Issue - meetings

Public speaking

Meeting: 29/11/2023 - Cabinet (Item 74)

Public speaking


Two members of the public had registered to speak. 


Seaton Community Hospital – Application to register an Asset of Community Value:

Jack Rowland, spoke in respect of Seaton Community Hospital and called on the Council to list the building as an Asset of Community Value.  He requested that the application should be considered in a public forum and not through and officer delegated decision.


The Leader thanked him for his comments and officers of the council confirmed that the process for dealing with applications was delegated to officers and followed government legislation and guidance.   It was further confirmed that the application had been submitted and the council would determine the application in line with the legislation and guidance.


Agenda Item 15 Mill Street reserved parking spaces:


A statement on behalf of Sweetcombe Cottage Holidays who represented fifteen Mill Street carpark space lease holders was read out and the comments were considered during the agenda item.


1.     During the peak summer months a minimum of June, July, August and September and other school holidays, in our 35 years of  experience the Mill Street car park reserved permit holder spaces are fully occupied with some being occupied 24hrs per day , the profile of occupancy will look different if looked at over a 12 month period.

2.     If there are shared spaces in  the carpark there are many opportunistic parkers who will use these to the detriment of the permit holders who may begin to wonder what they have paid for if they or there guests cannot use a permit holder space  , the fees permit holders pay produce more revenue than the pay as you go spaces

3.     We fully support Sidmouth residents being offered subsidised permit spaces in the Mill Street car park , a bigger subsidy would be available from the permit holders paying a commercial rate rather than the pay as you go short term spaces.

4.     We would support  permit holder only spaces at Mill street as there is demand to cover all spaces and a greater subsidy could be provided for local residents

5.     If Mill street was turned into a short term car park only , this would be at great detriment to Sidmouth as the cottages let with car parking spaces , which is a key factor for guests booking ,bring in greatly increased footfall and income for the town centre , its shops and restaurants which carry the town throughout the year benefitting all. There is little alternative unrestricted roadside parking in Sidmouth and the Manor Road long stay carpark is an uphill walk for potential guests many requiring town centre accommodation and a level walk.