Agenda and minutes

Virtual meeting, Cabinet - Wednesday, 6th January, 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: Online via the Zoom app.

Contact: Amanda Coombes, Democratic Services Officer  01395 517543 or email


No. Item


Public speaking


There was one member of the public wishing to speak; this is recorded in minutes 294 and 295.


Minutes of the previous meetings held on 25 November and 2 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 362 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of Cabinet held on 25 November 2020 and 2 December 2020 were confirmed as a true record.


Declarations of interest

Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest


Min 263. Minutes of Exmouth Queen's Drive Delivery Group held on 17 November 2020.

Councillor Paul Arnott, Personal, Chair of Exmouth Queen's Drive Delivery Group.


Min 290. Council Tax Base 2021/2022.

Councillor Paul Hayward, Personal, Council Tax precepts effect 3 parish councils who he works for.


Min 292. Poverty - our response to the crisis.

Councillor Paul Hayward, Personal, Executive Committee Member of Nourish, Axminster; a community food organisation providing meals.


24. Cranbrook Town Centre.

Councillor Dan Ledger, Personal, Member of the Cranbrook Delivery Board.


Min 294. Cranbrook Town Centre.

Councillor Kevin Blakey, Personal, Member of Cranbrook Strategic Delivery Board and Cranbrook Town Council.


Min 294. Cranbrook Town Centre.

Councillor Kim Bloxham, Personal, Member of Cranbrook Strategic Delivery Board and Cranbrook Town Council and attended meetings with consortium of developers.


Min 294. Cranbrook Town Centre.

Councillor Megan Armstrong, Personal, Has family members living in Cranbrook.


Min 294. Cranbrook Town Centre.

Councillor Paul Hayward, Personal, Has family members living in Cranbrook.


Min 295. Cranbrook Sport Pavilion Delivery.

Councillor Dan Ledger, Personal, Member of the Cranbrook Delivery Board.


Min 295. Cranbrook Sport Pavilion Delivery.

Councillor Megan Armstrong, Personal, Has family members living in Cranbrook.


Min 295. Cranbrook Sport Pavilion Delivery.

Councillor Paul Hayward, Personal, Has family members living in Cranbrook.


Min 297. Exeter and East Devon Enterprise Zone - amendment to funding agreement for the Ada Lovelace Building, Exeter Science Park.

Councillor Dan Ledger, Personal, Chair of Enterprise Zone Board.


Min 297. Exeter and East Devon Enterprise Zone - amendment to funding agreement for the Ada Lovelace Building, Exeter Science Park.

Councillor Jack Rowland, Personal, Council appointed Shareholder representative of Exeter Science Park Ltd.


Min 297. Exeter and East Devon Enterprise Zone - amendment to funding agreement for the Ada Lovelace Building, Exeter Science Park.

Councillor Paul Hayward, Personal, Council appointed Director of Exeter Science Park Ltd.


Min 298. S106 and CIL Internal Audit Report.

Councillor Paul Hayward, Personal, CIL and S106 effects his 3 parish council employers - All Saints, Chardstock and Newton Poppleford & Harpford.


Min 301. Proposed Deed of Variation to Lease of Units 3 & 4 Salterton Road, Industrial Estate, Exmouth.

Councillor Paul Hayward, Personal, Been in correspondence with the lessee.



Matters of urgency

Information on matters of urgency is available online


There are three late items to be dealt with in this manner:


Agenda item 19 Minutes of LED Monitoring Forum held on 16 December 2020

Agenda item 24 Cranbrook Town Centre

Agenda item 27 Exeter and East Devon Enterprise Zone - amendment to funding agreement for the Ada Lovelace Building, Exeter Science Park



There were three late items dealt with in this way recorded in minutes 289, 294 and 297.


Confidential/exempt item(s)

To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including the Press) have been excluded. Thereare no itemswhich officersrecommendshould be dealtwithin thisway.




Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 201 KB


Members agreed the contents of the Forward Plan for key decisions for the period I January to 30 April 2021.


Minutes of Exmouth Queen's Drive Delivery Group held on 17 November 2020 pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


Members received and noted the Minutes of Exmouth Queen's Drive Delivery Group held on 17 November 2020.


RESOLVED that the following recommendation be agreed:


Minute 11 Review of Terms of Reference

That Cabinet agrees to include the development and management of the Ocean building in the Terms of Reference for the Exmouth Queen’s Drive Delivery Group.


Minute 14 Report outlining considerations for temporary uses for 2021

1.     Not to proceed with the temporary car park and to provide clearer signage to other car parks on Exmouth seafront

2.     To instruct Tim Child to research and report back on alternative options for use of the temporary car park land, in consultation with Cllr Chris Wright and Cllr Nick Hookway


Minutes of South and East Devon Habitats Regulations Executive Committee held on 18 November 2020 pdf icon PDF 176 KB


Members received and noted the Minutes of South and East Devon Habitats Regulations Executive Committee held on 18 November 2020.


Minutes of Car Parking Task and Finish Forum held on 19 November and 26 November 2020 pdf icon PDF 176 KB

Additional documents:


Members received and noted the Minutes of Car Parking Task and Finish Forum held on 19 November and 26 November 2020.


Minutes of Asset Management Forum held on 1 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 182 KB


Members received and noted the Minutes of Asset Management Forum held on 1 December 2020.


Minutes of Budget Setting and Capital Allocations Panel held on 1 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 99 KB

Additional documents:


Members received and noted the Minutes of Budget Setting and Capital Allocations Panel held on 1 December 2020.


RESOLVED that the following recommendations be agreed:


Minute 9 Capital Programme Financing and New Bids 2021/22

1. That the following items be added to the Capital Programme for 2020/21;

a) Bridge repair works across East Devon £65,000;

b) Budleigh Greenway Bridge repaint £66,000

c) Honiton Willow Walk Bridge refurbishment £20,000

d) Beer Cliff Top Car Park access road improvements £95,000

e) Budleigh Lime Kilm Car Park total resurfacing £175,000

f) Honiton Lace Walk Car Park partial resurfacing £20,000

g) Sidmouth Mill Street Car Park resurfacing and relining £25,000

h) Seaton Wetlands Car Park enhancements £25,000

i) Jacob’s Ladder, Sidmouth Void plus seawall £175,000

j) Sidmouth Capping Wall £45,000

k) Sidmouth East Beach access steps £27,000

l) Exmouth Groyne concrete repair £85,000

m) Seaton Hole revetment repairs £100,000

n) Brixington Open Space enhancement £150,000 (less £23,000 s106 funding if


o) Cliff works (Beer, Seaton and Sidmouth) £25,000

p) Footpath resurfacing of public open spaces (Phear Park, Gunfield Gardens,

Madeira Walk and The Plantation) £50,000

q) Budleigh Lime Kiln Play Area £80,000

r) Exmouth Liverton Copse Play Area £80,000

s) Honiton Jerrard Close Play Area £60,000

t) Honiton Pale Gate Play Area £80,000

u) Exmouth Phear Park Skatepark £240,000

v) Sidmouth Baker Close Play Area £60,000


2. That, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, evidence is sought on level of

use of Greenway Lane Footbridge, and an alternative solution to the existing bridge

be researched;


3. That the Brixington Open Space Enhancement amends the location of outdoor

gym equipment to a cluster arrangement;


4. That the Exmouth Phear Park shelter bid of £25,000 be rejected; and instruct

officers to explore the use of anti-graffiti paint on the current structure.


Minutes of Arts and Culture Forum held on 3 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 223 KB


Members received and noted the Minutes of Arts and Culture Forum held on 3 December 2020.


Minutes of Poverty Working Panel held on 11 November and 7 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 198 KB

Additional documents:


Members received and noted the Minutes of Poverty Working Panel held on 11 November and 7 December 2020.




Minutes of Council held on 9 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 396 KB

Minute 114: Poverty Strategy and Actions


Council referred the motion to the first Cabinet meeting of 2021 for Cabinet to give it urgent consideration and to decide whether a further report should be prepared to identify practicable and affordable further actions.


Members received and noted the Minutes of Council held on 9 December 2020.


RESOLVED that the following Motion be agreed:


Minute 114: Poverty Strategy and Actions

Council referred the motion to the first Cabinet meeting of 2021 for Cabinet to give it urgent consideration and to decide whether a further report should be prepared to identify practicable and affordable further actions.


Minutes of Scrutiny Committee held on 10 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Additional documents:


Members received and noted the Minutes of Scrutiny Committee held on 10 December 2020.


RESOLVED that the following recommendation be agreed:


Minute 103 Sustainable Homes and Communities Portfolio Holder report

That all councillors should receive training on how to ask constructive questions to address the matter in hand so the meeting can move on at a constructive and timely manner.


Minutes of Housing Company Task and Finish Forum held on 14 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Additional documents:


Members received and noted the Minutes of Housing Company Task and Finish Forum held on 14 December 2020.


RESOLVED that the following revised recommendations be agreed:


Minute 14 Options and lines of enquiry to deliver more affordable/social housing

1.     that the Housing Company TaFF be renamed to the Housing TaFF to fulfil the vision of moving the TaFF forward, to focus on social housing need, delivery mechanisms and financing mechanisms,

2.     that a working party of members be established to work with officers,

approaching and learning from other authorities who have grown their Housing Revenue Account stock in recent years, before reporting back to the Housing Company TaFF. This would then inform the TAFF as to recommended resources, focussing on relevant mechanisms and finance required to proceed,

3.     that the Housing Company be closed down.


Minutes of Strategic Planning Committee held on 15 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Additional documents:


Members received and noted the Minutes of Strategic Planning Committee held on 15 December 2020.


RESOLVED that the following be noted and deferred for discussion later on in the agenda.


Minute 94 Cranbrook Town Centre

Members delegate to the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning, the Leader

and Deputy Leader and the Strategic Lead for Planning to negotiate further with the

Consortium regarding the Memorandum of Understanding. The result to come to

either Cabinet on 6 January 2020 or a Cabinet held within 14 days of that date and

also that the Supplementary Planning Document is noted and kept in reserve

pending the result of the Memorandum of Understanding negotiations.


Minute 95 Local Development Scheme

approve the proposed new Local Development Scheme.


Minute 97 Local Plan Issues and Options Report Consultation Strategy and

Review of Statement of Community Involvement

approve the proposed new Statement of Community Involvement.




Minute 100 Garden Communities and Delivery Vehicles

a budget of £300k over a 3 year period is established for this work to be funded

through the business rate retention reserve to approved.


Minutes of LED Monitoring Forum held on 16 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 56 KB

Additional documents:


Members received and noted the Minutes of LED Monitoring Forum held on 16 December 2020.


RESOLVED that the following recommendation be agreed:


Minute 8 External advice - EDDC Leisure Strategy and auditing of LED monthly claims

That Members pursue a new Leisure Strategy.


Council Tax Base 2021/2022 pdf icon PDF 341 KB

This report sets out the tax base for 2021/2022 and includes the breakdown for each parish, expressed in terms of Band D equivalent properties on which the council tax will be based. This is an important component in the Council’s budget setting process for 2021/2022.


The Strategic Lead Finance presented the report which set out the tax base for 2021/2022 and included the breakdown for each parish, expressed in terms of Band D equivalent properties on which the council tax will be based. This was an important component in the Council’s budget setting process for 2021/2022.



1.     To confirm the tax base for 2021/2022 at 60,084 Band D equivalent properties.

2.     To confirm the amount for each parish as detailed under section 3 of this report.



The calculation of the tax base was prescribed in regulations and was a legal requirement. The council tax base was defined as the number of Band D equivalent properties in a local authority’s area. The tax base was necessary to calculate council tax for a given area.


Draft Revenue and Capital Budgets 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 530 KB

This report presents the draft revenue and capital budgets for 2021/22 for adoption by the Cabinet before consideration by a joint meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and the Housing Review Board.


The Strategic Lead Finance presented the draft revenue and capital budgets for 2021/22 for adoption by the Cabinet before consideration by a joint meeting of the

Overview and Scrutiny Committees and the Housing Review Board. Recommendations from these meetings would be presented back to the Cabinet on 3 February 2021 when members finalise budget proposals to be recommended to Council.


The Portfolio Holder Finance congratulated and thanked Simon Davey and his team for producing a balanced budget in what was the most challenging of times. In response to Council Tax charges being increased, he stated there was no other alternative if services were to be continued to be provided for residents of East Devon.



that the draft revenue and capital estimates be agreed and forwarded for consideration to a joint meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and the Housing Review Board.



There was a requirement to set balanced budgets and to levy a Council Tax for 2021/22.



Poverty - our response to the crisis pdf icon PDF 466 KB

This report has been prepared in response to the Council motion considered on 9 December 2020. The report provides an update on the work being undertaken through the Poverty Working Panel and addresses the specific points contained in the motion.

Additional documents:


The Strategic Lead Housing, Health & Environment explained the report had been prepared in response to the Council motion considered on 9 December 2020. The report provided an update on the work being undertaken through the Poverty Working Panel and addressed the specific points contained in the motion.


Council endorsed the work of the Poverty Working Panel in seeking to identify and address poverty within the District. Members were pleased to note that the 'policy vision' was being included in the strategy, that meetings were now being held in public and past minutes and agendas are also being made public.


Council was concerned about the unprecedented challenges now being faced by many residents. In recognition of the worsening poverty crisis, Council referred the motion to Cabinet for Cabinet to give it urgent consideration and to decide whether a further report should be prepared to identify practicable and affordable further actions with a view to:

- identifying any emergency actions for prioritisation;

- helping address gaps in the benefit system;

- applying for all available grants;

- strengthening families and communities with clear signposting;

- improving communication with towns and parishes around financial resilience;

- promoting long term economic growth potential;

- addressing issues affecting all age groups with regard to mental health and employment;

- assessing how the Poverty Strategy and action plan can be expedited by the Poverty Working Panel without compromising the evidenced based programme of work.


In response to a question concerning people fleeing from domestic abuse the Strategic Lead Housing, Health & Environment assured the member that systems were in place to support people in this situation and that the council had helped a number of families who had found themselves in these circumstances.



1.     that Cabinet supports the work of the Poverty Working Panel and encourages them to come forward with a draft Poverty Strategy at the earliest opportunity,

2.     That the Poverty Working Panel completes its thematic sessions and incorporates the learning into an action plan for inclusion in the Poverty Strategy, and

3.     That the Poverty Strategy includes the five objectives set out in this report and the original Council motion that - No one in East Devon is to be destitute without immediate help, and nobody should be in involuntary poverty for more than two years duration.



To meet the requirements of the Council motion and report on the progress being achieved by the Poverty Working Panel.


Local Development Scheme and Statement of Community Involvement pdf icon PDF 291 KB

The Council is required to maintain both an up to date Local Development Scheme (LDS) which sets out a programme and timetable for production of future planning policy documents, and a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) that details how it will consult on the production of these documents.


The Service Lead Planning Strategy and Development Management presented the report stating that the Council was required to maintain both an up to date Local Development Scheme (LDS) that set out a programme and timetable for production of future planning policy documents and a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) that details how the consultation on the production of these documents would be undertaken. The report sought to introduce the updated version of both documents which had been considered by Strategic Planning Committee and were recommended to Council following consultation with Cabinet.


RECOMMENDED to Council that:

the proposed new Local Development Scheme and Statement of Community Involvement; as appended to the report, should be approved and take effect immediately following approval.



To ensure the Council had an up to date Local Development Scheme and Statement of Community Involvement.


Cranbrook Town Centre pdf icon PDF 2 MB

This report provides an update on progress with negotiations with the East Devon New Community partners over the delivery of Cranbrook Town Centre. Following discussions at Strategic Planning Committee and further discussions with the developers there remains two options for Members to consider.


Councillor Matt Osborn from Cranbrook Town Council (CTC) stated the town council had undertaken a large amount of community involvement for CTC for the delivery of the town centre, with a large response of the adult population in favour of the delivery proposal put forward. CTC were unanimous in their support for this proposal as residents of Cranbrook themselves and had accepted the changes put forward by officers and the planning committee. He stated that Cranbrook would pay the price if the start of the delivery of this project for the community was delayed even further.


The Service Lead Planning Strategy and Development Management provided an update on progress with negotiations with the East Devon New Community partners over the delivery of Cranbrook Town Centre. Following discussions at Strategic Planning Committee and further discussions with the developers there remained two options for Members to consider. The first was the developers offer to deliver a

commercially led town centre focused around a Morrison’s supermarket and bringing forward the delivery of a number of community facilities that were required to be delivered later in the build out of the town under the Section 106 agreement. However due to claimed viability issues this option lead to an overall shortfall in infrastructure and affordable housing when considered against policy requirements. This option would however lead to the delivery of at least part of the town centre over the next few years and a clear path for the delivery of a fit for purpose town centre in the future through council investment.


The alternative option was to progress a supplementary planning document for the town centre to try and encourage development and proactively develop the town centre as a Council with the likely need to use compulsory purchase powers and an even greater council investment to deliver the town centre. This option was likely to lead to a significant delay of any delivery in the town centre beyond the basic Section 106 requirements and the loss of the proposed Morrison’s supermarket investment.


During discussions it was stated that this was the time to make a positive decision and accept the proposal and get the project underway. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding would be significant for EDDC and Cranbrook Town Council and its residents. There was now a broad agreement to the proposals and this was good for the residents of Cranbrook. Members were proud to have provided homes that allowed young people to get on the property ladder, with the newly built Primary School soon filling up with children shortly after its completion.


Cabinet wished to thank officers, the three ward members, the town council and the Cranbrook Strategic Delivery Board who had fought tirelessly for the town and their community to get to the position they were now through considerable negotiations. Thanks was also given to the Portfolio Holder Strategic Planning and officers for their contribution in getting a better offer on the table.


RESOLVED that Cabinet agree the following revised  ...  view the full minutes text for item 294.


Cranbrook Sport Pavilion Delivery pdf icon PDF 224 KB

This report provides an update to the Cranbrook Sport Pavilion Delivery.


Councillor Matt Osborn from Cranbrook Town Council (CTC) spoke about the Ingrams facility/project – the sports hub at Cranbrook. He wished for members to consider a third option originally proposed by CTC, that was the facility supported 220 children of varying age groups a week and the most used facility in the town for young people. The facility had no medical room, toilets or hot water. The CTC wished to take on this project with the budget available to which through negotiations a fund had now been agreed. CTC had a strong track record of successful negotiations and had the resource, experience and capability to oversee this project by working to a budget. They wished to be allowed to complete this project once planning consent had been granted; hopefully before the start of the next football season.


The report provided members with an update to the Cabinet report that was considered on the 27 November 2019 where it was resolved that:

1.     East Devon District Council take the transfer of a plot of serviced land at the Ingram’s sports hub in Cranbrook and procure and project manage the delivery of a sports pavilion at the sports hub (to a design to be agreed with Cranbrook Town Council) using identified Section 106 monies and external funding, and

2.     Delegated authority be given to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Strategic Leads for Governance and Licensing and Finance, to carry out appropriate due diligence, agree satisfactory heads of terms with relevant parties, secure external funding and thereafter to progress the transfer of the land, delivery of the project and transfer of the completed sports pavilion to Cranbrook Town Council, upon practical completion of the building.


Over the past 12 months East Devon District Council had undertaken the due diligence promised within the 2019 report and identified two funding challenges. Firstly that the monies that were proposed by the developer consortium in lieu of their onsite obligations were lower than could be expected and that the costs of delivering the 6-changing room pavilion building that was aspired to, had increased. This left a gap in funding.


As explored in more detail within the report two options resulted;

1.     that which leaves the responsibility for delivering the basic changing room building with the developer consortium (and for either the Town Council or this Council to then try to rework and extend that building with the remaining monies)

2.     or for this Council or the town council to deliver a building which is of an appropriate size and specification to meet the requirements of the various sports governing bodies (whilst still maintaining the provision of a function room) but recognising that the final building may be smaller than that which was originally hoped for to meet budgetary constraints.


RESOLVED that Cabinet:

1.     On the basis of the views expressed by Cranbrook Town Council and their willingness to take responsibility for working with the NCP to deliver the enhanced requirements, Cabinet resolves that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 295.


Towards Zero Carbon Development in the West End pdf icon PDF 302 KB

This report provides an update on progress towards the delivery of zero carbon development carbon development in the West End of the District. This follows the submission of a funding bid to the Government’s Heat Network Investment Programme. 


The Service Lead Growth, Development & Prosperity provided an update on progress towards the delivery of zero carbon development carbon development in the West End of the District. This follows the submission of a funding bid

to the Government’s Heat Network Investment Programme. Subject to the outcome of this bid, the report outlines the next steps that will be required including in terms of framing the role for the Council and the associated decision making.


RESOLVED that Cabinet:

1.     notes the bid that had been made to the Heat Network Investment Programme, and

2.     receives a further report when the outcome of the bid was known, further technical work had been completed and a detailed investment proposal had been developed.



To ensure that there was a clear pathway for achieving large scale zero carbon development in the West End of the District.


Exeter and East Devon Enterprise Zone - amendment to funding agreement for the Ada Lovelace Building, Exeter Science Park pdf icon PDF 293 KB

This report seeks approval to vary the existing funding agreement for the Ada Lovelace Building on Exeter Science Park.


The Enterprise Zone Programme Manager presented the report that sought approval to vary the existing funding agreement for the Ada Lovelace Building on Exeter Science Park. This was originally considered by Cabinet at the January 2019 meeting and cost savings had been made through the construction process. The funding for the project was a grant, borrowed against future ring fenced business rate income.


The Vice-chair thanked Naomi Harnett, all the people at the Enterprise Zone and the Board of the Science Park Ltd particularly Dr Sally Basker Chief Executive of Exeter Science Park Ltd, for their tenacity in obtaining these massive savings.


RESOLVED that Cabinet:

1.     reduces the grant funding to be invested in the Ada Lovelace Building from £1,110,000 to £660,000, and

2.     delegates authority to the Chief Executive to make payments in respect of the project, subject to the completion of appropriate legal documentation in consultation with the Strategic Lead Governance & Licencing.



Cabinet last received a paper on this project in January 2019, which sought funding for £1.11m of investment to support the delivery of a 20,000sq ft. building on Exeter Science Park. The Enterprise Zone investment was to support the site infrastructure required to unlock development and to fit out the internal space to Category A open plan standard. Substantial savings had been made through the construction process and approval was sought to vary the funding agreement to reflect these changes.


S106 and CIL Internal Audit Report pdf icon PDF 186 KB

South West Audit Partnership have undertaken an audit of the S106 and CIL system. The purpose of the audit was to ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place to manage the receipt and expenditure of S106 and CIL contributions.


The Service Lead Planning Strategy and Development Management informed members that South West Audit Partnership had undertaken an audit of the S106 and CIL system. The purpose of the audit was to ensure that appropriate arrangements were in place to manage the receipt and expenditure of S106 and CIL contributions. The audit was brought forward at the request of the Leader having originally been planned for quarter 4.


The report gave “limited assurance” noting that the S106 spend and collection work is not up to date due to the substantial work that has been involved in populating the Exacom system and the redeployment of officers into the community hub to help to support the community through the Covid-19 pandemic. The report noted that no monies have been lost or returned to developers as a result of this lack of resource but there are a significant number of outstanding actions required on the system.


There were two priority two recommendations relating to appointing additional temporary staff resource to help get the system up to date and the updating of guidance on the participatory budgeting process. A further two priority three recommendations were made in relation to the introduction of the public facing Exacom module and the use of Exacom for recovering outstanding payments. Officers acknowledge the findings of the audit and were committed to addressing the identified issues as a priority.



1.     That Members note the attached internal audit report and that it would be reported to Audit and Governance Committee at their meeting on the 28 January 2021 and then to Strategic Planning Committee for them to consider.

2.     That temporary staff resource be employed at the earliest opportunity.



To make Members aware of the findings of the S106 and CIL Audit and the actions that were being taken to consider and respond to the findings.


Financial Monitoring Report 2020/21 - Month 8 November 2020 pdf icon PDF 336 KB

This report gives a summary of the Council’s overall financial position for 2020/21 at the end of month eight (30 November 2020).


The Finance Manager gave a summary of the Council’s overall financial position for 2020/21 at the end of month eight (30 November 2020).


Current monitoring indicated that:

1.     The General Fund Balance was being maintained at or above the adopted level.


A significant overspend against budget was predicted from a combination of additional expenditure and reduced income as result of Covid-19. This overspend was being mitigated through additional Government Funding, including the recently announced income guarantee scheme, the healthy financial position of the General Fund Balance as a result of 2019/20 Outturn position and steps taken by services. The shortfall would be covered by use of the General Fund Balance as previously agreed which left the balance within the adopted range.


2.     The Housing Revenue Account Balance was being maintained at or above the adopted level.



The variances identified as part of the Revenue and Capital Monitoring process up to

Month 8 be acknowledged.



The report updated Members on the overall financial position of the Authority at set periods and included recommendations where corrective action was required for the remainder of the financial year.


Annual Treasury Management Review 2019/20 - 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 pdf icon PDF 270 KB

This report details the overall position and performance of the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy during 2019/20.



The Finance Manager detailed the overall position and performance of the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy during 2019/20.



Cabinet was requested to review and note the investment values and performance for the year to 31 March 2020.



The Council was required by regulations issued under the Local Government Act 2003 and the Code of Practice on Treasury Management in Public Services published by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accounting (CIPFA) to produce an annual review of its treasury management activities and performance.


Proposed Deed of Variation to Lease of Units 3 & 4 Salterton Road, Industrial Estate, Exmouth pdf icon PDF 360 KB

To consider an application for a Deed of Variation to a long ground lease of Units 3 & 4 Salterton Road Industrial Estate, Exmouth and approve terms and conditions provisionally agreed with the lessee on behalf of the Council in respect of this matter.


The Service Lead Place, Assets & Commercialisation requested consideration to an application for a Deed of Variation to a long ground lease of Units 3 & 4 Salterton Road Industrial Estate, Exmouth and approve terms and conditions provisionally agreed with the lessee on behalf of the Council in respect of this matter.


RESOLVED that Cabinet:

enter into a Deed of Variation on the provisionally agreed terms and conditions set out in the body of the report with delegated authority being granted to Service Lead Place, Asset and Commercialisation in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, Economy and Assets to agree the specific terms.



The completion of a Deed of Variation on the terms and conditions set out in the report would assist the Council in obtaining a more favourable rent increase at the remaining review dates and provide greater certainty in the recovery of contributions towards the maintenance of the estate service road.


Resource and Waste Management Strategy for Devon and Torbay pdf icon PDF 201 KB

This report outlines the new draft Resource and Waste Management Strategy for Devon and Torbay. It describes how the Devon local authorities and Torbay will manage Local Authority Collected Waste (household waste, litter, fly-tipped, street sweepings and some trade) from 2020-2030.


The report from the Recycling & Waste Contracts Manager outlined the new draft Resource and Waste Management Strategy for Devon and Torbay. It described how the Devon local authorities and Torbay would manage Local Authority Collected Waste (household waste, litter, fly-tipped, street sweepings and some trade) from 2020-2030. The delivery of this Strategy would be overseen by the Devon Authorities Strategic Waste Committee (DASWC). Torbay were party to the Strategy but as a Unitary Authority, also had their own.


Following its approval at the DASWC meeting on 15 October 2020, the draft Strategy required the approval of the individual local authorities for proceeding to public consultation. After the public consultation and further scrutiny by the DASWC, the final Strategy would be brought back for endorsement by the relevant individual authorities. It would then be presented to Devon County Council for final adoption.



that the draft Resource and Waste Management Strategy for Devon and Torbay for public consultation be approved.



Approval would allow a full public consultation to take place.