Local Plan. |
22/0873/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH WITHYCOMBE RALEIGH PDF 457 KB Olleston, St Johns Road, Exmouth, EX8 5EG. Minutes: Applicant: Mr Eric Biddulph.
Location: Olleston, St Johns Road, Exmouth, EX8 5EG.
Proposal: Erection of a detached dwelling with associated parking and amenity space, vehicular access and landscaping.
RESOLVED: Deferred for a site inspection to consider the impact of the proposal on the adjacent trees and the impact of the trees on the amenity of the proposed dwelling. Tree Officer to also attend the site inspection. |
22/1513/FUL (Minor) FENITON PDF 405 KB Otters Pocket, Weston, EX14 3PF. Minutes: Applicant: Mr D Jenkins & Ms K Holvey.
Location: Otters Pocket, Weston, Honiton, EX14 3PF.
Proposal: Siting of a temporary rural workers dwelling and rural building.
RESOLVED: Approved as per officer recommendation. |
21/3308/RES (Minor) NEWTON POPPLEFORD & HARPFORD PDF 495 KB Waterleat, High Street, Newton Poppleford, EX10 0DU. Minutes: Applicant: Mr S Tucker (OFAH)
Location: Waterleat, High Street, Newton Poppleford, EX10 0DU.
Proposal: Reserved matters application, pursuant to outline planning permission reference 16/0218/OUT for the approval of details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 9 dwellings including the discharge of conditions 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 19 of planning permission reference 16/0218/OUT.
RESOLVED: 1. Approved as per officer recommendation but with the discharge of conditions 11, 12 and 13 of the outline permission under reference 16/0218/OUT to be included within condition 1. 2. The appropriate assessment under the Habitats Regulations be adopted. |
22/1407/FUL (Minor) SIDMOUTH RURAL PDF 419 KB Hare and Hounds Inn, Putts Corner, Sidbury, EX10 0QQ. Minutes: Applicant: Mr J Birch (Heartstone Inns Limited).
Location: Hare and Hounds Inn, Putts Corner, Sidbury, EX10 0QQ.
Proposal: Proposed demolition of barn and the erection of an extension to provide 11 guest bedrooms and associated landscape and car parking.
RESOLVED: 1. Approved as per officer recommendation but with delegated authority to the Service Lead in consultation with the Chair and Ward Members to include an additional condition requiring the submission of details of electric vehicle charging points and cycle storage facilities and their retention. 2. The appropriate assessment under the Habitats Regulations be adopted. |