Venue: Council Chamber, Blackdown House, Honiton
Contact: Sarah James 01395 519978 email
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 9 November 2023 PDF 353 KB Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 9 November 2023 were signed as a true and accurate record. |
Declarations of interest Guidance is available online to Councillors and co-opted members on making declarations of interest. Minutes: Minute 31. Beach Amenity Development Plan. Councillor Brian Bailey, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Member of Exmouth Town Council.
Minute 31. Beach Amenity Development Plan. Councillor Daniel Wilson, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Member of Exmouth Town Council.
Minute 31. Beach Amenity Development Plan. Councillor John Heath, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Member of Beer Parish Council.
Minute 31. Beach Amenity Development Plan. Councillor Tim Dumper, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Member of Exmouth Town Council.
Minute 32. Work Programme 2023-2024. Councillor Brian Bailey, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Member of Exmouth Town Council.
Minute 32. Work Programme 2023-2024. Councillor Daniel Wilson, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Member of Exmouth Town Council.
Minute 32. Work Programme 2023-2024. Councillor Jenny Brown, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Member of Honiton Town Council.
Minute 32. Work Programme 2023-2024. Councillor Tim Dumper, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Member of Exmouth Town Council.
Minute 32. Work Programme 2023-2024. Councillor Vicky Johns, Affects Non-registerable Interest, Member of Ottery St Mary Town Council.
Public Speaking Information on public speaking is available online. Minutes: No members of the public had registered to speak at the meeting. |
Matters of urgency Information on matters of urgency is available online. Minutes: There were no matters of urgency. |
Confidential/exempt item(s) To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including press) have been excluded. There are no items that officers recommend should be dealt with in this way. Minutes: There were no confidential/exempt items. |
Beach Amenity Development Plan PDF 215 KB To consider the report that is to go to Cabinet. Additional documents: Minutes: The Beach Safety Officer introduced this item and asked members to consider the Beach Amenity Development Plan (BADP) and make recommendations, before it is presented to Cabinet for approval.
The BADP is a missing piece in the Council’s adopted Greenspace Strategy. East Devon’s beaches are a core part of the district’s tourism offer and central to delivery of key parts of the Council Plan and the Climate Change Strategy. The BADP lays out an ambitious yet achievable vision of how this key resource will be managed in the next five years.
Discussion and clarification included the following points: · The Beach Amenity Development Plan addressed the amenity and beach users’ experience and was a separate document from the Beach Management Plan. · Concessions and activities on beaches are managed by the Estates team and not Streetscene. It was noted that more could be done to raise awareness and assist with the process of applying for a concession or activity on an EDDC managed beach. · With regard to pollution, it was noted that water quality was referred to in Principles 8 and 9 of the BADP. Although EDDC does not have primary control over pollution, there was a need for improved electronic signage to alert bathers all year round. The Beach Safety Officer advised that he would be investigating funding and trialling improved signage before taking this matter to Cabinet for approval. Any amendments to the BADP to strengthen EDDC’s stance on pollution would have to be referred back to the Executive and Senior Leadership Teams. · It was noted that acknowledging that EDDC worked collaboratively with partners with regard to beach amenity could be included in the Vision Statement. · The appointment of additional staff for the Beach Team was welcomed and it was noted that to have a sole Beach Safety Officer was a single point of failure. Funding for additional posts would be by way of council tax and business rates due to development and increased local business resilience. · With regard to beach matting, the Beach Safety Officer would be looking at grant funding for matting for Budleigh and Sidmouth. Other forms of funding for Exmouth would be considered in 2025.
RECOMMENDATIONS TO CABINET 1. That the Beach Amenity Development Plan be approved. 2. That consideration be given to improving the process for applying for concessions and activities on EDDC managed beaches.
Work Programme 2023-2024 PDF 380 KB i. To consider the resolution from Council on 6 December 2023 concerning Coach Tourism in East Devon. ii. To consider the Cabinet Forward Plan; would the Committee wish to receive a report on key decisions prior to Cabinet? Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. The Committee considered the resolution from Council on 6 December 2023 concerning Coach Tourism in East Devon and the accompanying report from the Democratic Services Manager.
Discussion included the following points: · There was a need for coach facilities and EDDC should work together with town and parish councils to promote the whole of the District. · There was also a need to work with existing tourism facilities and to work in co-operation with DCC Highways and all appropriate partners. · It was noted that some locations were more accessible than others and that smaller numbers of coaches would be appropriate for some locations such as Beer.
That the Committee wished to carry out further investigation and agreed to set up a Task and Finish Forum to undertake the work.
A detailed scoping document would be brought back to the Committee setting out the next steps including a timetable for the investigations to be conducted and a date for presenting the outcomes of the TaFF back to the Overview Committee.
2. The Committee considered the Cabinet Forward Plan and noted the Work Programme 2024.