Venue: Council Chamber, Blackdown House, Honiton
Contact: Sarah Jenkins 01395 517406 email
Note: This meeting will commence at 7pm or at the conclusion of the preceding meeting whichever is the later
No. | Item |
Declarations of interest Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest
Minutes: Minute 80. To agree the minutes of the virtual consultative meeting held on 1 February 2024 and to ratify the recommendations contained therein. Councillor Ian Barlow, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Member of Sidmouth Town Council which is in negotiations with South West Water.
Minute 80. To agree the minutes of the virtual consultative meeting held on 1 February 2024 and to ratify the recommendations contained therein. Councillor Maddy Chapman, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Member of Exmouth Town Council which holds regular meetings with South West Water.
Minute 80. To agree the minutes of the virtual consultative meeting held on 1 February 2024 and to ratify the recommendations contained therein. Councillor Mike Goodman, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Member of Sidmouth Town Council.
It was noted that no one Member was more significantly impacted than any other East Devon resident with regard to issues relating to South West Water. |
Public speaking Information on public speaking is available online
Minutes: There were no members of the public registered to speak. |
Confidential/exempt item(s) To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including the press) have been excluded. Thereare no itemswhich officersrecommendshould be dealtwithin thisway.
Minutes: There were no confidential / exempt items. |
1. That a meeting be arranged between South West Water and EDDC Environmental Health Officers. 2. That a meeting be arranged between South West Water and EDDC Planning Officers, to possibly include the Chair of the Planning Committee, the Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, the Leader of the Council and Cllr Mike Howe, to discuss planning matters. 3. That a Task and Finish Forum be scoped to consider sewerage issues. 4. That the Corporate Lead for Communications works with South West Water to put in place a communications process to enable EDDC Members to be fully informed and obtain information relating to their wards. 5. That South West Water be invited back to a Scrutiny Committee meeting in six months’ time. 6. That the Leader of the Council lobbies central Government with regard to sewerage issues.
Minutes: The minutes of the virtual consultative meeting held on 1 February 2024 were agreed as a correct record.
Discussion on the proposed recommendations included the following points: · It was noted that the MPs are already lobbying central Government with regard to South West Water and an additional recommendation could be included to ask the MPs to continue to engage with South West Water to resolve water and sewerage issues. · Future meetings with South West Water should include the relevant technical staff from the company to answer questions at the meeting, rather than having to revert to EDDC following meetings. · The Corporate Lead, Communications, Digital Services and Engagement is working to develop a single point of contact with South West Water to assist Members in their communication with the company and to ensure a co-ordinated approach. · Specific issues relating to planning development should be sent to the Assistant Director, Planning Strategy and Development Management for inclusion in discussions with South West Water going forward.
Recommendations were agreed as follows:
RECOMMENDED TO CABINET THAT 1. A meeting be arranged between South West Water and EDDC Environmental Health Officers.
2. A meeting be arranged between the relevant officers from South West Water and EDDC Planning Officers, to possibly include the Chair of the Planning Committee, the Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, the Leader of the Council and Cllr Mike Howe, to discuss planning matters.
3. A Task and Finish Forum be scoped to consider sewerage issues.
4. The Corporate Lead for Communications, Digital Services and Engagement works with South West Water to put in place a communications process to enable EDDC Members to be fully informed and obtain information relating to their wards.
5. South West Water be invited back to a Scrutiny Committee meeting in six months’ time, with the relevant technical staff attending who are able to answer the type of questions raised previously and any outstanding questions from the meeting held on 1 February.
6. The Leader of the Council lobbies central Government with regard to sewerage issues.
7. MPs be asked to continue to engage with South West Water to resolve water and sewerage issues. |