Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 31st January, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Blackdown House, Honiton

Contact: Wendy Harris, Democratic Services Officer  01395 517542; email

Link: Planning Committee 31 January 2023 plans and photographs


No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 165 KB

Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 20 December 2022.


The minutes of the Planning Committee held on 20 December 2022 were confirmed as a true record.


Declarations of interest

Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest



Minute 87. 21/1546/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH LITTLEHAM.

Councillor Steve Gazzard, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Exmouth Town Councillor.


Minute 87. 21/1546/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH LITTLEHAM.

In accordance with the code of good practice for Councillor and Officers dealing with planning matters as set out in the constitution Councillor Bruce De Saram advised of lobbying in respect of this planning application.


Minute 88. 21/3235/MFUL (Major) BROADCLYST

In accordance with the code of good practice for Councillor and Officers dealing with planning matters as set out in the constitution Councillor Eileen Wragg advised of lobbying in respect of this planning application.


Minute 92. 22/2030/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH LITTLEHAM.

Councillor Steve Gazzard, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Exmouth Town Councillor.


Minute 92. 22/2030/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH LITTLEHAM.

In accordance with the code of good practice for Councillor and Officers dealing with planning matters as set out in the constitution Councillors Eileen Wragg and Geoff Pratt advised of lobbying in respect of this planning application.


Minute 93. 22/1322/MOUT (Major) FENITON

In accordance with the code of good practice for Councillor and Officers dealing with planning matters as set out in the constitution it was advised all Committee Members had been lobbied in respect of this planning application.


Minute 94. 22/1622/FUL (Minor) FENITON.

Councillor Philip Skinner, Directly relates Non-registerable Interest, Partner's business looks after adult social care.


Minute 95. 22/1386/OUT (Minor) SEATON.

Councillor Geoff Pook, Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, Pecuniary interest in the property.



Planning appeal statistics pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Update from the Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management.



The Committee noted the planning appeals statistics report setting out nine appeal decision notices, seven dismissed and two allowed which continued to demonstrate the council’s good appeals record.


Members’ attention was drawn to the two appeals allowed.  The first related to application 21/2781/FUL – Sceat Cottage, Colyton for a change of use from holiday cottage to unrestricted residential dwelling.  The Inspector determined that as there was no substantial difference in sustainability terms between a residential dwelling to a holiday cottage there was no reason to not allow the appeal.  The Assistant Director Planning Strategy and Development Management highlighted to Members that this was the second appeal on this issue that the Inspectorate had allowed in recent months and suggested that the council’s approach to holiday lets should be more open when considering  them close to settlements with a good range of services.


The second appeal allowed related to application 21/0293/TRE – 22 Highbury Park, Exmouth for the felling of a lime tree.  The Inspector determined that although there was some amenity value to the tree, the reasons for felling together with the benefits of planting a replacement tree in a more prominent location outweighed the harm caused by the felling.


Following a question raised by Councillor Bruce De Saram in which he referred to an upcoming application and whether there was a precedence for development in the Built up Area Boundary for Exmouth for future development sites, the Assistant Director Planning Strategy and Development Management advised he had no concerns as each site was different.


21/1546/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH LITTLEHAM pdf icon PDF 347 KB

British Red Cross Society, South Street, Exmouth, EX8 2SA.



Mr Loveridge



British Red Cross Society, South Street, Exmouth, EX8 2SA.



Erection of a three storey building to include 4 X 2 bed flats, office suite and 2 x front dormers with associated parking and amenity space including demolition of existing hall.



Refused as per officers recommendation with an amendment to Reason 2 as follows:

“The proposed development by reason of scale, bulk, form and proximity to the boundaries of the site would be visually intrusive and overbearing, resulting in a loss of outlook and privacy to the occupiers of properties to the south west of the site ..


21/3235/MFUL (Major) BROADCLYST pdf icon PDF 603 KB

Land adjacent to Sandycote, Blackhorse, Honiton Road, Exeter.



Theo Gloyens



Land adjacent to Sandycote, Blackhorse, Honiton Road, Exeter, EX5 2FT.



Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and construction of 44 dwellings (22 affordable), means of access and associated works.



1.    The Appropriate Assessment be adopted.

2.    Approved subject to a Section 106 agreement to secure the heads of terms in the agenda save for the Habitat Mitigation contribution to be amended to £367.62 per dwelling and the NHS contribution to be amended to £26,555.


21/3148/MOUT (Major) BROADCLYST pdf icon PDF 503 KB

Land to the east of Anning Road/Tithebarn Way, Redhayes, Exeter.



Mr P Withers



Land to the east of Anning Road/Tithebarn Way, Redhayes, Exeter.



Outline application for up to 6,000sqm GIA (6,350sqm GEA) of office development with associated infrastructure (all matters reserved except access).



Approved as per officers recommendation but with the final conditions to be delegated to the Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management in consultation with the Chair of Planning Committee and Ward Members acknowledging that these need to be amended to reflect the phasing of the development and for Condition 6 to be redrafted in light of the applicant not controlling all of the land needed to secure the pedestrian and cycle link to Blackhouse Lane.


22/1168/FUL (Minor) BROADCLYST pdf icon PDF 501 KB

Barn at Ratclyffe Farm, Clyst Hydon, EX15 2NQ.



Roberta Gillam



Barn at Ratclyffe Farm, Clyst Hydon, EX15 2NQ.



Proposed demolition of existing barns and silo and construction of 5 dwellings, farm shop and associated operational development.



1.    The Appropriate Assessment be adopted.

2.    Approved as per officers recommendation.


22/2115/OUT (Minor) DUNKESWELL & OTTERHEAD pdf icon PDF 298 KB

The Store, Mill Lane, Awliscombe.



Mr & Mrs A Williams



The Store, Mill Lane, Awliscombe.



Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of a 2 bed bungalow and demolition of existing shed.



Approved as per officer recommendation but with an additional condition requiring that the approved dwelling and associated curtilage shall only be used for residential purposes.


22/2030/FUL (Minor) EXMOUTH LITTLEHAM pdf icon PDF 361 KB

Exmouth Beach, Queens Drive, Exmouth, EX8 2GD.



Alice Johnson (Queens Drive CIC)



Exmouth Beach, Queens Drive, Exmouth, EX8 2GD.



Construction of a single storey flexible office/community hub building, single storey side extension to existing bin store to provide 5 WCs and installation of 23 photovoltaic panels.



Refused contrary to officer recommendation.


Members considered that the proposal by virtue of its inappropriate design and siting on an open space would detract from the character of the area and would be detrimental to the openness and landscape qualities of the seafront contrary to Policies D1 and D2 of the Local Plan and EB2 of the Exmouth Neighbourhood Plan.


22/1322/MOUT (Major) FENITON pdf icon PDF 958 KB

Land at Hayne Farm, Hayne Lane, Gittisham, EX14 3PD.



Bakers Estates Ltd.



Land at Hayne Farm, Hayne Lane, Gittisham, EX14 3PD.



Demolition of existing farm buildings and redevelopment for up to 37 dwellings, formation of access, associated infrastructure and open space (outline application seeking approval of details of access only).



Approved as per officer recommendation but with the Heads of the terms of the Section 106 Agreement and conditions delegated to the Assistant Director – Planning Strategy and Development Management in consultation with the Chair and Ward Member to enable details of how viability will be reassessed to be agreed, together with the deletion of Condition 5 and the addition of an extra plan to the plan numbers listed.


22/1622/FUL (Minor) FENITON pdf icon PDF 366 KB

Kings Arms Farm, Nags Head Road, Gittisham, EX14 3AP.



Mr Mark & Mrs Lisa Clouter.



Kings Arms Farm, Nags Head Road, Gittisham, EX14 3AP.



Construction of a two storey 18 unit residential home for vulnerable people.



Refused as per officers recommendation.


22/1386/OUT (Minor) SEATON pdf icon PDF 457 KB

15 Townsend Road, Seaton, EX12 2AY.



Townsend Park Ltd.



15 Townsend Road, Seaton, EX12 2AY



Erection of five dwellings houses with garaging (demolition of existing dwelling house).  Provision of new vehicular access (closure of existing access).



Approved as per officers recommendation.