Venue: Council Chamber, Blackdown House, Honiton
Contact: Wendy Harris, Democratic Services Officer 01395 517542; email
Link: Planning Committee 26 March 2024 summary of decisions
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 162 KB Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 27 February 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the Planning Committee held on 27 February 2024 were confirmed as a true record. |
Declarations of interest Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Matters of urgency Information on matters of urgency is available online
Minutes: There were none. |
Confidential/exempt item(s) To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including press) have been excluded. There are no items that officers recommend should be dealt with in this way.
Minutes: There were none. |
Planning appeal statistics PDF 184 KB Update from the Development Manager
Minutes: The Committee noted the Development Manager’s report. The Development Manager drew Members attention to two appeals. The first related to an appeal that had been allowed for application 22/2030/FUL – Exmouth Beach Queens Drive, Exmouth. The Inspector determined that the construction of a single storey flexible office/community hub building would not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. The second related to application 23/0298/FUL – Greendale Farm Shop NHS Drive Through Vaccination Centre, Sidmouth Road, Farringdon. The Inspector had dismissed the appeal on accessibility and landscape reasons and because the NHS had not demonstrated an overriding need to be sited in this unsustainable location. |
23/2749/MFUL (Major) WOODBURY & LYMPSTONE PDF 600 KB NHS Vaccination Centre, Greendale Business Park, Woodbury Salterton, EX5 1EW. Minutes: Applicant: Mr Paul James.
Location: NHS Vaccination Centre, Greendale Business Park, Woodbury Salterton, EX5 1EW.
Proposal: Permanent use of the building and car park for Use Class E (e) medical and health facility and ancillary parking.
RESOLVED: Deferred for a site visit and to allow the applicant the opportunity to submit details relating to surface water management. |
24/0099/FUL (Minor) WOODBURY & LYMPSTONE PDF 393 KB Land adjacent Greendale Business Park, Greendale Business Park, Woodbury Salterton, EX5 1EW. Minutes: Applicant: F W S Carter & Sons
Location: Land adjacent Greendale Business Park, Greendale Business Park, Woodbury Salterton, EX5 1EW.
Proposal: Proposed 30 EV charging points and battery farm (enclosed within a building – part retrospective) with associated parking spaces, internal road network/hardstanding and access and egress onto the Greendale Business Park Private Road Network.
22/1478/FUL (Minor) SEATON PDF 513 KB Axe Valley Mini Travel, 26 Harbour Road, Seaton, EX12 2NA. Minutes: Councillor Simon Smith joined the meeting during the officer presentation and did not take part in the discussions or vote.
Applicant: Mr T Sidhu.
Location: Axe Valley Mini Travel, 26 Harbour Road, Seaton, EX12 2NA.
Proposal: Demolition of existing STC store and bus garage on site to be replaced by seven residential units, 198 sqm of commercial floorspace (Use Class E) and landscaped gardens and private parking.
RESOLVED: Deferred to allow the applicant the opportunity to submit a revised Flood Risk Assessment addressing the Sequential Test and Exception Test and to provide a Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan. |
23/0174/FUL (Minor) NEWBRIDGES PDF 667 KB Sunnylands, Dalwood, EX13 7EA. Minutes: Councillor Alasdair Bruce joined the meeting during the discussions and did not take part in the discussions or vote.
Applicant: Mr A Frankpitt.
Location: Sunnylands, Dalwood, EX13 7EA.
Proposal: Proposed replacement agricultural dwelling, including demolition of the existing dwelling and garage.
RESOLVED: 1. To adopt the Beer Quarry and Caves SAC Appropriate Assessment. 2. To adopt the River Axe SAC Appropriate Assessment. 3. Approved contrary to officer recommendation with delegated authority to the Development Manager in consultation with the Chair and Ward Member to draft appropriate planning conditions subject to the following additional conditions: Ø to include woodland planting within the southern part of the site to mitigate the loss of tree planting to screen the poultry sheds. Ø The existing dwelling to be demolished prior to occupation of new dwelling.
Members considered the proposed agricultural dwelling was of a good quality design and sympathetic to the Blackdown Hills National Landscape. |
24/0392/FUL (Minor) OTTERY ST MARY PDF 432 KB 34 Raleigh Road, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1TG. Minutes: Applicant: Mrs Chantelle Osborn.
Location: 34 Raleigh Road, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1TG.
Proposal: Demolition of two outbuildings to be replaced with two bed detached chalet bungalows (re-submission of 23/2485/FUL)
RESOLVED: Approved contrary to officer recommendation with delegated authority to the Development Manager in consultation with the Chair and Ward Members to draft appropriate planning conditions.
Members considered that the proposal to erect the detached dwelling involving sub-division of the plot would not give rise to a cramped, incongruous and contrived form of development that would detract from the surrounding development or impact negatively on the living conditions of the occupiers of the development or the host property. |
22/1873/FUL & 22/1874/LBC (Minor) EXMOUTH BRIXINGTON PDF 630 KB Knappe Cross Nursing Home, Brixington Lane, Exmouth. Minutes: Applicant: Halcyon Care Limited (Mr Pradham).
Location: Knappe Cross Nursing Home, Brixington Lane, Exmouth, EX8 5DL.
Proposal: Single storey rear extension for eight bedrooms.
RESOLVED: Approved with conditions as per officer recommendation with an amendment to conditions to require details of the maintenance of the sedum roof. |
23/2536/FUL (Minor) HONITON ST PAULS PDF 437 KB Toilets, Lace Walk, Honiton. Minutes: Applicant: Mr Jorge Pineda-Langford (EDDC)
Location: Toilets, Lace Walk, Honiton
Proposal: Demolish existing public toilets and replace with a new public toilet building.
RESOLVED: Approved with conditions as per officer recommendation with an informative encouraging the provision of CCTV. |
23/2626/FUL (Minor) BUDLEIGH & RALEIGH PDF 260 KB Toilets, Salting Hill, Budleigh Salterton, EX9 6NU. Minutes: Applicant: Mr Jorge Pineda-Langford (EDDC)
Location: Toilets, Salting Hill, Budleigh Salterton, EX9 6NU.
Proposal: Demolish existing public toilets and replace with a new public toilet building.
RESOLVED: Approved with conditions as per officer recommendation. |