Agenda item


Goodmores Farm, Hulham Road, Exmouth, EX8 5BA.



Joanna Fowler (Eagle Investments Ltd.)



Goodmores Farm, Hulham Road, Exmouth, EX8 5BA.



Reserved matters application (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to outline planning permission 14/0330/MOUT for 303 residential units including 16 affordable units, associated roads, open space (formal and informal) and an attenuation basin.  The provision of serviced land for mixed-use employment/commercial users and land for the provision of a primary school.



Approved as per officer recommendation but with following additional and amended conditions:


Additional conditions 7 and 8:


With the exception of works to form the creation of the accesses into the site, no site works shall commence until an ecological impact and mitigation assessment (EIA) has been submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The assessment shall include measures for safeguarding wildlife during construction in accordance with the EIA and the monitoring and reporting arrangements for this.  Thereafter the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

(Reason: In the interests of the protection of wildlife on the site in accordance with Policy EN5 – Wildlife Habitats and Features of the adopted East Devon Local Plan.)


With the exception of works to form the creation of the accesses into the site, and notwithstanding the submitted landscaping details herby approved, no site works shall commence until the following have been submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:


i)          detailed hard landscape proposals have been submitted and approved to include details of individual plot boundaries, pavings, surfacings and edgings, walls, retaining structures and site furniture.

ii)         detailed levels plans and minimum of 2 sections provided (existing and proposed) to include details of embankments and any retaining structures and means of enclosure to the SUDs features.

iii)        landscape strategy and design code

iv)        detailed planting plans


(Reason: In the interests of amenity and to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the area in accordance with Strategy 3 (Sustainable Development), Strategy 4 (Balanced Communities), Strategy 5 (Environment), Strategy 43 (Open Space Standards), Policy D1 (Design and Local Distinctiveness) and Policy D2 (Landscape Requirements) of the East Devon Local Plan.)


 Amended conditions 3 and 6 to read:


3.       Prior to the football pitch being brought into use    details including design, sections, earthworks, height, materials and a maintenance schedule for ball stop fencing around the football pitch, together with any lighting design shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

(Reason: To ensure the fencing is suitable given the proximity to highways and third party properties in accordance with Policy D1 (Design and Local Distinctiveness) of the East Devon Local Plan.)


6.       Prior to occupation of the first dwelling on site a detailed Landscape and Ecology Management Plan (LEMP) for a minimum period of 25 years shall be submitted and should include the following details:

·      Aims and objectives of the management plan;

·      Extent, ownership and responsibilities for management and maintenance;

·      Details of how the management and maintenance of open space will be funded for the life of the development;

·      Details of bat and bird boxes to the dwelling;

·      Inspection and reporting arrangements for existing and proposed trees and hedgerows and monitoring of bio-diversity net-gain;

·      Management and maintenance of trees and hedgerow;

·      Management and maintenance of shrub, herbaceous and grass areas.

·      Management of ecological habitat, maintenance of any ecological mitigation measures and further measures for enhancement of biodiversity value;

·      Management and maintenance of any boundary structures, drainage swales and other infrastructure/ facilities within public areas.


Maintenance shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plan.


(Reason - In the interests of the protection of wildlife on the site and to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the area in accordance with Strategy 3 (Sustainable Development), Strategy 4 (Balanced Communities), Strategy 5 (Environment), Strategy 43 (Open Space Standards), Policy EN5 (Wildlife Habitats and Features), Policy D1 (Design and Local Distinctiveness) and Policy D2 (Landscape Requirements) of the East Devon Local Plan.)

Supporting documents: