This report advises of the proposed upcoming and additional East Devon Local Plan consultation under Regulation 18 of the plan making regulations. It also provides a more general update on local plan work.
The report presented to the committee provided an update on the additional East Devon Local Plan consultation under Regulation 18 of the plan making regulations which would include the following subject matters for consideration:
Ø Designated Neighbourhood Area housing requirements
Ø Potential additional housing allocations sites
Ø Town centre retail boundaries
Ø Proposed employment sites for allocation
Ø Coastal Preservation Areas
The consultation would be undertaken online through the Commonplace software and would commence on or before Friday, 3 May 2024 for six weeks closing on Monday, 17 June 2024.
The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management did not provide an update on the Local Plan making timetable as Members felt, through discussion at the Local Plan Members Working Group, they wanted to see the site allocations brought forward to the summer and therefore there was a need to reconsider the timetable for the production of the plan. The updated timetable would now be brought back to the next committee meeting in May.
Discussions covered:
· Queried whether the National Landscape boundaries would be included in the map to help understand any overlapping. As National Landscape boundaries were set by government and Natural England there was no need to consult on these.
· Queried whether the Green Wedges and Coastal Preservation Area boundaries would be overlapped for clarity. These will both be shown together.
· Update requested on the Water Cycle Study. The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management acknowledged Members frustration and that he had been chasing this on a daily basis and was confident that Members would have it soon.
· Clarification was sought on the receipt of a report to address the resource implications for the Energy Policy that Members had supported. The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised that discussions had taken place and a report would be brought to committee soon.
· Queried whether the housing allocation for 1,000 homes at Mosshayne Lane, Broadclyst was in excess of the housing number that had been previously consulted on. Although the housing allocation was not in addition to the housing numbers it did allow some breathing room when considering site allocations.
· A concern was raised that Members had still not commented on some items from the last consultation that ended in January 2023. It had been envisaged that Members would consider this chapter by chapter but this has been superseded by the Regulation 18 consultation and the site allocations that have now been brought forward.
· Queried whether the quality of the map in the Regulation 18 consultation would be interactive so that the public could look at the Green Wedge boundaries in detail. It was acknowledged there had been issues with the previous consultation and Commonplace and that other routes were being considered to make the maps easier to use but at this stage due to time constraints pdf maps would be used.
· Clarification was sought on the aim of the consultation. The aim was to understand whether it was appropriate for housing sites and employment sites to be included or excluded in the Green Wedges.
· There is no Green Wedges proposed for Axminster and Honiton.
· It would be good if Members could have sight of the Regulation 18 consultation before it went live. The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management was happy for Members to see it and would make provision for some form of briefing before it went live.
1. To endorse the draft Local Plan proposed development sites to be shown on the Coastal Preservation Area consultation maps (assuming they are also shown on, and therefore to be consistent with, those on the Green Wedge and Clyst Valley Regional Park consultation maps).
2. That the consultation to be undertaken in accordance with the format set out in this report be agreed with delegated authority being given to the Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management to agree final content of paperwork and online content, to include minor text changes (from committee drafts) to ensure consistency of approach and correct any clear minor errors.
Supporting documents: