Agenda item

Overview Forward Plan


The Chairman drew Members attention to the next meeting of the Committee which would be a Joint meeting with the Scrutiny Committee focussing on the Service Plans and Budget for the next financial year.

On 30 January, Committee would consider the report of the House of Lords Select Committee on Regeneration of Seaside Towns if it was published.

On 27 February, it would discuss governance arrangements.

Cllr Loudoun said that Members had agreed to put the Drone Policy on the agenda for the next meeting, but suggested that the Public Toilet Review could wait until March.


The forward plan for the committee was noted.
























Proposal received from Councillor Allen for Overview Committee on 14 November 2019               


That Cabinet;

1. Consider funding the creation of an East Devon Poverty Strategy to further develop and target the areas identified within this report that we are able to influence and to support a corporate approach to ensure consistency across Council Services.

2. Carry out a review of the funding and delivery arrangements for Money Advice to ensure that we’re focussing on the key issues identified in the report.

3. Recommend that Council protect the existing funding levels contributed for Money Advice to Homemaker South West and Citizens of circa £120,000 for 2020/21 to enable the review (Recommendation 2) to be undertaken.

4. Update Corporate Debt Policy to include; Breathing Space in-line with proposed Government changes & to consider any other supportive measures that may be beneficial.

 5. Agree to the Council’s frontline services, in collaboration, setting up a series of local events across the District with key stakeholders that focus on Universal Credit, Money/Debt advice (including how to avoid Loan sharks), budgeting, fuel poverty, etc  with the over- arching aim of supporting people to become more financially resilient.

6. Consider lobbying central Government directly and/or through our MPs in the following areas;

· Right to Buy

· Removing the freeze on Local Housing Allowance Rates in order to be reassessed to reflect market rents.

 · Universal Credit – More financial support to be given to customers to help with the transition. More funding to be given to local Councils to reflect the support that customers need with moving onto this Benefit.

7. Continue to explore opportunities to increase our supply of social housing through either redevelopment of existing stock and/or building new Council Housing, in conjunction with a review of the current Housing Revenue Account business plan.

8. Agree to the Council working alongside East Devon foodbanks to better understand demand and eradicate dependency.

9. Undertake a detailed analysis of fuel poverty in the district with a view to supporting residents in fuel and water poverty to reduce their energy and water bills by providing advice to residents on the availability of the benefits of achieving financial savings through installing energy and water efficiency measures, switching to cheaper energy tariffs, and installing water meters. Develop a separate action plan to Partnering with utilities providers (experience shows home visits have proved to be the most effective method of engaging residents who are in fuel poverty)

10 Work with HOTSW Carers Hub and Careers SW to develop:

  • Improved adult skills training,
  • careers counselling  to raise young people’s awareness of the employment opportunities with local employers and deliver additional apprenticeships in the growth sectors in the Exeter and Heart of Devon economy.         
  • Consider funding a learning and development service at Exmouth and Honiton and appointing an employment advisor with HOTSW/ LABGI joint funds, to support 45+ older residents into employment, further education or training, and voluntary placements or work experience.


11. Work with JobCentre Plus to relieve initial burden of Childcare for 3-6 months with single parents or returners to work with A levels using Flexible Support Fund

12. Learn from organisations such as “Business against Poverty” to mobilise Business actions against poverty in East Devon

13 Promote actions to increase hours worked by part-time workers on benefits

14. Promote the Living Wage to East Devon Employers by developing an accreditation by EDDC so that they become accredited as “Living Wage employers” 

15. Work with Private Rented Sector to improve duration of tenure for reliable tenants and EDDC to enhance checks on quality and suitability of homes

16. Target the 7 Wards in highest need which are in the top 10% of deprivation nationally

17. Use Disabled Facilities Grants to improve homes where disabled tenants require action

18 Continue to develop Homelessness strategy in terms of Rapid Rehousing and Rough Sleepers with 5 year Funding in the Council’s MTFS

19. Sustain funding to Young Devon (£20k) and Citizens Advice Bureau.

20. Review Money advice services to over-indebted 18+ aged people including retired residents

21. Consider developing a “Lifebelt” scheme using small loans for those in immediate risk of losing a home. The funding to come from New Homes Bonus supplemented by Crowdfunding










Supporting documents: