Issue - meetings

New Communities in East Devon - AW

Meeting: 17/07/2024 - Council (Item 13.)

13. Recommendation from Cabinet 1 May 2024 - New Communities in East Devon pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:

Meeting: 01/05/2024 - Cabinet (Item 190)

190 New Communities in East Devon pdf icon PDF 582 KB


The Assistant Director – Growth, Development & Prosperity stated that the council had a track record of bringing forward major strategic developments, particularly in

the West End of the District. Since the late 2000s these developments had been set up such that they included some form of enhanced local management regime, notably in the form of an Estate Management Company. Whilst the council had fulfilled its statutory obligations, it had not adopted public open space or other discretionary facilities. This had inevitably altered the mix and balance of public service delivery, in terms of the funding regime and the role that the District Council plays, relative to more established settlements.


The report sought to take stock of this approach. This was in the context of the District continuing to grow at a rapid pace and preparations beginning to be made for accommodating a second new community. This would ultimately lead to a scenario whereby around 20% of households in the District would be the subject of these alternative arrangements by 2040.


Cllr Kim Bloxham read out the following statement.


‘This report is very welcome, long overdue and presents a refreshing approach to how officers are recognising the wider impacts of strategic development in the West End. The old and new East Devon referred to in the report is welcome now, perhaps finally, it can benefit from the lessons learnt during the past 12 years or so of development at Cranbrook.


Just to dwell on management companies - the experience at Cranbrook was of an expensive and totally ineffective management company that left a legacy of poor maintenance and a great deal of remediation of open space once the Town Council managed to assume responsibility.


I agree with our officers, that management companies do not work when it comes to major development. It is true that the Town Council was successful in taking over responsibility for public open space and assets like play parks, but the Town was fortunate in that it had the co-operation of the developer consortium. Since then, the Town Council has been approached by many towns and parishes for advice on how to move away from management companies in their areas. This includes areas within East Devon. Only one other Parish has managed this nationally. It is extremely difficult to wrest responsibility from a management company if there is resistance and this has proved to be the case across the Country. So, the message on management companies is - do not go there in the first place and find a way to manage open space locally.


In terms of the Cabinet recommendations, these are supported with the following comments:

Recommendation 1. The Planning Advisory Service report is welcomed and helpful and forms a strong basis to move forward particularly in how the Town and District can work together more effectively. This is particularly so with regards to the PAS recommendation 5 about both the Strategic Delivery Board and Partnership Board and PAS recommendation 8 about a re-set and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 190