Agenda and minutes

Car Parking Task and Finish Forum - Thursday, 19th December, 2019 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Blackdown House, Border Road, Honiton, EX14 1EJ

Contact: Chris Lane, Democratic Services Officer  01395 517544 email:

No. Item


Public speaking



Liz McLean a Sidmouth resident, joined in the discussion on the issue of the Car Parking charges in Sidmouth with the permission of the Chairman.


Minutes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 23 KB



The minutes of the previous meeting held on 28 November 2019 were agreed as a true record.


Declarations of interest


Minute 19 Review of Council's Car Parking Operations - Free and Non Profit Car Parks.

Councillor Andrew Colman, Personal, Exmouth Town Councillor.


Minute 19 Review of Council's Car Parking Operations - Free and Non Profit Car Parks.

Councillor Bruce De Saram, Personal, Exmouth Town Councillor.


Minute 19 Review of Council's Car Parking Operations - Free and Non Profit Car Parks.

Councillor Joe Whibley, Personal, Exmouth Town Councillor.


Minute 19 Review of Council's Car Parking Operations - Free and Non Profit Car Parks.

Councillor Maddy Chapman, Personal, Exmouth Town Councillor.


Minute 19 Review of Council's Car Parking Operations - Free and Non Profit Car Parks.

Councillor Paul Millar, Personal, Exmouth Town Councillor.


Minute 19 Review of Council's Car Parking Operations - Free and Non Profit Car Parks.

Councillor Tony McCollum, Personal, Exmouth Town Councillor.



Matters of urgency

Information on matters of urgency is available online



 There were no matters of urgency.


Confidential/exempt items

To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including the press) have been excluded.



There were no matters which the officers recommended be dealt with in this way.


Review of Council's Car Parking Operations - Free and Non Profit Car Parks pdf icon PDF 681 KB


The Chairman gave a summary to the work of the Car Parking Task and Finish Forum (TAFF) which was set up following the item being called-in. The first meeting established the facts and that the issue was essential part of the council’s budget to increase its income from car parks. The second meeting highlighted detailed costings per car park with 15 of these being cost-negative costing the council £100k.


Andrew Ennis, Service Lead Environmental Health & Car Parks highlighted the income generated by a few car parks with the total gross income from car parks being £3.2m (net £2.4m), reserved parking £43k and penalty charges £40k as an example. The costs reduction included business rates, VAT, maintenance charges, management costs, Streetscene and customer services to name a few.


Discussions on the financially negative car parks were as followed;


1.     Maer Road car park long stay, Exmouth

This was now reduced to 200 car parking spaces due to the increase in coach bays though the loss at Queens Drive car park. It was anticipated further increases in visitor numbers and therefore revenue as Exmouth’s visitor offer further improves with the completion of Queens Drive Regeneration phases 2 and 3.



1.     To increase the coach parking fee from £5 to £10 per day

2.     To advise Exmouth Town Council to look at all issues re facilities needed to support camper vans for the 2-Year pilot TAFF they were leading on concerning this matter.



2.     Cliff Top long stay car park, Beer

This was a large grass covered car park that generated a little over £15,000 last year but again, due to its size, with the ‘per space’ accounting model it carried a large proportion of the services general costs. The car park was an important facility for visitors wishing to access the Southwest coast path and acted as an important summer overflow car park for the village.



No action - to be kept under review


3.     Underhill long stay car park Lympstone

This was a busy car park and although pay and display transactions increase significantly during the summer, many of the spaces are occupied by permit holding residents and second-home owners. Revenue was therefore relatively poor at just over £12,000 last year. The tariff here was increased in April 2019 and although this was currently the only public car here, the possibility of offering an alternative car park for permit holders was being explored.



That the car park remains a pay & display with the prospect of increased income.


4.      Dolphin Street long stay car park Colyton

This car park was well used and considered to be an important facility for the town helping to reduce on street parking stress and congestion. However it has historically been operated on a very low tariff (40p per hour) that was only increased to £1 per hour in April of this year so last year it produced less than £10,000 gross revenue but that may improve in the coming year.


No  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.


Date of next meeting


The next meeting would be held on Thursday 9 January 2020 at 6pm in the Council Chamber.


At the next meeting the following issues would be discussed;

·       Raising the car parking rate to £1.10 per hour

·       Consideration to the winter parking offer

·       Plus 10 more car parks to be reviewed, with ones in towns being grouped alphabetically.