Agenda and minutes

Consideration of site allocations for the draft Local Plan, Strategic Planning Committee - Friday, 20th September, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Blackdown House, Honiton

Contact: Wendy Harris  01395 517542; email


No. Item


Declarations of interest

Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest


Minute 162 to 171.

In accordance with the Code of Good Practice for Councillors and Officers dealing with planning matters as set out in the constitution the Chair, Councillor Todd Olive, advised of extensive lobbying to all members in respect of the proposed housing site allocations.


Minute 163. Honiton site selection report.

Councillor Jessica Bailey, Other Registerable Interest, Site Honi_06 is owned by Devon County Council and as a Devon County Councillor would leave the meeting during discussions and would not take part in the vote.


Minute 163. Honiton site selection report.

Councillor Paul Hayward, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Knows the owner of the land in relation to Gitti_04.


Minute 166. Axminster site selection report.

Councillor Dan Ledger, Directly relates Non-registerable Interest, Relative's business rents land off the landowner and is located directly opposite site reference Axmi_07 - Axminster Carpets Factory Site.


Minute 166. Axminster site selection report.

Councillor Jessica Bailey, Other Registerable Interest, Devon County Councillor - DCC owns the land for site allocation Axmi_12.


Minute 166. Axminster site selection report.

Councillor Paul Hayward, Affects Non-registerable Interest, In relation to all the Axminster site allocations employed as Town Clerk by Axminster Town Council.


Minute 168. Musbury site selection report.

Councillor Jessica Bailey, Other Registerable Interest, Devon County Councillor - Devon County Council owns land for Musb_01.


Non Committee Members

Minute 163. Honiton site selection report.

Councillor Roy Collins, Directly relates Non-registerable Interest, Relative is a tenant and farms the land in relation to Honi_07 and Honi_12.


Minute 166. Axminster site selection report.

Councillor Sarah Jackson, Affects Non-registerable Interest, In relation to all the Axminster site allocations Member of the Axminster Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.


Minute 166. Axminster site selection report.

Councillor Simon Smith, Affects Non-registerable Interest, In relation to all the Axminster site allocations Member of the Axminster Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.


Minute 166. Axminster site selection report.

Councillor Simon Smith, Other Registerable Interest, Project Manager for Community Housing Project for Axmi_11c.


Public speaking

Information on public speaking is available online



Councillor Roy Collins asked the committee to stop developing on agricultural land and suggested that members should consider developing flats to save this land.


Matters of urgency

Information on matters of urgency is available online



There were no matters of urgency.


Confidential/exempt item(s)

To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including the Press) have been excluded. Thereare no itemswhich officersrecommendshould be dealtwithin thisway.



There were no confidential or exempt items.


Proposed Housing Site Allocations - Honiton and surrounding areas pdf icon PDF 473 KB

Additional documents:


The committee considered the proposed site allocations for Honiton and surrounding areas, as set out in these minutes.


Honiton site selection report pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Gitti_03 Land on the western side of Hayne Lane, Gittisham

Proposed use: 5.5 hectares employment land

Recommendation: Allocate


Councillor David Valentine representing Gittisham Parish Council objected to the allocation of both Gitti_03 and Gitti_04 as they were interlinked with each other.  Gitt_03 would be highly visible, inappropriate and unnecessary as there is no evidence to demonstrate the need for additional employment land.  There is existing vacant land that could be used as well as regeneration opportunities at Heathpark.


Members were reminded that Gitti_03 is owned by EDDC and although officers had identified some challenges to the site it could be delivered as there was a significant need for employment land in the area and that there was a need to deliver both housing and employment land in Honiton.


Inclusion for allocation was proposed by Councillor Dan Ledger, seconded by Councillor Paula Fernley.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Gitti_03 in the site allocation.


Gitti_04 Land to the west of Combe Garden Centre, Gittisham

Proposed use: 9.1 hectares employment land

Recommendation: Allocate


Dan Rogers from Bell Cornwell advised committee that the land was in close proximity to the Heathpark Industrial Estate with good connectivity of the A30.


Inclusion for allocation was proposed by Councillor Dan Ledger, seconded by Councillor Paul Hayward.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Gitti_04 in the site allocation.


Gitti_05 Land to west of Hayne Lane, Honiton

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 100

Recommendation: Allocate (partly Gitti_05a)


Councillor David Valentine representing Gittisham Parish Council objected to both allocations Gitti_05a and Gitti_05b on landscape and sustainability issues.


Dan Rogers from Bell Cornwell advised committee that both Gitti_05a and 05b were credible options for housing development drawing members attention to an approved planning application for another development close by which took account of its location in relation to the town centre.


Members considered advice noting that further assessment work would be required to demonstrate whether Gitti_05b meets the exceptional circumstances criteria.


Councillor Colin Brown proposed to move on for both site allocations Gitti_05a and Gitti_05b, seconded by Councillor Brian Bailey to allow further works by officers to consider both site allocations together.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.

Honi_04 Land lying to the north east of Heathfield Manor Farm, Honiton

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 56

Recommendation: Not for allocation


Ward Member Councillor Jenny Brown objected to the site allocation as it would be prominent in the National Landscape.


Councillor Colin Brown proposed to move on, seconded by the Chair.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Honi_05 Land to the north and south of King Street, including former Foundry Yard, Honiton

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 40

Recommendation: Not for allocation


Ward Members Councillor Jenny Brown and Councillor Roy Collins disagreed with the officer recommendation advising it should be included for allocation.


The committee were reminded the site was within the built up settlement boundary and could come forward as a windfall site if the flooding issues were addressed.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 163.


Dunkeswell site selection report pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Dunk_01 Land at Hutshayes Farm, Dunkeswell

Proposal: Housing

Number of dwellings: 53

Recommendation: Not to allocate


Councillor Dan Ledger proposed to move on, seconded by Councillor Colin Brown.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.



Proposal: Housing

Number of dwellings: 150

Recommendation: Not to allocate


Councillor Dan Ledger proposed to move on, seconded by Councillor Colin Brown.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.



Proposal: Housing

Number of dwellings: 43

Recommendation: Allocate


John Sipple spoke against the site allocation due to the dangerous road and lack of pavements.


Committee were advised that the Highway Authority had advised that vehicular access could be obtained from the southern access point and the northern access would only be accessed by pedestrians and cyclists.


Councillor John Barrow, representing Dunkeswell Parish Council did not support the site allocation as the sewage infrastructure would not be able to cope and advised committee that footpath 2 was unsuitable.


Neal Jillings representing Summerfield Homes updated committee about an informal agreement with the Highway Authority that the northern access would be used for the road frontage access point which accords with their requirements and that a new proposed footpath linking with an existing pavement was also acceptable.


A proposal to move on to the next site allocation failed.


Inclusion of allocation was proposed by the Chair.


Committee endorsed to include Dunk_05 in the site allocation.


Proposed Housing Site Allocations - Axminster and surrounding areas pdf icon PDF 525 KB

Additional documents:


The committee considered the proposed site allocations for Axminster and surrounding areas, as set out in these minutes.



Axminster site selection report pdf icon PDF 1 MB


GH/ED/83 Land at Chard Road, Axminster

Proposal: Housing and 0.8 hectares employment land

Number of dwellings: 140

Recommendation: Allocate


Ward Member, Councillor Sarah Jackson advised it would be a fruitless exercise to oppose this site allocation as it was subject to a recent planning application.


Committee sought clarification on the current issues regarding the phosphate levels in the River Axe.  Committee were reminded that 2 years ago Natural England had instructed the council to only grant planning permission to developments in the catchment area that were neutrient neutral.  As the Local Plan would run from 2020 to 2042 it was to be assumed that solutions would be found to mitigate these issues during the early years of the plan.


Inclusion for allocation was proposed by the Chair.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include GH/ED/83 in the site allocation.


Axmi_01a Land off Musbury Road, Axminster

Proposal: 3.3 hectares employment land

Recommendation: Allocate


Ward Member Councillor Sarah Jackson spoke about the rising population of Axminster and addressed the existing infrastructure that was not adequate to support the increase.


Inclusion for allocation was proposed by the Chair.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Axmi_01a in the site allocation.


Axmi_01b Land off Musbury Road, Axminster

Proposal: Housing

Number of dwellings: 15

Recommendation: Not to allocate


Ward Member, Councillor Sarah Jackson supported the officers recommendation.


Councillor Geoff Jung proposed to move on, supported by Councillor Paul Hayward.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Axmi_02 Land north of Shoals, Musbury Road, Axminster

Proposal: Housing

Number of dwellings: 100

Recommendation: Allocate


Susan Gallagher strongly objected to the site allocation on access, ecology and environment reasons and drew committee’s attention to the archaeological importance in being close proximity to the roman fort.


Simon Coles from Carney Sweeny representing the landowner advised the new footfall would help support the declining town centre as it was well located for walking and cycling into the town.

Ward Member Councillor Simon Smith raised serious concerns that the schools were located on the other side of Axminster which would require car usage and this should be discouraged. 


Ward Member Councillor Sarah Jackson’s main concern was about the proposed housing numbers and questioned whether this was a realistic figure as some houses would be very close to the bypass.


Inclusion for allocation was proposed by Councillor Paul Hayward, seconded by Councillor Mike Howe.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Axmi_02 in the site allocation.


The Chair advised about a slight change in the order and that Axmi_08 and Axmi_09 would be considered before Axmi_07.


Axmi_08 Land off Wyke Lane, Axminster

Proposal: Housing

Number of dwellings: 68

Recommendation: Allocate


The Chair advised that committee should take into account Susan Gallagher’s previous comments for this site allocation.


Simon Coles from Carney Sweeny representing the landowner acknowledged that the land did rise slightly from the valley floor but advised it would follow the identical pattern of how Axminster had evolved over the years which would be consistent with the settlement pattern.


Ward Member  ...  view the full minutes text for item 166.


Kilmington site selection report pdf icon PDF 10 MB


Kilm_01 Land off Shute Road, Kilmington

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 5

Recommendation: Not to allocate


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Kilm_02 Birchwood Farm, Shute Road, Kilmington

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 66

Recommendation: Not to allocate


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Kilm_03 Land off Springhead Lane, Kilmington

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 40

Recommendation: Not to allocate


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Kilm_05 Land at Pit Orchard, Bim Bom Lane, Kilmington

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 6

Recommendation: Not to allocate


A statement was read out on behalf of Councillor Kieran Veberth, Kilmington Parish Council who objected to the site allocation.


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Kilm_06 Land at Gore Lane, Kilmington

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 5

Recommendation: Not to allocate


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Kilm_07 Land adjoining Breach, Kilmington

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 10

Recommendation: Not to allocate


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Kilm_09 Land east of George Lane, Kilmington

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 37

Recommendation: Not to Allocate (Kilm_09a)  Allocate (Kilm_09b)


Neal Jillings, Summerfield House sought assurance from officers for consistency between the neighbourhood plan and the local plan in term of the proposals map of existing neighbourhood plan allocations.


Councillor Dan Ledger proposed to move on to the next site allocation for Kilm_09a, seconded by Councillor Todd Olive.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Inclusion for allocation for Kilm_09b was proposed by Councillor Dan Ledger, seconded by Councillor Todd Olive.


Committee endorsed the recommendation in include Kilm_09b in the site allocation.


Kilm_10 Land to the west and south west of the Old Inn, Kilmington

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 5

Recommendation: Allocate


Inclusion for allocation was proposed by the Chair.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Kilm_10 in the site allocation.


Kilm_11 Land to the east of and off Whitford Road between Ashes Farm and The Beacon Chapel, Kimington

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 10

Recommendation: Not to allocate


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Kilm_12 Land on the north side of Shute Road (Gapemouth Corner), Kilmington

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 5

Recommendation: Not to allocate


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Kilm_13 Land to north of Springhead Head, Kilmington

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 50

Recommendation: Not to allocate


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.





Musbury site selection report pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Councillor Jess Bailey left the room for site allocations Musb_01a and Musb_01b and did not take part in discussions of votes for either of these sites.



Proposed use: Housing and Employment

Number of dwellings: 22 and 0.06 hectares of employment

Recommendation: Allocate


Councillor Andrew Moulding representing Musbury Parish Council supported the site allocation but with the omission of the gypsy and travellers allocation as it was not an appropriate site.


Committee sought advice regarding the gypsy and traveller site and were advised at the time the site was seen as a good location and opportunity but understood perhaps it would need to be considered again in the wider context of gypsy and traveller provision


Inclusion for allocation was proposed by the Chair.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Musb_01a in the site allocation.



Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 8

Recommendation: Not to allocate


Councillor Andrew Moulding representing Musbury Parish Council objected to the site allocation


The Chair proposed to move on from Musb_01b.


Committee agreed to move on the next site allocation.



Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 25

Recommendation: Not to allocate


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on the next site allocation.



Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 21

Recommendation: Not to allocate


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on the next site allocation.



Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 16

Recommendation: Not to allocate


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on the next site allocation.


Hawkchurch site selection report pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Hawk_01 Field south-east of Hawkchurch School

Proposed use: Housing and Employment

Number of dwellings: 38 and 0.15 hectares of employment land

Recommendation: Allocate


The Chair reminded Committee that this site had been revised and the agenda reissued following concerns about the classification of Hawkchurch and whether it accorded with the strategy for sustainable development.  Officers drew the Committees attention to paragraph 5.15 of the report noting the communities concerns that Hawkchurch had been assessed as a tier 4 settlement as it had only one community shop which was on the site proposed for site allocation and suggested this valuable asset should be retained with any proposals for redevelopment, and it only had one bus service running once a week which it was acknowledged was not a good level of service.


Councillor Dr Ann Nolan representing Hawkchurch Parish Council objected to the site allocation advising that the parish council had raised the issues of the tier 4 classification five times.  65% of residents already use cars daily and this development would increase the car usage which would have a serious impact on existing infrastructure.


A statement was read out on behalf of Ward Member Councillor Duncan Mackinder who objected to the site allocation.


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Hawk_02 Field south-east of Hawkchurch School, behind and adjacent to School Close

Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 5

Recommendation: Not to allocate


Councillor Dr Ann Nolan representing Hawkchurch Parish Council objected to the site allocation advising that residents felt it was not an appropriate allocation.


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.


Chardstock site selection report pdf icon PDF 3 MB



Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 44

Recommendation: Not to allocate


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.



Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 5

Recommendation: Not to allocate


The Chair proposed to move on.


Committee agreed to move on to the next site allocation.



Proposed use: Housing

Number of dwellings: 65

Recommendation: Allocate (part Char_04a for up to 30 dwellings); Not to allocate (Char_04b)


A statement was read out on behalf of Ward Member Councillor Duncan Mackinder who supported the recommendation.


Neal Jillings, Summerfield Homes advised committee that the allocation would help deliver sufficient homes at the edge of the village with no drainage issues and an opportunity to deliver biodiversity net gain and employment opportunities.


Inclusion for allocation for site Char_04a proposed by Councillor Paul Hayward, seconded by Councillor Bethany Collins.


Committee endorsed the recommendation to include Char_04a in the site allocation.


Councillor Paul Hayward proposed to move on for Char_04b, seconded by Councillor Bethany Collins.


Committee agreed to move on.