Agenda item

Designated Neighbourhood Area Housing Requirement in the new Local Plan


The Committee considered a full detailed technical report that set out two options for calculating the housing requirement figures for each designated neighbourhood area based on whether to include a windfall allowance or to not include a windfall allowance.


The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management referred to the summary table in Appendix 1 Figure 2 that gave an indication of the likely figures for each area but advised Members this would require updating before the publication of the draft Local Plan. 


He also referred to Appendix 2 which was a technical report that set out the context for the work which provided information on the policy position, lessons learned from other Local Plans which apply to East Devon and the assessments of each option.  This was accompanied by Appendix G a summary table of Designated Neighbourhood Area Housing Requirement areas that set out how the figures had been calculated and which sites had been included.


Discussion covered:

·       Members welcomed the detailed and informative report.

·       Clarification was sought on some sites that were very close to different towns and how this would determine which town these sites would fall under.  It was advised that the report had stated that the Designated Neighbourhood Areas would coincide with parish boundaries.

·       It is important to be clear in Appendix 1 that the figures proposed will not require any more sites to be designated within neighbourhood areas.

·       Clarification was sought whether the figures would change if planning permission was granted.

·       There is a need to consider Coastal Preservation Areas and only development in these areas if there is a specific reason.

·       Concerns were raised about some housing requirement figures in towns and villages.

·       Clarification was sought on whether Members would be required to make decisions about what areas would have housing.  The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management advised that Members were only required to agree the methodology today and the figures presented were merely illustrative figures to help understand how the methodology works.

·       Some concerns were raised that some communities will be swamped with houses.


Councillor Paul Hayward and Councillor Bethany Collins left the meeting during discussions.



1.          That the technical report (Appendix 2 of this report) be endorsed as evidence setting out the rationale for the selection of the reasonable alternatives and as the basis for the calculation of Designated Neighbourhood Area Housing Requirement figures in the emerging Local Plan.

2.          To note the calculations for Designated Neighbourhood Area housing requirement (Appendices F and G of the technical report), prepared in accordance with the methodology set out in the technical report.

3.          That the method selection for the calculation of Designated Neighbourhood Area housing requirement be agreed and can now be subject to public consultation.

4.          That the non-technical summary information (Appendix 1 of this report), including the summary table of housing requirements be agreed as the basis for the Spring 2024 public consultation, alongside the publication of the full detailed technical report with appendices as supporting information. 

5.           Delegated authority be given to the Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management in consultation with the Chair of Strategic Planning Committee for any minor/non-material amendments for the final release.

Supporting documents: