Venue: online via zoom
Contact: Debbie Meakin 01395 517540; email
No. | Item |
Notes from the previous meeting PDF 230 KB Minutes: The notes of the previous meeting held on the 4 December 2023 were agreed subject to a typographical error being corrected. |
Declarations of interest Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest
Minutes: Cllr Ian Barlow; Affects NRI: Acquaintance of owner of garden centre in location area of masterplan
Cllrs Cherry Nicholas, Olly Davey and Nick Hookway: Affects NRI: Member of Exmouth Placemaking Group and Exmouth Town Council
Cllrs Jenny Brown and Tony McCollum: Affects NRI: Member of Honiton Town Council
Public speaking Information on public speaking is available online
Minutes: None. |
Matters of urgency Information on matters of urgency is available online
Minutes: None. |
Confidential/exempt item(s) To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including the press) have been excluded. Thereare no itemswhich officersrecommendshould be dealtwithin thisway.
Minutes: There was one item agreed for discussion in private session listed under minute 32. |
Place and Prosperity Team update PDF 200 KB Minutes: A Project Manager for Place and Prosperity gave a project update to the Forum, covering: · Depot review · Public toilets, Sidmouth · UKSPF Feasibility Studies · Seaton and Axminster Employment Sites · Seaton Moridunum
In response to questions about Camperdown Depot, in particular in relation to the potential of the site, the Forum were reminded of the scope of the depot review. The existing uses of these sites were being examined to determine the sites operational value, in terms of being fit for purpose and optimising service delivery.
The contracted consultants on this project were expected to provide their report in April, with a view to a report to Cabinet in the summer of 2024 providing the outcomes of the review and recommendations for next steps. With the information presented through commissioning this work, it will enable Members to make informed decisions on next steps.
Officers confirmed that discussion with other bodies, such as the County Council and Exmouth Town Council, would take place as and when required.
In regard to the toilets at Port Royal in Sidmouth, the Forum were reminded of the protracted negotiations for the current proposal. Work was still underway on consultation with the Environment Agency, prior to the submission of a planning application for the works.
The Forum noted the report. |
Exmouth Placemaking update PDF 254 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Project Manager for Place and Prosperity who is leading on projects in Exmouth provided the Forum with an update report, which set out the stages already completed, and the next steps.
In addition, the report covered the recent update on car park signage, and the events held in the area in the previous season.
Members welcomed progress towards the final placemaking plan for Exmouth, welcoming the clear denotation of the steps involved and the transparency for the local community to see progression.
The Forum noted the report.
Property and FM Team update Verbal report from the Assistant Director – Place, Assets & Commercialisation. Minutes: Due to the workload of the Property and FM team, there had not been sufficient resource to complete a statistical report for the agenda. The Forum therefore received a verbal update from the Assistant Director - Place, Assets and Commercialisation.
This included an improvement on the landlord health and safety compliance work rising from 92% reported at the previous meeting, to 97% (exceeding the target of 90%). The capital projects were also on target.
The statistical report usually provided for the Forum would be completed and circulated to Members as soon as possible.
The Forum noted the verbal update. |
Estates Team update PDF 617 KB Minutes: The Senior Estates Surveyor updated the Forum on work of the Estates Team, including: · Seasonal leases at the Queens Drive Space and other seaside locations · Revaluation of a significant portion of land and building assets · Continued work to reduce the previous backlog of landlord and tenant, or acquisition and disposal cases, backlog now significantly reduced and numbers of live projects having reduced by more than 100, currently standing at 241 · Rolling out “green lease” clauses in new lease agreements · Community Asset Transfer work in respect of one application forJubilee Memorial Gardens, Jubilee cliff top hard standing play park, and Beach Court car park
The Chair gave credit to the team for the work in reducing the active cases, as well as their work with Beer Parish Council that had received local media interest. This put the Council in a positive light.
Discussion also took place over the work of the team in helping to upskill other services where capacity permitted.
The Forum noted the report. |
Public Toilets Update PDF 382 KB Minutes: The report before the Forum set out an update on the review of public toilet provision, following recommendations by Cabinet on 3rd January 2024. This included: · Setting up a working group of councillors, chaired by the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Assets to review the latest cost estimates to deliver the work and approach previously agreed by Cabinet in 2021 which set out the principles for the review.; · Costs per square metre for the planned Category A upgrades remained at roughly the same level, but the overall cost projection of this first phase had increased due to the larger size and accessibility needs of each of the sites, again in accordance with the principles agreed by Cabinet. Inflation has impacted on cost, but the increase itself can be apportioned to the larger footprints now proposed; · DLUHC Changing Places funding extension request had been approved on 26 February and a formal variation to contract was awaited; · Expected timeframe for works on Category A sites would be April through to July and with temporary facilities being explored. · Category B and C transfer terms reminder and progress on meetings with individual town and parish councils.
Members raised concerns over the potential of public backlash in locations where some toilet sites would close. Members were reminded of the decision of Cabinet and the improvement of facilities agreed principles. Communication plans would help inform the public on the reasons for the changes. Site fencing would also consider carrying visuals of the completed works.
In response to a question about the toilets at Lace Walk, it was confirmed that live monitored CCTV was being considered. This was due to the repeat vandalism at that site.
The Forum noted the report. |
Masterplan for Hayne Lane Minutes: The confidential report was debated by the Forum and other attending Members, including Ward Members.
The options under the masterplan relating to bring forward an economic development opportunity on the site were discussed. A range of uses and opportunities were suggested.
In light of further information required relating to the site and possible uses, the Forum agreed that an additional report was required to expand on the discussions already undertaken.
RESOLVED to defer the matter, so that a further report on the Hayne Lane Masterplan expanding on options be presented to an additional meeting of the Asset Management Forum as a matter of urgency.