Community Grant Panel Terms of Reference
Membership: 7 members (politically balanced) determined at Annual
Council Meetings (Quorum 4).
There will normally be at least two meetings
annually with meetings called on an “as and when
required” basis to deal with business.
The Community Grant Panel was set up by
Council at its meeting on 22nd May 2019.
Terms of Reference
1. The Lead Officer is the Community
Engagement and Funding Officer.
2. To determine any applications made for
grant funding under a scheme which Cabinet has determined shall be
dealt with by the Community Grant Panel (which includes those
decisions previously the responsibility of the Community Fund Panel
and New Homes Bonus Panel).
3. To make recommendations to Cabinet on the
allocation of grant funding which is not otherwise delegated to the
Community Grant Panel or to officers under the Scheme of
4. To receive information on the
administration and use of grants awarded by the Council.
5. To determine the criteria and / or rules
which a grant funding scheme shall follow where requested to do so
by Cabinet or to recommend to Cabinet the criteria and / or rules
which a grant funding scheme shall follow.