Committee details

Strategic Planning Committee

Purpose of committee

The terms of remit of the Strategic Planning Committee are:

To consider and recommend:

·        the Local Development Scheme, Statement of Community Involvement and Annual Monitoring Report to Council;

·        Development Plan Documents to Council for submission for examination and subsequent adoption;

·        Local Development Documents (including Supplementary Planning Documents) which are not Development Plan Documents to Cabinet for adoption;

To authorise public consultations with regard to planning policy documentation including Development Plan Documents and Supplementary Planning Documents

To consider (when appropriate) and advise Cabinet on Neighbourhood Planning matters

To consider and adopt any planning policy related document (including evidence and strategy documentation) that is not a Local Development Document  

To receive reports on planning policy related matters including 5 year land supply, consultations from government, neighbouring authorities and Devon County Council on their planning policies and to approve the Council’s response where appropriate

To consider and advise Council on matters relating to the Community Infrastructure Levy

To provide advice to the Development Management Committee on the interpretation of the policies of the Development Plan if requested to do so by either officers or the Development Management Committee.

To designate conservation areas and to agree extensions and alterations to the boundaries of conservation areas.

The determination of planning applications is carried out by the Planning Committee.



Contact information

Support officer: Wendy Harris. 01395 517542; email

Phone: 01395 517542
