Agenda item

Key performance indicators and compliance, quarter 3 2023/24


The Housing Review Board were presented with the key performance indicator (KPI) dashboard and the compliance dashboard for quarter 3.  The Tenancy Services Manager and the Responsive Repairs and Voids Service Manager introduced themselves and gave a presentation which summarised the performance and actions being taken to improve performance where targets were not being achieved.


Performance targets were set annually, but this year the framework began part way through the year so targets were not set for all the indicators.  Figures were benchmarked against last financial years’ performance and HouseMark was used to benchmark performance and set targets for the KPIs against performance of other social housing landlords.


Performance in rent arrears continued to be good and quarter three remained within target and top quartile.  This was being achieved through a proactive approach to rent collection, ensuring early intervention when accounts fell into arrears and using all the appropriate tools available to stop situations worsening.


The number of voids continued to reduce month on month.  Void turn-around times were also starting to show improvement, with a clear downward trend across the reporting months.  There were 130 void dwellings at the end of quarter three (December 2023) compared to 168 in July 2023.  Work was still required to reduce average relet times, however it was noted that a lot of long term voids were being let, which had an impact on the performance data.  The Responsive Repairs and Voids Service Manager outlined to the Board actions that were being taken to ensure void property performance including the active involvement of tenants in the process, weekly contractor meetings and recruiting to a Void Manager post.


The Responsive Repairs and Voids Service Manager reported that repair jobs (both routine and emergency jobs) completed within target were improving.  There were combined measures across the two main contractors reflecting service improvements being made within the contractors’ operations and timely data being provided to EDDC by the contractors.  Actions being taken to ensure repairs performance were outlined to the Board.


The Tenancy Services Manager highlighted to the Board the ongoing work to improve performance in relation to complaint handling.  A new performance team had been established, with a Housing Performance Lead.  The process for complaints was being reviewed against the new Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code and a key focus of the new Housing Performance Lead would be taking learning from complaints and ensuring this shaped future service delivery.


The Board noted the compliance dashboard which covered eight key areas of regulation and legislation requirements:

  1. Asbestos
  2. Electrical systems
  3. Fire risk assessment
  4. Fire protection systems
  5. Gas safety
  6. Lifting equipment
  7. Smoke & Carbon monoxide alarms
  8. Water management

There were a large number of green areas showing in the report and the Tenancy Services Manager explained the areas in red and the work being done in relation to these areas.  It was also noted that the Planned Works and Compliance Service Manager post had been recruited in to.


Following the presentation a number of issues were raised by those present and the officers advised that they would and report on these and discuss individual issues outside of the meeting.  Better ways of reporting housing issues to ward councillors were being explored.  The Director for Housing, Health and Environment reassured the HRB that the housing team had gone through a lot of change in the last six months, but the service now had the right people in the right post and she was confident that things would improve going forward.


The Portfolio Holder, Sustainable Homes and Communities agreed that performance was moving in the right direction and positive improvements were being made.  The amount of work going on was commendable, with 75% of KPIs being in the green.  In response to a question it was noted the average re-let time (a property being ready to being occupied) was 23 days (down from 35).  In response to another question about the use of garages the Housing Strategy, Enabling and Project Manager reported that a housing delivery and investment plan was being developed to consider all housing assets.


RESOLVED:  that the Housing Review Board receives and notes performance at quarter three, 2023/24.



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