Venue: online via zoom
Contact: Debbie Meakin Email:
No. | Item |
Public Speaking Information on public speaking is available online
Minutes: Mr Shorthouse gave the following statement in relation to minute 66: “Our proposal to build a new Sports Pavilion in Branscombe will provide a much-needed smaller community facility within the Village. The Pavilion will be used regularly by Branscombe School as an additional classroom and will provide a community hub for a wide range of sporting and other groups, not just as a changing facility, but as a base for weekly meetings, club functions and social gatherings. The benefits of the social side of sport cannot be overlooked. Sport brings people with a common interest and passion together and provides a regular opportunity for the local community to get together. The heart of this project is therefore not the facilities that allow sport to happen, but the venue itself that allow participants to socialise on a weekly basis. In a community as dispersed as Branscombe, such a facility is much needed. Our planning application was submitted over 9 weeks ago. It is a matter of great frustration that the application was not submitted earlier and this was wholly down to the Architect who, it would appear, had taken on too many assignments. With only overwhelmingly positive comments received from the local community we are confident that planning will be approved. However, we fully understand that any assistance you could offer would be dependent on planning permission being granted. Following a number of additional donations, should this grant application be successful, all but £2,464 of the anticipated cost of the project has now been received. In order to ensure that the project is completed, a number of members of the Cricket Club Committee have, in writing, agreed to underwrite the remaining cost of the project. We remain however, highly dependent on this grant from the EDDC Community Buildings Fund to ensure this project can go ahead” |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 22 July 2021 PDF 159 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 22 July 2021 were recommended to senior officers for approval.
DECISION: The recommendation(s) was/were approved by a Senior Officer. The Senior Officer Decision Notice is listed above under Additional Documents. |
Declarations of Interest Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest
Minutes: Minute 65: Councillor Pook; personal interest; Application falls under ward of Beer and Branscome, of which the councillor is Ward Member. Minute 67: Councillor Parr; personal interest; Application falls under ward of Coly Valley, of which the councillor is Ward Member. |
Matters of urgency Information on matters of urgency is available online
Minutes: There were no matters of urgency. |
Confidential or exempt items To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including the press) have been excluded. There are no items which Officers recommend should be dealt with in this way.
Minutes: There were no confidential/exempt items. |
Branscombe Pavilion application PDF 2 MB Additional documents: Minutes: The Engagement & Funding Officer outlined the need to take into account the use of the pavilion building in terms of the award requested, and stressed that there was no planning permission in place for the improvements to the pavilion. She reminded the Panel that this was required. The Panel were informed by Mr Shorthouse that the funding shortfall that remained, as set out in the application, had now been covered.
Following discussion by the Panel, the application had support but at a lower level than that requested in the application. The Panel felt that the Parish Council should be approached for funding towards the project and suggested to the applicant that this should take place.
On a separate issue of the current criteria, the Panel requested a report to the next meeting, in order to debate the criteria in the context of how ancillary aspects of halls could be brought into account, such as an adjoining sports field as in this application, as an example.
RECOMMENDED to Senior Officers that the sum of £3,000 be made towards the project for Branscombe Pavilion from the Community Buildings Fund, subject to planning permission being in place.
DECISION: The recommendation(s) was/were approved by a Senior Officer. The Senior Officer Decision Notice is listed above under Additional Documents.
Lympstone Village Hall application PDF 1 MB Additional documents: Minutes: The Engagement & Funding Officer outlined the importance of the village hall to the local community as the main site for local use in that area. The application also had financial contributions from user groups.
The Panel were in support of the application.
RECOMMENDED to Senior Officers that the sum of £3,364 be made towards the Lympstone Village Hall project from the Community Buildings Fund.
DECISION: The recommendation(s) was/were approved by a Senior Officer. The Senior Officer Decision Notice is listed above under Additional Documents.
Northleigh Village Hall application PDF 2 MB Additional documents: Minutes: The Engagement & Funding Officer reminded the Panel that the village hall was the only community building in the parish and therefore important to the rural community there. The application also attracted a contribution from the parish council.
The Panel were in support of the application.
RECOMMENDED to Senior Officers that the sum of £2,590 be made towards the project for Northleigh Village Hall from the Community Buildings Fund.
DECISION: The recommendation(s) was/were approved by a Senior Officer. The Senior Officer Decision Notice is listed above under Additional Documents.
Offwell Sports and Social Club application PDF 2 MB Additional documents: Minutes: The Engagement & Funding Officer outlined the connection of the Club to the next door village hall, and how the building was used for smaller events. She recommended that, if the Panel were to support the application, a condition to have the new 50 year lease in place before the grant was made, should be included.
The Panel discussed concerns over the application, in particular that if the sum requested was supported, the hall contribution would be reduced accordingly. The need for improving the outside space offer was acknowledged, but the Panel felt that further work on the application was required before the Panel could consider recommending a sum from the Fund to support the application.
RECOMMENDED to Senior Officers that the application for Offwell Sports and Social Club from the Community Buildings Fund, be deferred, in order for the applicant to re-submit the application once the new 50 year lease was in place, and the application to the parish council for funding had reached a decision.
DECISION: The recommendation(s) was/were approved by a Senior Officer. The Senior Officer Decision Notice is listed above under Additional Documents.