Venue: Online via the zoom app. All councillors and registered speakers will have been sent an appointment with the meeting link.
Contact: Wendy Harris 01395 517542; email:
Link: Planning Committee 29 July 2020 summary of decisions
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 167 KB Minutes of the Development Management Committee meeting held on 22 July 2020. Minutes: The minutes of the Planning Committee held on 22 July 2020 were confirmed as a true record. |
Declarations of interest Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest
Minutes: Minute 140. 19/2834/OUT & 20/0482/RES (Minor) - WEST HILL & AYLESBEARE. Councillor Geoff Pratt, Personal, Member of Ottery St Mary and West Hill Neighbourhood Plan Working Group.
Minute 141. 19/2724/FUL (Minor) - BROADCLYST. Councillor Eileen Wragg, Personal, Had attended a site visit in her capacity of former Devon County Councillor whilst a member of the Development Management Committee.
Minute 144. 19/2832/MFUL (Major) - WEST HILL & AYLESBEARE. Councillor Jess Bailey, Personal, Known to the public speaker objecting against the application.
Annual Appeals Report PDF 218 KB Minutes: The Development Manager advised Members the Council had received 52 appeals decisions from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 with 39 appeals dismissed and 13 allowed. Members noted that the majority of appeals had been determined by written representations including 1 Informal Hearing and 1 Inquiry.
The Development Manager was pleased to report the council had received a 75% success rate which was greater than the national average
The Development Manager also reported there were no particular trends for Members to note but emphasised it was becoming more difficult to refuse house extensions if there was anything less than great adverse harm.
The Development Manager updated Members on the cost implications and referred to 6 applications for full awards of appeals costs. Members noted 5 applications had been refused and their attention was drawn to the one award for costs which related to King Alfred Way, Newton Poppleford. The Inspectorate had awarded costs against the council in the region of £5,000.
In response Councillor Key advised Members to consider the advice from existing experienced members. Councillor Pook advised Members that although Members should be mindful of Officer recommendations Members should not be afraid to refuse applications. |
19/2834/OUT & 20/0482/RES (Minor) - WEST HILL & AYLESBEARE PDF 938 KB Hasta La Vista, Windmill Lane, West Hill, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1JP. Minutes: Applicant: Mr E Flowers.
Location: Hasta La Vista, Windmill Lane, West Hill, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1JP.
Proposal: (19/2834/OUT) Outline application for the construction of a single dwelling house with all matters reserved. (20/0482/RES) Application for approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the construction of a new dwelling house pursuant to outline planning permission 16/2517/OUT.
RESOLVED: (19/2834/OUT) Approved as per Officer recommendation. (20/0482/RES) Approved as per Officer recommendation.
19/2724/FUL (Minor) - BROADCLYST PDF 828 KB Land East of Hill Barton Business Park, Farringdon. Minutes: Applicant: Mr Neil Thomas (RMD Kwikform Ltd.)
Location: Land East Of Hill Barton Business Park, Farringdon.
Proposal: Change of use from landfill to a storage yard for the hire and sale of construction material (B8 storage and distribution), incorporating the construction of a warehouse and single storey office building (retrospective application).
RESOLVED: Approved as per Officer recommendation. |
20/0393/OUT (Minor) - SIDMOUTH SIDFORD PDF 2 MB Land North Of Manstone Avenue, Sidmouth. Minutes: Applicant: Mrs Hayman, Mrs Greenslade and Mr Churchill.
Location: Land North Of Manstone Avenue, Sidmouth.
Proposal: Construction of 7 dwellings (outline application with all matters reserved).
RESOLVED: Approved as per Officer recommendation. |
20/0550/MOUT (Major) - TALE VALE PDF 2 MB Slade Barton, Payhembury, Honiton, EX14 3HR. Minutes: Applicant: Mr R Leach.
Location: Slade Barton, Payhembury, Honiton, EX14 3HR.
Proposal: Outline planning application with all matters reserved for redevelopment of the existing farmyard and business units to provide: up to 9 dwellings, 480 sq. metres B1(a) and B2 floor space and farm office, meeting room, workshop and garage; village car park and parking for existing dwellings; and associated infrastructure.
RESOLVED: Approved contrary to Officer recommendation subject to S.106 agreement to secure a financial contribution towards off-site affordable housing and subject to conditions. Conditions delegated to the Development Manager in consultation with the Ward Member.
Members considered that the benefits from the proposal in terms of the employment benefits, provision of local housing, tidying up a key site in the centre of the village, provision of car park and financial contribution towards affordable housing outweighed any harm from the proposal and lack of planning policy support to the development in principle.
19/2832/MFUL (Major) - WEST HILL & AYLESBEARE PDF 2 MB Land To The South Of Rockbeare Hill, Marsh Green. Minutes: Applicant: Mr H House (Spring Che Ltd.)
Location: Land To The South Of Rockbeare Hill, Marsh Green.
Proposal: Proposed solar farm with an approximate design capacity of 15 MW with permission being required for 40 years, comprising solar arrays, equipment housing, sub-station, fencing, CCTV and ancillary equipment.
RESOLVED: Approved as per Officer recommendation. |