Issue - decisions

Clarification regarding the recommendations in the 2022-23 Annual Business Plan

11/11/2022 - Clarification regarding the recommendations in the 2022-23 Annual Business Plan

Comments from the committee included:

·         Clarification on the stakeholders who would be consulted on the Personal Aircraft Code – in response, a number of organisations were being identified by the officer working group to cover as wide a range as possible, including drone users. There was an expectation that, through consulting those groups, other niche groups would be identified, and the code promoted to them;

·         The individual councils had their own work streams relating to drone policies for flying over authority owned land;

·         Government guidance on this area was still awaited, and would be taken into account once known;

·         The rationale for option one was agreed as the best option to undertake.


The clarification on the car park expenditure, taken in conjunction with the presentation on works under minute 107, was accepted by the Committee.


Cllr Wrigley, raised the outstanding element of resolution 3 of minute 94 of the previous meeting held on 17 May 2022 in regard to the Dawlish Warren BMP.  He considered the best approach was for the committee to provide input into the current work of the Environment Agency in revising the Dawlish Warren BMP, because of the significant impact that would have on the areas.  He was concerned that waiting until the EA had made a final decision was too late, leaving the only option to mitigate against the impact of their decision.


The Chair and Cllr Sutton fully understood the level of concern, but the remit of the committee did not provide them with any opportunity to comment at this stage, until the EA had provided their full findings from their review.  The Principal Projects Manager confirmed that officers were in dialogue with the EA, but could not prepare a report to bring to the committee until the review findings were made available to them, and analysis was made to determine what mitigation was required.  This would then be brought to the committee to agree adjustments to the measures in the Annual Business Plan. At that time, there was not sufficient information to report to the committee.  The committee role relates to habitat mitigation, not commenting on the work that the EA is planning to undertake.


Each authority in their own right had the opportunity to engage with the EA to voice their concerns.  The Chair briefly outlined discussion already ongoing in relation to Exmouth, Lympstone and Exton in that regard.


RESOLVED that the Executive Committee

1.    agree to option 1, cost estimate £1,534 for promotion of the Exe Water User’s Code by means of focused consultation with specific stakeholders and affected groups;

2.    approve funding for Phase 3 of the Pebblebed Heaths visitor access improvements at an estimated cost of £175,859.