Agenda item

Proposed response to Government consultation - Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: reforms to national planning policy


The Committee considered the Assistant Director Planning Strategy and Development Management’s report that sought agreement to how the council responds to the Government’s consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework. 


Key issues raised throughout the consultation that could have implications included:

·         Housing numbers and housing need.  Members noted that the Government consultation was not proposing to withdraw the standard method for calculating housing need;

·         Additional guidance to help authorities with an alternative method for assessing housing need where characteristics apply such as islands with a high percentage of elderly residents or university towns with a high percentage of students.  Members noted that the council’s response focused on environmental constraints such as the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty that should be taken into account when considering housing numbers;

·         The soundness for local plans and the need to remove the word ‘justified’ as a requirement.  Members noted it was difficult to understand the significance at this stage.

·         Five year housing land supply requirements.  Members noted that the consultation focussed on transitional requirements which could benefit this council to a reduced housing land supply to four years rather than five years;

·         To remove the duty to cooperate and be replaced with an alignment policy;

·         Measures to tackle slow build;

·         Measures to tackle climate change;

·         Supplementary planning documents to be replaced with supplementary plans which would carry the same weight as local plans;

·         National Development Management Policies to be set based on the additional National Planning Policy Framework guidance;

·         Neighbourhood plans to be protected for five years rather than the two years which would benefit this council with its five year land supply.


The following additional recommendation was proposed by Councillor Arnott and seconded by Councillor Rylance

“Officers continue with background technical work regarding the local plan but that no further discussions or decisions will be made with regards to sites or their allocations until the Government has delivered the finalised National Planning Policy Framework.”


Comments made during discussion included:

·         Reference was made to ‘islands of elderly residents’ and that the ONS data shows that some wards in East Devon have more that 30% over 75 years old

·         The need to focus on the lack of truly affordable housing as the affordable housing being delivered at present is not affordable.  The Assistant Director Planning Strategy and Development Management acknowledged this was a significant issue which was addressed in the proposed response to Q.22;

·         There is a need for a comprehensive report on what can be built and where-as a lot of East Devon is being destroyed by greenfield development.  The Assistant Director Planning Strategy and Development Management advised in his opinion there was not a significant amount of brownfield sites suitable for development as many had constraints;

·         Reassurance was sought on the current five year housing land supply under the Government’s proposal and what could be done now about next year’s five year housing land supply.  It was advised under the Government’s transitional arrangements the council would have a four year land supply but with projections declining it would be prudent to review applications in sustainable locations to bolster supply;

·         Clarification was sought about why developers were being allowed to build on existing sites with no provision of affordable housing.  Are we being forceful enough?  In response the Assistant Director Planning Strategy and Development Management advised that it was an uphill battle as Government guidance says that local authorities must be accommodating to enable development to come forward to help bolster supply;

·         Minor amendment to the wording on page 69 – Mission 11 – to read ‘designing out crime continues to be a key consideration in the determination of planning applications’;

·         A concern was raised about increased housing bringing issues with sewage and water and how the problems with South West Water must not be drawn out any longer than necessary;


With the agreement of the proposer and seconder of the recommendation it was suggested that the second recommendation should read as follows to reflect the concerns raised about sewage and water:

‘That Officers continue with the background technical work with regard to the Local Plan including discussions with consultees and other stakeholders and infrastructure providers in particular concerning water, sewerage and other environmental matters to enable those discussions with infrastructure providers and stakeholders to continue but that no further discussions or decisions will be made with regard to the sites or their allocation until the Government has delivered the finalised NPPF.’


Comments from Members on the proposed answers to the consultation questions included:

·         Q.28 – Is it a missed opportunity to not make a comment on bringing affordable housing on exception sites.  The Assistant Director Planning Strategy and Development Management was happy to incorporate an appropriate response in line with funding for CLTs;

·         Q.30 – A suggestion to include a comment about retrospective planning applications being abused by developers.  The Assistant Director Planning Strategy and Development Management shared the concerns and suggested adding a general comment along the lines that this should be avoided at all costs.



1.         Strategic Planning Committee agree that this Council respond to the Government consultation with the boxed text explicitly set out in this committee report together with additional wording to address the concerns regarding retrospective planning applications being delegated to the Assistant Director of Planning Strategy & Development Management in consultation with the Chair.

2.             That Officers continue with the background technical work with regard to the Local Plan including discussions with consultees and other stakeholders and infrastructure providers in particular concerning water, sewerage and other environmental matters to enable those discussions with infrastructure providers and stakeholders to continue but that no further discussions or decisions will be made with regard to the sites or their allocation until the Government has delivered the finalised NPPF.

Supporting documents: