Agenda item

Gypsy and Traveller Site Provision

The report updates Members on work that is on-going to develop a strategy for delivering the necessary sites and pitches to meet identified needs for gypsy and traveller accommodation in the district.


The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management updated Members on work that was on-going to develop a strategy for delivering necessary sites to meet the needs for gypsy and travellers.


It was advised a number of attempts had been made to acquire suitable sites however it had become an ongoing challenge to find these suitable sites due to the lack of willingness from landowners to sell. 


A couple of opportunities had now been presented.  These options were:


Elbury Close, Broadclyst.

This site was currently leased from the National Trust to DCC.  It is in poor condition and in need of urgent repairs.  DCC would like EDDC to take on the lease arrangements which would provide an opportunity to explore expanding the site to provide additional pitches.



The adopted Cranbrook Plan DPD allocated land for a total of 15 permanent pitches across 2 sites. 


Members views were sought on the following 3 options for delivery:

1.          The developers market the pitches as serviced sites having first laid out the site as per the agreed and costed specification.

2.          The developers market the pitches without services and without first laying them out.

3.          The Council agrees to take the free transfer of all the pitches (as serviced land) and a financial contribution from the developers to enable their delivery.


The Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management also sought Members views on Baxters Farm, Musbury which is owned by DCC and had been identified as potential land for a gypsy and travellers site.  This was identified in a draft development brief but DCC would not want to accommodate provision on the site and have been looking at alternatives.  Members were advised that DCC were also mindful that there is an unauthorised encampment of travellers on DCC land within Shute Woods which is subject to an enforcement notice to remove the travellers from that site.  As a result there is some pressure on DCC to find a suitable site in the district.



1.     That the historic issues associated with gypsy and traveller site provision in the district be noted and the current position be noted.

2.     That the 3 options for the delivery of gypsy and traveller pitches as part of the Cranbrook expansion areas as set out at paragraph 3.11 be considered.

3.     That the emerging opportunity to work with Devon County Council to deliver a gypsy and traveller site in the east of the district in-lieu of provision of Baxters Farm, Musbury and to address the long running unauthorised encampment at Shute Woods be noted.



1.     That the Council agree in principle to taking over the lease arrangements for the Elbury Close site at Broadclyst and progress discussions with Devon County Council and the National Trust over these arrangements be agreed as well as to discuss the opportunities to continue the current management arrangements with Elim Housing.  A detailed proposal for the new lease and management arrangements to then be brought to Cabinet for Members consideration.

2.     That option 3 of paragraph 3.11 of the report be recommended as the preferred option.



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