Agenda item

Section 106 Funding and CIL Update


Members noted that the report was designed to provide an update on progress with changes to the systems and processes regarding the collection and spend of monies secured through Section 106 agreements and CIL. The report related to both the Council response to the Finance audit of these issues published in 2016 and also concerns previously pressed by Members.


Ed Freeman, Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management reported that the reason for the recommendations was to enable the completion of the project to provide a new fit for purpose system for monitoring the collection and spend of Section 106 and CIL monies.


It was noted that the majority of monies collected through Section 106 agreements were for open space and play. The Council would occasionally collect monies for other matters and it would depend on what it was as to how spend was determined. For example if it is a contribution for affordable housing then we would engage with housing to determine how that was spent. The only case that he was aware of a tourism contribution being collected was the Fortfield Hotel in Sidmouth where in the spirit of participatory budgeting the Council were engaging with the Town Council and awaiting their proposals for engaging with the community and local businesses over spend. In principle where appropriate we would look to engage with the local community.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·       Getting the database completed and launched was important to allow Councillors to understand the information and database. It was hoped that this would be available in the New Year.

·       Need for users to have confidence in the system for monitoring 106 and CIL monies.

·       The data was constantly evolving and changing.

·       Need to provide training sessions for town/parish councils on the new system.

·       Concern that the new information system for S106 and CIL should have been done sooner. The depth of information available was important.

·        Will Councillors receive regular emails on the progress of S106 and CIL? Ed Freeman agreed to check the functionality of the new system to ensure that this was available.

·       We were ahead of the game compared to other local authorities. The new system was ‘state of the art’ and not currently available within Exeter City or Teignbridge. A lot of resources had been put into the new system of information provision. The previous system used was a system of spreadsheets.

·       Have previously tried to find out information on S106 in Exmouth and found it difficult. Hope that information would be logged. Ed Freeman confirmed that the system would be well monitored.

·       Is there a policy for deciding how s106 money is allocated to proposed projects? Who are the decision makers?

·       Previous issues with lack of staffing.

·       S106 and CIL was an extremely involved and complicated area of work.

·       Hope that the new system would provide greater transparency.


RESOLVED: 1. that the progress that has been made available to support the implementation of the new system for monitoring Section 106 and CIL monies be acknowledged.

                      2. that STRATA will be asked to progress implementation of the public portal into the Exacom system to permit public access to the data held as a matter of urgency once officers are satisfied that the data held is complete and accurate and Ed Freeman – Service Lead – Planning Strategy and Development Management be requested to provide a progress report for the February meeting..

                        3. that the Overview Committee be requested to review the process of defining the process for funding and also the responsibility for decision making.

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