This report sets out recommendations in respect of potential development sites coming to Committee in the Summer of 2024.
The report presented to the committee provided details of the process for reviewing the selection of housing allocations sites that would go forward into the Local Plan and sought Members agreement for this work to commence to allow future work to progress.
The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management referred to Section 2 of the report and sought Members views on the proposed stepped approach. He advised that the member working party, with invitations extending to all relevant ward members that fall within the boundary, would meet over a number of meetings to consider each town area-based report which would then be brought back to the Strategic Planning Committee for approval. The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management emphasised that at no point would any decisions be made outside of the Committee but that it would be an opportunity for sites to be discussed and issues debated and shared.
Members noted that an updated timetable would be brought back to Committee at the next meeting to allow discussions from this meeting to take place first.
The Chair emphasised two points to Members. The first being that Members were not to discuss individual site allocations but to focus their attention on the process itself and the second was to bear in mind that an alternative process could be considered by discussing all the housing allocation sites in formal committee rather than the member working party.
Questions and discussions from Members covered:
Ø Clarification was sought on when the water cycle study will be ready as it keeps getting delayed. It was advised that a date had been set in June but this has been postponed until after the General Election.
Ø A concern was raised about public perception to the member working party being discussed behind closed doors. The intention was to have discussions with officers and members to understand public concerns about particular sites and to share knowledge to make sure the assessment work is robust before final details are brought back to committee.
Ø Clarification was sought on the meaning of paragraph 3.1 Section 2. It was explained that when considering sites it is important to consider not just the constraints of that particular site but also how it would help to deliver the wider spatial strategy. For example, a site in a highly sustainable location at tier 1 or 2 in the settlement hierarchy may still be acceptable despite having significantly more site specific constraints than a site at a tier 4 settlement because of its more sustainable location.
Ø Clarity is needed to make sure everyone is clear what the roles are for the working party and Strategic Planning Committee. The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised that notes will be taken at the working party meetings and put in the public domain for transparency.
Ø Clarification was sought on the number of meetings needed. It was suggested between 7 – 8 half day meetings but these could be longer and more meetings needed.
Ø Councillors Ingham and Parr expressed their support for the meetings to be done within the Strategic Planning Committee as it was important to get this right. Some members were not in favour of this suggestion due to work commitments and other members raised concerns that discussing hundreds of sites within the committee would be unworkable.
Ø Clarification was sought on how many members were on the working party. The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised it was 6 Committee Members and the Leader.
Ø It was suggested to invite at least one town and parish council member to each relevant working party meeting.
That the work proposal and timetabling as set out in this report be endorsed with the addition to invite one representative from each town and parish council to the relevant working party meeting.
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